Adrenaline - Cutie Pie ★


Adrenaline (아드레날린)


This is your real self right now~

Username: -glimmeron

Activeness: 9

What name do you want me to call you by? Call me Sapphire <3





The Cutie Pie

Off the Clock~

Character Name: Crystal Zhu

Nicknames: Crystal, Diamond, and Sparkles~ DON'T FORGET CUTIE PIE~

Age: 17

Date of Birth: December 18, 1997

Place of Birth: Guangzhou, China

Hometown: Vancouver, Canada

Ethnicity: Chinese-Canadian

Languages: Chinese (Fluent), Korean (Semi-Fluent), Cantonese (Fluent), and English (Fluent)


You es b-e-a-youtiful~

Idol face claim: Baek Sumin 

Pictures: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5

Back-up idol face claim: BoA

Pictures: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5

Style: She loves wearing colorful clothing, just to match her mood. She prefers anything with lace or anything that's flowly, kewl, and has an intricate and interesting back style #, @, #, @. She loves pairing anything with skirts and layering her clothing. For her, sunglasses are a must when traveling, and she always has her favorite backpack with her(#). Some of her favorite accessories to wear, #, @ (Before she moved to Korea, her parents gave her this charm bracelet, which she wears, forever!) , #. She loves pairing anything with a long flowly scarf, just to style it up a bit (#). Flowy skirts (#, @, #, @, #)!


All about you~


Personality: She is a cheerful, happy-go-lucky, bubbly person. Even though she doesn't notice, she tends to have a TON of aegyo, and when I mean a ton, I mean A TON. But however, being the group's maknae she is the purest, and the most innocent one you'll ever meet. Constantly being clueless, and large-eyed with curiosity, she is the true cutie.

Also going with her name, Crystal, she is as pure as can be. Also, her members like calling her cutie pie, because she is so adorkable, no wait, adorable. She is quite mature, but she gets stressed easily from under pressure. She is very caring too, always putting people before herself. But sometimes, she may get a bit TOO chatty...


Past/Background: Crystal came from a family of 8, being the youngest out of her 5 siblings, she is treated like the baby of the family. And not to mention the baby of the group. She lived in Canada for all of her life, once traveling to China to visit her family there. 

Crystal had a love for dancing ever since she was a little kid. At the age 4, dancing in ballet. But it wasn't until she was 12 when she found a love for hip hop. Since then, she has been training her dance ability, and always stives for the best. She had auditioned for SM Entertainment in 2010, and as accepted as a trainee and trained for 2 years before she was transferred to TS Ent, where she trained for another year before debuting in Adrenaline. 

Since her parents were quite clingy to her baby, they were reluctant to let her go, but eventually they did, sending her to go with her oldest sister who decided to go to Korea to study korean. Crystal had however already learned korean while in school, both her and her sister loved kpop ever since.




-Trying something new

-Macbooks (Apple)

-New technology

-Eating dumplings and chow fun(mainly chinese food)

-Bubble Tea


-Scarfs and Daggle Bracelets

-Playing Chess or Checkers(since she loves to beat her friends)


-Dogs (mostly puppies) and any type of animal(excluding cats)



-Lollipops (When she was little, a lollipop got stuck in her hair, and ever since, she hated them. Just yuck, such a icky, sticky mess. *Shudders* Nope, Crystal doesn't like lollipops anymore)

-Enemies (She doesn't qute understand why people have to be so rude, it just isn't humane)

-History, (Yup, Crystal hated taking Human Geography)

-The color mustard yellow, (YUCK!)

-Rainy/Humid days

-Loud Noises

-Vacumning or cleaning up after others(unless if they are her close friends)

-Dust(she is allegric)

-Cats(she is allegric)



-Spiders (Creepy Crawlies!)

-Bowling Balls (She tends to be a clumsy person at times, once dropping one on her foot when she was 10, ouch, had crutches for weeks!)

