↺ Enchantix ┊Application┊ Song Xiaodan ↻



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❝   Enchantix song xiaodan  













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` Basic Info 

Name: Xiaodan - Name used the most by LiHwa and other members Kat - Short and sweet name for her, as a shorterned version of her nickname Note: When she ever does something bad (rare however) Lihwa would scold her using her full name song xiaodan. //I researched for a perfect name! Song means pine tree(her fav tree) and Xiaodan means little dawn. (Her fav time of the day).

NicknameKitty Cat - Being the Clairvoyance's pet kitty, she's usually just called the 'kitty cat'; Angel - Since she looks innocent and acts utterly sweet, she's known as the little "angel" Xiao Xiao - The chinese nickname given to her, since she loves to smile a lot, she's called 'xiao xiao' for her constant smiles of brightness

Age: 14

Birthday: 10.01.1999

Bloodtype: O

Height + weight: 164 cm + 49 kg

Language/s: Chinese - Fluent; English - Semi-Fluent (Sometimes makes cheesy mistakes; Listens carefully to the rest of the Enchantix members and following LiHwa)


` Just A Pretty Face 

Ulzzang/ idol: NC.A (Im Soeun)

Gallery/ links: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Kitty photos: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (Blue eyes) Note: Her eyes tend to change color, due to her mood; Green - Happy/content Blue - Sad/Lonely Gray - Supicious (I included photos from when she was a kitten to when she grew a bit bigger...)

Back-up ulzzang/ idol: Kim Su Jung

Gallery/ links: GALLERY, 1(WAH LUV THIS PHOTO~)

Hairstyle - She generally likes having her hair down, but sometimes, LiHwa likes to braid her hair (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)





 ` What Made You Who You Are 

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Personality: She is a overly sweet, and considerate girl, especially to her members. But she is quite bi-polar for her different faces and personalities. Around LiHwa, she acts innocent and cluelessly adorable just like the playful, cute kitten she is. But sometimes, it almost seems as if she's sugarcoating every moment. Whenever she's around, she loves to be babied and scratched between her ears having all the attention on her. But around stranger or other people, she can act quite mysterious and sly. But yet, that's her mask to hide who she actually is. To be true, she is extremely sarcastic and blunt at times. However, she's very honest and curious, her curiosity making it her weakness. But with both personalities, she has a soft voice, still being warm-hearted making it easy for others to pull on her heartstrings. She is also calm and very observant, being able to sneak around. Overall, she is playful and caring, by yet deceiving. She holds the ones that she loves close, but can be cold to strangers. Being the trickster she is, don't be fooled by this wittyclever girl. (She can be a shadow, sneaking around unnoticed.)

Back-up personality: She is very gentle and kind, being extremely sweet and overprotective. Being the oldest of Enchantix, she is very creative, intelligent and responsible. Back up Face Claim: Ryn Back up Age: 22

Likes: Wandering around the Enchanted Forest, Chasing Butterflies, Reading books, Climbing/Hiding out in Trees, Skipping/Walking during dawn to watch the sunrise, Collecting Fireflies, Being rubbed between her ears and under her chin, Sleeping (a lot), Being babied, Smelling Flowers

Dislikes: Being bothered during her slumber, Having dirty fur, Messy rooms (She will tend to clean up messes if found), Being out in the sun for too long (She has pale skin, and will get a sunburn easily), Getting wet (especially in cat form, because she hates baths), Loud noises (Sensitive ears)

Habits: Cleaning/ her fur, Drumming her fingers on surfaces with she's nervous

Hobbies: Wandering/exploring the Enchanted Forest, Cleaning and her Fur, Collecting firefiles, Helping out LiHwa

Fears: N/A (She's really curious; weakness)

1.) LiHwa found her as a little kitten when she was 10, they had been together for almost 5 years.

2.) She tends to wake up early, so she can watch the sunrise.

3.) Loves to climb trees, so whenever the sunrise starts, she settles herself in her favorite tree to watch.

