Goddess Application || Zhang Shuijing ★



Crystal Zhang:

About Me

Username: -glimmeron

Profile: CLICKIE! 

Activeness: 9


Me, Myself and I

Full Name:  水 晶 (Zhang Shui Jing) (Translation: ShuiJing = Crystal/Diamond)

Nicknames: Diamond, or Crystal 

Birthday and Age : Januray 18, 1995; 18

Nationality: Chinese

Birthplace: Changsha, China

Hometown: Changsha, China

Languages: Chinese (Fluent), Korean (Fluent), Japanese (conversational), Thai (conversational)

Blood Type: A

Height: [168 cm]

Weight: [50 kg]

Face : Su Kyung 

Sample Pictures: 12, 3, 4, 5GALLERY(1), GALLERY (2)

Back-up Ulzzang : Kwon Soo Jung 

Sample Pictures: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, GALLERY

Fashion Sense: She prefers the clean, fresh, and simple look. She'll be seen most wearing plain clothing but on stage, she'll wear much more colorful clothing then. For her, sunglasses are a must whenever traveling or on the go. When dancing, she'll be seen wearing baggy sweatpants and a loose-fitting T-shirt her favorite combo, or even capri leggings paired with a graphic t-shirt. But most of the time, she loves wearing her favorite cap, which is her most prized procession, since Lay had given it to her. When she has to go out for a formal dining, she loves to wear cute skirts, and even a nice dress with a tulip-like skirt. She even wears the same kind of bracelets that her brother wears (Link below), which were given to her when she left for Korea as well, ever since, she hasn't taken them off her wrist. (I decided that this paragraph simply isn't enough to describe her wide-ranged fashion sense, you know what? All the links and clickies are down below~)

Practice 1 | In the Dorm 1 | Airport Fashion 1, 2, 3 | On the Red Carpet 1, 2, 3, 4 | Formal 1, 2, 3 | Casual 1, 2, 3, 4 | On the Go 1, 2, 3 | [SPECIAL] Caught outside of the SM Buliding 1, 2 , 3 | MUST HAVE Accessories 1, 2, 3 and the same braceletss as Lay and this (#1 Charm Bracelet given by Mother; #2 bracelet given by friends; #3 Necklace given to her before she left for Korea.)


Idol Life

Stage Name: Crystal

Nickname: Crystal - (Stage Name), Sparkles - (It all started out when everyone started learning chinese, then one of the members spoke up and asked the teacher the meaning of all of the chinese member's names, once they came to Crystal's name, everyone was surprised. Suddenly, the maknae called out, BLING BLING, but that was reserved for Jonghyun, however the members continued to call her sparkles, for the one incident on her birthday, when everyone decided to throw her a surprise birthday party, and the end result was covering Crystal with confetti and sparkles that covered her entire face, yup, that was one interesting sight) Diamond - (Since it's another word for her name, she sometimes calls herself Diamond, it was originally planned for her to debut with the name Diamond, but it was then changed to Crystal. Now, she just has to worry about being confused with Krystal.)

Position Applied: Main Dancer and Vocalist

Persona: Dance Master, Shining Angel, Dance Angel

Fanclub Name: Diamonds

Fanclub Color: Light Blue #58FAF4 and Purple #8258FA

Trainee Background: Crystal is actually Lay's younger sister, and once she was invited to come visit her brother at the SM Building, she came quite reluctantly, for fearing the sasaeng fans ever finding out and she had never left her home country before, and let alone travel to a forgein country. In the end, she did go to Korea to visit her beloved brother. Once he saw her however, he had forced her to dance in front of all of EXO to prove that the talent had indeed run through the family. She mangaged to impress all of EXO and snagged a spot as a trainee in SM. She is quite happy actually, being able to dance her heart out, and be right by her brother's side.

Years of Training: 2 years of training. (Here's a predebut video: 1, 2) (I can also learn Lay's solo dance from the teaser for you so you can actually post a "real" video of her dancing... Well it's me actually... Shhh, it's Crystal not me :D) 


Real Me

Personality: Crystal is a sweet, caring, down-to-earth type of girl. But, she is a bit of a tomboy, loving popping just like her brother, she also prefers sports as well, even going to play soccer with Luhan and Xiumin. Many can doubt her, for her fragile looks, but inside she is truly pure and innocent. Just like her brother, she is shy and quiet closed up at first, but after getting to know her she will finally open up. But she is quite a modest person, refusing and denying all of the notes of compliments tossed her way. In result, she is a stubborn perfectionist, wanting to perfect her dancing, and singing overall. But it's hard, trying to be perfect, with all of the stress in put on her shoulders. 

