
Heyyyyyy!! I'm here to wish HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone!! (who read this) ^^ Actually I wanna do a video and put on my youtube but yeah. Legit. My internet is so ing slow today and it will take time to upload the video so.... Just wait for another year okay?? Hahah xD To everyone... I wish for you guys to have a better life than this year. o w o I'm nice right? xD Heheh xP

Oh btw, wish me luck on updating my fanfics!! :3 /throws hearts/ To whoever that her/his bday is today, HAPPY BIRTHDAY (mom!!) P/S: i love you e w e


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Taemax #1
Happy NY!
Hope you have lots of luck in your new year and good luck with your fics! ^^
MizzPeel0007 #2
Happy New year to you too, wish you all the best in the next year, 2014.
Happy new year
Good luck on updating your fics ^^