im scared

Ok so after the first time I threw up I thought it was cuz I ate too much last night. A little later my mom gave me water and I threw that up too. Then my step dad gave me tea and I also threw that up. Then my mom gave me medicene and I was able to eat a piece of bread, but I just threw that up too. I'm scared. I don't wanna eat just to throw up..... I know I have to but I'm scared to.


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TaiShanNiangNiang #1
Try ginger ale or ginger tea
I've been living off of tums and ginger tea for the past 24 hours. I thought it was because I ate too much, but then other people in the house started raiding the tums, too.
Hope you feel better soon!
do you have stomach flu?? because if it is viral then you need to get to the doctor and get some antibiotics.
Dancingsky013 #3
Your stomach must have something in it that it really doesn't want. Meaning it is going to reject everything untill that certain object/liquid gets out. indigestion? I'm sorry i can't help you much but try putting a hot (be careful, warm is ok too) bottle of water on your stomach and roll it up and down. If you feel sleepy doing so, position the bottle to stay on your stomach during sleep. That's all i got (T_T) i'm so sorry i cant help. Drink lots of water and eat some soup. Porridge is a very good choice too. try the plain rice one or rice and eggs. They should help. I'm sorry i came in a bit too late for suggestions. But i hope you feel better! Remember, Your stomach is upset so eat and drink slowly-not too fast. Fast movements could probably set off something and you might throw up again!
I don't think this is something caused by eating something bad, actually it might be a stomach bug. Wait a day or so and start eating a little bit of porridge. Drink some water as well, and eat a few veggies. Then the next day you can eat some more and start eating other things. Don't worry too much, maybe see a doctor. If you're stressed try to relax as well. <3
Throw upe whenever you eat?
Are you pregnant?
did you go to the doctors?
what did you eat last before you start throwing up love?
eat something soft like porridge and rest love
take care
Had you went to the doctors? They always know the best! You should go to the clinic soon >.<
mistressofsecrecy #8
don't eat something hard...try with soft stuff thats good and easily wallowed...and visit a doctor, please! Take care!!

It might feel like hell but you will be fine!! ^^
seamusmommy #9
I'm sorry, keep hydrated - bananas, rice, applesauce & toast. Just little bits. 1 bite at a time.
MizzPeel0007 #10
Hope you feel better soon, that happens to me at times when I am really sick, I know it is troubling to say the least. But it will pass, just ensure that you take in fluids. they say that ginger ale or 7Upsoda calms the stomach.
Awww don't be scared you might have the flu or something. I would go see a doctor just in case but I am sure you will be fine. I am sick right now and my stomach is killing me. I want to throw up, and I feel like I am. But I don't throw up. It is a bad feeling. So I kinda feel your pain but I know it does not come close.
take a rest and dont stress urself! i hope you get well soon. <3
I had the stomach flu, so I threw up for a while but I was only able to keep goldfish and 7up down
dont worry ^^ at some point ur body will stop throwing up