Tag (ignore please e n e)

I'm using phone so the code will be like hellThe Rules
1-Post the rules

2-Answer the questions the tagger asked, then make 11 new ones

3-Tag 11 people and link them to the post

4-Let them know you've tagged them 

Questions by maviseu

1. What are your favourite fanfics? All fanfixs wrote by Jungyeols and DragonTopsThePanda!! :D Oh, and HuangZiPanda's too ^^

2. What do you normally do on weekends? Draw comics and dance ^~^

3. Favourite food? Thai's food and pizza!! :''D

4. What do you think of your own writing? Bad. :P

5. If you could spend a day with an idol, who would it be and why? TAO.... because we have lots similarities!

6. What is your weirdest habit? I love to shouts in sudden e w eY

7. Favourite variety show? asdfghjkl Running Man!!

8. Favourite song at the moment?  TOP-Doom Dada xD

9. Favourite OTPs? TAORIS ftw.. the rest check my pro.

10. What is your opinion of the people in AFF/stories in AFF nowadays? Kind and awesome!! :D (some are just es)

11.  Be honest with your answer. Do you like your KPOP band/bias because of purely their looks or sincerely because of their talents and character?  Their talents o/

Questions for whoever wanna answer ( especially you, Maviseu!!)

1-Do you love me?? (2Ne1's song xP)

2-Favourite OTP and why?? e w e

3-Since when you are into KPop and how??

4- Eyy, have you buy any kpop stuffs?

5- Do you enjoy doing this?? :P

6- 2Ne1 or SNSD??

7- Who is your favourite blogger (in AFF)??

8,9,10,11- Why you think Kpop is perfect, you are fanboy or fangirl (LOL), When is your biggest awkward moment, and... Can you draw chibis?
OMG why the questions are lame and stupid stupid stupid~~ >


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