But she has some flaws, since she really talkative(when the person is included in friend status), she tends to cut people off and interrupt others. But she's working to change that habit, hopefully. ((LOL, she need a mask like Zelo from BAP so she can shut that trap)) Her brother likes to joke around and say that she talks too much. Adding to that, Crystal tends to be a clumsy girl, sometimes tripping over her own feet, or just being a klutz. But it's cute whenever she does something clumsy, with her cute reaction afterwards. Not only that, she tends to be a bit forgetful, just like her brother, sometimes forgetting items and forgetting dates, (sighz), it actually runs in the family as well.

She is a true optimistic person, always constantly giving other encouragement and energy, but sometimes, she forgets to encourage herself. She had a thing for pumping up the atmosphere, and providing the energy for the group (But NOT like Happy virus). She has a gentle kindness, and extremely considerate of her members, and is very patient. After all, she can't stop smiling anyway.


Background: When Lay was casted as a trainee to SM Ent, her parents became really clingy to their only daughter. Now that Yixing was gone, her parents started getting very anxious, and started montioring her every move. but just before Lay debuted in EXO, he had invited her to come visit him in Korea. She was quite reluctant, but her parents agreed and soon, she was in Korea. There she was later casted as a trainee for SM as well. 

But before her trainee life, she used to train in rhythmic gymnastics. Up until she was 13, she decided to focus more on her studies and dropped her sport. As a young child, her parents made her try many multiple sports until she found RG, but at the age 13 she became a prodigy, but she still insisted to focus on her studies. She starting taking dance classes with her brother, but found it quite hard for that fact that he was about 4 years older than her, and that he was naturally gifted. However, she did have a gift at dancing as well, but it took her a bit longer than her brother. Now a dance prodigy, she strives for perfection.


Hobbies: Dancing, Drinking Bubble Tea, Hanging out with friends, Playing Soccer, Composing Songs, and Reading.

Likes: Loves Drinking Bubble Tea, Dancing, Trying something new, playing soccer, rhythmic gmynastics, taking long walks, snow, adventure books, addiction to coffee as well(lattes), flowers, playing pool, composing and writing lyrics. 

Dislikes: Hates the color orange, doesn't like when it rains (prefers snow), Bitterly Cold or Scorching Hot Weather, Competitive people, Sasaeng Fans, Messing up on stage, drinking, smell of smoke, High Heels etc.


Happy - Hurrays, Yips of joy, and skipping will be seen if Crystal is happy. She tneds to smile quite a lot, so of course, grins from ear to ear are also seen. But if she's beyond happy, than you'll probably see double rainbows, and unicorns at that point.

Sad - Her eyes start to get a little bit teary, and her lips will pout and jut out. But be careful however, she might even pull out that aeygo if she needs to. A bit of sniffles as well, and somehow this girl manages to look cute, even when crying. Her eyes are naturally watery (just like Lulu) so she can cry easily.

Angry - She will gave you a piercing death glare, and even probably threathen you, but however she is quite a calm person, so hopefully that won't happen. Just don't get on her bad side. (Took TaeKwonDo once, but I warn you, her kicks, are dangerous and purifying)

Nervous - She has a bad habit of twirling her hair around her index finger, if she's not doing that, then she's be constantly fixing her completely perfect hair or trying to flatten down a nonexistant cowlick. Most of the time though, she'll be fidgeting. (Unlike her brother, the JPEG, she has a range of different expressions, and not to mention a bit of fidgeting, however when she is extremely nervous, she will freeze up, just like her brother, being a JPEG as well) 

Lying - Looks at the ground, and chews her lips. At some occasions, her voice may even raise one octave, but that is rare. (However, Crystal is the type of person who will practically die, if she doesn't tell the truth, or secrets. Being like her brother, she has to tell the truth, and there is no way that she would lie, because her character is quite trustworthy.)

Shy - When she's shy, her eyes would be lowered towards the ground, most of the time she'll be biting her lips. Sometimes she plays around with her fingers and her clothes nervously.

Instruments: Piano and Flute.

Fun Facts:

1.) She LOVES drinking bubble tea, (her true addiction)

2.) She tends to practice in the dance studio for long hours, not stopping until she is completely conent.

3.) She has tried many sport in her lifetime, once trained in swimming, rock-climbing, tennis, fencing, gymnastics, soccer, and much more.

4.) She is a talkative, chatty person, but the first time that you meet her, she won't say much, but when you get closer to her, she'll gradually start to talk more and more. 

