❝Summer Love ♡ Choi Jieun❞







Comments: on the age, i wasn't sure if you wanted korean or international, so i put international.

Suggestions: none.

Anything else?: nothing i can think of.

choi jieun


We're all going down

Other name/s. None

Nicknames. JiJi- she requests everyone to call her this
Age. 19 (international age)

Birthdate. April 3, 1995

Blood type. AB+

Birthplace. Jeju, SK

Hometown. Ilsan, SK

Race. Korean

Languages. Korean- fluent, native language; English- Basic, learning through school


Face. Park Young Hee

Links. gallery

Backup. Kite

Links. gallery


Height. 172cm or 5'6"

Weight. 54kg or 119lbs

Personality Traits. tomboyish, determined, stubborn, temperamental, impatient, friendly, outgoing, competitive, easily distracted and caring

Personality. Jieun is a naturally outgoing and happy person. She prefers to see the glass as half full instead of half empty and she's almost always on the go. She has a seemingly endless amount of energy, but once she crashes, she's out for a good six hours. Jieun likes jokes and she likes playing jokes on others. She likes to try to make others laugh, even if she doesn't always succeed. She'd rather everyone was laughing at her instead of with her than not laughing at all, though she really doesn't like being the brunt of her own jokes. Jieun has a good sense of humor and isn't afraid to laugh at herself and point out her own flaws, but only she is allowed to do it. She get's rather aggravated when anyone else does it unless they're one of her close friends.

With that being said, Jieun has trouble focusing sometimes. Shiny things often catch her attention and she'll totally zone out whatever is being talked about in favor of looking at whatever it was that caught her attention. She also has a slight memory disability. She can remember important things, but she often finds herself wandering into rooms and forgetting what it was she went in there for, so she does a lot of back tracking.

Jieun has no trouble talking to people she barely knows, and this shows in the amount of friends she has. However, she does have trust issues and only lets certain people close enough to know her well. She has an eagerness to please people. While Jieun has no trouble talking about herself, she keeps certain aspects of her life under tight wraps, and she can often get sidetracked and led away from where ever the conversation had been going. She's not easily embarrassed, either. She's usually one of the first to try something new, and she isn't afraid to volunteer herself up for something she's never done before. She likes having attention on her, though she won't demand to have it 24/7. She'd rather be just on the edge of the center of attention, not the focus but always in sight. She's a tomboyish girl, and she enjoys playing sports and getting dirty and couldn't care less what people think of it. She likes video games, and can be highly competitive over them. She doesn't take losing well, and she'll do just about anything to get what she wants, including playing dirty.


Likes. joking/pranking people, video games, singing/playing instruments, action/adventure movies, chocolate, and bubble tea


Dislikes. bullies, having jokes or pranks backfire, losing, scary movies, being made to be girly, people talking bad about her friends/family


Habits. sticks tongue out the side of when trying to concentrate, plays soccer during lunch at school

Hobbies. playing soccer, composing songs, playing video games

Fears/Phobias. lightening and thunder


Family. Father | Choi Jonghyun | 44 | Lawyer
Mother | Choi Minah | 43 | Interior decorator
Sister | Choi Jinah | 16 | High School Student


Background. Jieun was born to Jonghyun and Minah Choi, a lawyer and Interior decorator respectively, who had moved to Jeju to pursue employment. The first child of the couple, Jieun was welcomed into the happy little family. From birth, Jieun was a problem child. She liked things most little girls hated- playing outside, getting dirty, and refused to play with dolls. Three years later, Jinah was born. The instant she learned how to do something, anything, her sister could do, it then became a rivalry over who could do it better. For a while, Jinah was always the winner of their little contests, but Jieun didn't mind back then and let her win. They were still very close. When she was nine, the family decided that it was time to pack up and move to Ilsan.

Jieun was raised in a relatively open learning environment. Her parents encouraged any and all learning forms, including the little wars that would erupt between the siblings. It was only once they were all older that the little fights started to become more. Jieun was forced to share a room with her little sister, and at one point things got so bad that Jieun had to split their room in half by taping across the floor. However, things went back to normal within that week. It never took them long to get over their pride and come running back to the family they all loved.


In the air, we're lovers tonight

Love interest. Bang Minsoo/ C.A.P

Interactions. At first, Minsoo is going to think Jieun is a guy. He's going to treat her like any guy friend, and they're going to get buddy buddy because of it. Then one night, he finds out she's a girl. His view changes, but Jieun doesn't know that he knows she's not a guy. She continues to treat him like a good friend, even though she's starting to really like him, and not in a friendly way.

Backup. Bang Yonguk


Requests. Minsoo finding out Jieun is a girl by accidentally walking in on her in the cabin changing; Minsoo failing at trying to be romantic, and Jieun telling him to stop trying to be someone he isn't; Youngjae getting jealous over his best friend spending her time with someone else.


Love rival. Yoo Youngjae

Interactions. Youngjae and Jieun have been best friends since third grade, when Jieun's family moved into the house next to the Yoo's. For years they have been inseperable, and do just about everything together. They're so close, they often end up finishing one another sentences. They've been mistaken for dating by those who know Jieun is actually a girl, but most people just think they're a pair of best friends. Youngjae is very protective of Jieun and her feelings, due to feeling like he needs to take care of her. Youngjae treats her with every respect, and Jieun treats him the same. She often likes to joke around and call him 'girly man' and 'pretty boy' due to his 'ridiculously good looks' even if she's not interested in them.

Backup. Kang Dongho/ Baekho



Summer Love




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