My life according to B1A4 :D

My life according to B1A4 

Useing song titles from ONE ARTIST, answer these questions. You can't use the band I used. Try to not repeat a song title. Repost as "My life according to (band name/artist)"

1. Are you male or female: Bling girl

2. Describe your self: Foooool :3

3. How do you feel: Wonderful tonight :) <3

4. Describe where you currently live: 

5. If you can go anywhere, where would you go: Yesterday.. whut xD

6. Your best friend is: Super Sonic ^-^

7. Your favorite form of transprtation: Tired to walk. yup..

8. Your fear: Feeling. (this is so hard omg)

9. What is the best adivce you have to give: Remember!!

10. Thought for the day: Ready to go. (new years woot woot^^)

11. How would I like to die: Beautiful target :o

12. My soul's present condition: So fine~~

13. My motto: I won't do bad things

That was more than likely the hardest thing I've done this year. LOL


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