5.) And once trained in rhythmic gymnastics, but decided against that, and wanted to focus more on her schoolwork than rather than training, (explains her flexability)

6.) She had Lay had NEVER fought with one another, ever!

7.) At one point, a bit jealous when her brother debuted, but later than changed to pity and even fear when she found out about the level of stalker in the sasaeng fans.

8.) Close friends with Tao (He likes to teach her a bit of Wushu)



Family Members! [|| Lay|| Brother || 22 || Dancer/Member of EXO||] 

Friends! [||Amber || 21 || Idol/Fx || Trainee training, Amber gives tips and mentors her, also provides Korean lessons] [|| Victoria || 26 || Idol/Fx || Gives tips and Mentors]  [|| Kris || 23 || Idol/EXO || Gives her tips in rapping and Korean lessons] [Ryan || 18 || Trainee at SM || Good friends during trainee years, pic will be included once I find it!]

Enemies! None! :D (Crystal doesn't like having enemies)


Love Life

Love Interest: Zelo from BAP

Personality: He is the true gentleman, always putting anothers before himself. He's adorkably cute and loves to crack jokes from time to time, which is always hilarious when you both end up laughing your heads off until your stomachs hurt and you'll feel as if you just have a ad training. He tends to be quite jealous if he ever sees you with anyone else, always going out of his way to make sure that HE was your man, and you were the only girl in the world.

Status: oppa-dongsaeng

Your Love Story: As a b-boy he always trains and practices quite hard, once he was just coming back from his training at the gym, and he accidently bumps into Crystal on the way back. Now, holding a large gym bag full of sweaty belongings and having to bump into a clumsy girl is not a good thing however, but at the least, he caught her. The second that she looked into his eyes, she was head-over-heels in love. 

Back-up Love Interest: Tao || He is sly, trickster, talkative and quiet. He's actually quite shy and sweet, but sometimes he likes to pull pranks and tricks on his fellow hyungs. He has a love and addiction to shopping. Overprotective of Crystal || Extremely close/besties  || The two bump into each other on the streets of Seoul, but when they find out that they're both trainees at SM Ent, they become close friends. But however, Crystal doesn't feel that this relationship of "just friends" will ever change, for now, he has a dozen of connections, but they, are just... friends. (They like to hang out with each other, and practice. Often having their 'heart-to-heart' talks. Since they sometimes feel left out, they often have their get-togethers, waking up early in the morning to go for a walk or exercise before their schedules.)

The Other Love Interest: Hoya

Personality: He is kind, caring, and thoughtful. He always puts his friends and family before himself, making sure to much time with all of them. Although he does have much time on his heads, he still manages to make time for everyone.

Status: Oppa and dongsaeng

Your Love Story: Hoya was on his way to the Woolim buliding, he accidently caught the eyes of a few fangirls, forcing him to run and hide in shelter. Running down the alleyway and hiding, Crystal found him huddled in a dark corner, she helped him safely return and get into the WL Building without any fangirls finding out, fortunately. And since then, they had a close relationship, but however, it'll probably never change to that boyfriend and girlfriend stage just yet. They love to practice and sometimes train with each other. Hoya especially loves to sneak behind her and scare her when she isn't looking, making her yelp with fear. Since they both are main dancers of their groups, they like making choreography together as well. (It wasn't until Woolim and SM decided to collabrate then Hoya started to get closer with Crystal. He likes to help her improve with Korean, and she in turn likes to teach him chinese.)


Requested scenes!: 

Love Interest: Zelo || First Encounter || Crystal treats him to Bubble Tea || She goes his training at TS ENT || Meet again just before their stage, BAP Badman || He treats her to Bubble Tea || Awkward huggles~ ||

Back-up Love Interest: Tao || First Encounter || Bubble Tea Scene || At the SM Building || Training and Tao Debuts || Tao manages to go with her to the bubble tea place even with his busy schedules || Drags her to go shopping for Gucci/clothes || Exercising/on a walk in the early morning ||

The Other Love Interest: Hoya || Meeting scene || Debut Stage, meet again || INFINITE Comeback, She watches their comeback || Another Meeting, bump into each other near the SM Building again || Surprise Visit when SM/Woolim join Hoya surprises her and the two train/practice together ||


SPECIAL REQUEST: Lay and Crystal scene please! During the training process I mean :D In maybe a dance studio :D Krystal vs Crystal scene please~ So when someone calls their name, both of them turn to the person, thinking it was them, lol. 


EXTRA INFO: If you want a clip about rhythmic gymnastics... I have the links... 1, 2


Password: Gif of HunHan



(Lol, you got me on spam mode with HunHan gifs now...)








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