-Losing any of her family members

-Messing up on Stage




-Writing in Diary

-Surfing the Web

-Playing around with her hair and changing her hair color

-Meeting up with her friends/talking on the phone

-Playing chess/checkers

-Doddling in her drawing pad

-Reorganizing her room/drawers over and over again when she is bored(while talking on the phone at the same time)

-Humming to herself



-Had taken Ballet for 8 years

-Trained in hip hop since she was 12 (5 years)

-Loves sports, and trying something new

-Full of aegyo

-Had an addiction to kpop since she was 9

-Called the special skills girl for her multiple talents and unqiue skills


Family is #1~

Father || Wei Zhu || 49 || Computer Engineer || Strict, Clever, Intricate || Very protective to his youngest daughter, close relationship

Mother || LiHua Lee || 48 || Dance Teacher || Loving, Caring, Sweet || Very close to her mother, gave her the charm bracelet @

Sister(Oldest) || Kristina Zhu || 24 || Korean/Chinese Translator || Sweet, Bright, Thoughtful || The closest sister to her, went to Korea with Crystal for her training

Brother(Second Oldest) || Brian "Brains" Zhu || 22 || Soccer Player ||Bratty, Clever, Althelic || Oldest Brother, he is just about to graduate from college, and has a degree in computer science, however his dream is to be a famous soccer player some day. Quite close to Crystal, and still manages to keep in touch.

Sister (Middle) || Angela Zhu || 20 || Works as a Computer Engineer Intern at Father's Work place || Sweet, Loving, Adorable || The second cloest sibling to her, she always has time to email and text Crystal whenever she has time.

Twin Brother || Chris Zhu || 17 || Works Part-time at a dance academy in Canada || Thoughtful, Witty, Shy || He is Crystal's twin brother, however, he's the oldest (By about a minute). Both Crystal and Chris love dancing, but Chris doesn't have plans to be a kpop idol, not... yet.


My friends are stupid...but I love em~

Best Friend: Kris || 23 || EXO || Childhood friends in Canada, mom's were close high school friends; He encouraged her to audition for SM

Friends: Zelo || 16 || BAP || Trainee Training at TS

Krystal || 19 || Fx || Trainee at SM

Amber || 21 || fx || Trainee at SM

Victoria || 26 || fx || Trainee at SM

Luhan || 23 || EXO || Trainee at SM


Go to hell. I don't like you~






Love Love Love~

Jimin || 17 || BTS

How you met? The two bump into each other on the streets of Seoul. To apologize, Jimin treated her to Bubble Tea, which she later found an addiction to. After that they made it a little treat, to just go to that same bubble tea shop and chat.

Personality: He is the true gentleman, always putting other before himself. He likes doing simple, small things to brighten up the day, such as bringing flowers, or a cute note. Most of the time he'll be seen opening the door for an elder, or pulling out a chair for her. But most of all, he loves to surprise her, most of the time jumping out from nowhere and scare her half to death. Le sighz, they're such a cute, dorky couple.

Relationship Status: Just friends, not until later they might announce a true girlfriend-boyfriend relationship.

Ship name: Jiwel


Back up love interest: Zelo || 16 || BAP

How you met? When training at TS, Crystal was practicing in the dance studio alone, just before BAP entered. She was so concentrated in midst of her dancing (popping) she didn't notice that everyone else was watching. However, Zelo was quite impressed and started to practice with her as well. Both having the love for dancing and of course, popping/freestyle.

Personality: Cute, adorkable and the joker. He loves to constantly crack jokes all the time, making the two laugh for EVER.

Relationship Status: Just friends.

Ship name: ZeWel they like to call it JELLO sometimes :D


Adrenaline Rush~

Stage Name: Jewel

Persona: Cutie Pie, Adorkable Baby, Triple Threat

Positions: Maknae and Co-Choreographer, not to forget, the SPECIAL SKILLZ~(Triple Threat)

Personal Fanclub Name: Gems, Diamonds

Personal Fanclub Color: Baby Blue and Lime Green

Vocal Twin: Eunji APink 

Rap Twin: Hyoyeon SNSD (Ex: MAXSTEP)

Dance Twin: BoA (Ex: Eat you Up or Only One) (Here's a pre-debut video that you can use for when she's revealed! CLICKIE! ) ((This is actually a cover of me dancing, but we can just pretend it's Jewel for now!))


Trainee years: 2 years of training at SM Entertainment, before she transferred to TS Entertainment for another year of training.



Did I miss anything?






Song Suggestions: Huh... EXO GROWL Female version? I don't have many suggestions... sorries

Variety Show Suggestions: Weekly Idol, Strong Heart, and something like BAP Killing Camp?

Comments: I hope you enjoyed my application! :D

Questions: None~ :D





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