4.) Absolutely hates taking baths, so she'll try to avoid taking a bath as much as possible, but when forced too, LiHwa practically has to trick her everytime just to get her into the tub.

5.) Because of her pale skin -due too staying indoors all the time and sticking to the shadows- she gets sunburns every easily.

6.) She frowns upon messy rooms, when she finds anything on the ground or dirty, she immediately cleans it up.

7.) She's extremely curious, loving to exploring and finding/collect "lost things" -anything that she finds interesting. 

8.) Has a huge collection of "lost things" which are many strange yet interesting items she finds on the forest floor.

9.) Has a hideout in a small nook of one of her favorite trees. (Favorite tree is a pine tree, but she climbs mostly strong and sturdy ones.)

10.) Loves to slip in and out of the house at her own comfort.

11.) She loves to be stratched between the ears and under her chin. She will even use aegyo to get things she wants.

12.) Loves to drink milk instead of water anyday. 

13.) Her favorite season is autumn, when the leaves change to red and fall peacefully to the snow. 



 ` My Beloved 

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Love interest: N/A

Type: N/A

Relationship: N/A

Personality: N/A

How do you met him: N/A


Back-up love interest: Luhan

Type: Sweet, Cuddly, and Soft-hearted.

Relationship: Close Friends

Personality: He gives off his soft, and alluring aura. And yes, he is warm, kind, and sweet. As leader, he is always straight-forward and respectful, and can be extremely overprotective of his fellow friends. If there is ever a disruption or arguement in the group, he is always quick to stop the situation. Being really intelligent, sometimes the two like having "friendly" debates to see who can outsmart the other. 

How do you met him: She was a bit dazed, dozing off in her book when he happened to walk along. It was quite an interesting sight, seeing a sleeping girl, with her nose in a book, literally. With his merry laughter ringing in the air, music to her ears, she woke up, finding the cute boy before her. And quickly, the two were engaged in a long conversation of their favorite books and their intelligence.


Love rival: N/A

Type: N/A

Relationship: N/A

Personality: N/A

How do you met him: N/A


Back-up love rival: Lay

Type: True gentleman, Overly Sweet, Sensitive.

Relationship: Awkward Friends

Personality: He is the true gentleman, doing the smallest and sweetest acts of kindness (offering jacket, pulling out chair, opening the door, leacing flowers, etc.) . Sometimes those cute dimples are too cute to resist. The two like to have heart-to-heart talks at times, but most of the time their sentences will trail off to end with terribly awkward silence, with too many ums and uhs. But yet, he is very considerate and thoughtful, but sometimes forgetful and clumsy. His gentle nature is something to truly fall for. Literally.

How do you met him: She was shivering, as she watched the sunset into the cool night. Stumbling blindly around the forest, she had accidently ripped her thin jacket, making even colder. When finding him, he offered his jacket, seeing her trembling frame. And the two were engaged in an extremely awkward conversation. 


 ` And Who Do You Want To be?  

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Plotline: The Shapeshifter

Back-up plotline: Fairy of Music

Group: None (Just part of Enchantix; Clairvoyance's pet kitty)

Back-up group: Enchantix-K (Is that right? I dunno...)


 ` Questionaire 

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I hope that my application was relatively satisfactory! Also, could I be your co-author? That is, if you're still accepting :P I can help with layouts as well :D

Her other form: Panther (Tell me if this is kinda cliche or if I need to change it)

Photos: 1, 2, 3, 4


Scene suggestions:
- Kat wandering around the Enchanted Forest

- Watching the peaceful dawn

- Attempting to escape from yet another bath

Riddle - Who can jump higher than the Mount Everest?

Uh... It's either

1.) The cow.. (har har) since it jumped over the moon...

2.) Anyone, since the mountain can't jump, anyone can jump higher than Mount Everest.

3.) The person standing on top of Mount Everest, thus jumping higher than the mountain.

lol, I dunno, but I hope one of these answers were the correct one...


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