♡ Let's Date! [World Edition] - Season 2 || Karen Lee || ♡



Wanna Date Me?

Wanna Date Me?




Applicants Information

Legal Name: Karen Lee
Birthday + Age: 07/18/95 / 18 years old
Hometown: Vancouver, Canada
Nationality: Canadian
Ethnicity: Japanese-Canadian
     >> English | Fluent
     >> Japanese| Fluent
     >> Korean | Semi-fluent

Photos of You: Park Hye Min + Gallery

What Are You Like: 
Karen Lee is a girl who never leaves her room without a smile. Smiling and laughing is a must for her. If she has a problem or none, it's very hard to find out. Even though she has a problem, she always maintains her cheerful and easy-going self. She doesn't like to burden others with her problems so she tries her best to hide them as long as she can. She prefers to deal with it on her own if it's possible. If she can't handle it anymore, that's when she accepts other people's comfort. But she's a happy-go-lucky girl so heavy and hard problems are not always around her. She takes life lightly and enjoys it to the fullest. Problems don't break her that easily. Despite her bright personality, she doesn't know how to comfort others. All she can do is to look at you and listen to your problems. It's enough for some, to have someone who can listen to them. She can do that but saying comforting words, nope that's not her thing.

She's also very loving and caring to her loved ones. She may be too embarrassed to vocalize her true feelings but her actions says it all. It makes you feel very loved that words are not needed anymore. She also doesn't get angry very easily. It will take a lot of effort to break her composure since she can tolerate things for a long time. Unless you do something she really dislikes or harm her loved ones. One bad thing about her not getting mad easily is that her true feelings are left unsaid and she only keeps it to herself. When it's too much to bear, there's a tendency for her to "explode". But gaining her forgiveness is an easy task since she can't handle it when she's mad on someone close to her for a long time. But don't go for a second time since that's when it's hard to gain her trust back. 

Her flaws are: she's a lazy when it comes on chores and a total disaster when it comes on cooking. She has no idea how to do these things. It also takes forever for her to fix herself since she showers quite long and have a hard time in choosing clothes when she's going out. These cause her to be late on appoinments or meet ups. But when it's really important she tries her very best to be fast but she'll still be late for a few minutes. She's also a bit forgetful on where she put her things.

     >> fashion especially those with studs, animal prints, galaxy designs or anything that looks unique and fashionable.
     >> music especially the ones that she could easily use to choreograph a dance
     >> eating especially sweets, pizza, ice cream yogurt and milk
     >> going on a fun and exciting trip
     >> bothering her sleep because of something trivial 
     >> making her feel so worried
     >> looking at her things without permission
     >> people rushing her when she's preparing
     >> dancing
     >> shopping
     >> designing clothes
     >> doing make-overs
     >> biting her lover lip and running her fingers through her hair while thinking. the she harder she thinks, the harder she bites her lips
     >> pinching the bridge of her nose while her eyes are closed when she's mad or annoyed
     >> gently slapping her cheeks and then covering her face when she's blushing.
     >> clapping her hands when laughing so hard
     >> ruffling her hair with a groan when she's frustrated
     >> Height: 157 cm (yep, she's quite small) Weight: 50kg (She loves to eat but never gains weight of get fat)

     >> Her mother is a full-blood Japanese and moved to Vancouver when she was 15 to persue her studies there. She and her father were both born and grew up and Canada.
     >> Her mother is a designer and has her own clothing line, Enticement, in Canada while her father is a lawyer. She's the only child.
     >> She helps her mother with her design and works as a part-time model for her mother's clothing line.
     >> EXO's Kris was her friend when he moved to Vancouver. He was her neighbor and also a schoolmate bt he was on a higher year. When he left, they somewhat lost their communication because of his work. 
     >> She applied for Seoul Institute of the Arts (Dance Department) for her college.
     >> She learned how to dance when she was 8
     >> She's a big fan of BoA since her performances always impress her to the fullest. She considers her as an inspiration.
     >> She usually speaks fast in English when she's so irritated already.
     >> She doesn't cry easily but it's very easy to make her laugh. She also easily gets scared and paranoid. That's why she never liked horror movies or anything that would scare her. It takes a lot of effort to force her to watch these movies or visit a horror house.
     >> She has a thing with guys who wear black v-neck shirts.



Why Did You Decide To Apply For Let's Date [ World Edition ] - Season 2 ?

I was really interested on this show but I was not really planning to apply at first since... I don't know, maybe I was quite shy to apply alone? *awkward laugh* But when my friends started to talk about this and they decided to apply as well, I made up my mind to join them. It's not really a bad idea since I am also a huge fan of Korean Music. It's nice to get to know some idols and to know who they truly are. I am also really interested in the world they live in. I mean, it must feel nice to perform so great that they bring joy and inspiration to people. I also would love to learn things from them as well, such as: the Korean culture, their performance skills and of course, some life lessons; and maybe I cold share some things from myself as well.

How Did You Hear Of The Show?
I first saw the ad about it on the television when I was watching a Korean drama. I became interested about the show since I was able to watch season 1 and it's a really fun show. Then I heard about the show again on the net and finally through my friends and that's also when we decided to apply. It was also for fun since we know there's a very very slim chance to get chosen. But it was a really fun experience whether we get chosen or not.

How Would You Feel If You Are Chosen?
I don't know... maybe froze for a few seconds? Then I would be estatic! Probably jumping around and telling it to my friends. I would be the epitome of someone who won the lottery. *laughs* Okay, maybe I exxagerated that a bit but I would be really really happy. Getting chosen among the hundred, may even thousands of girls who applied, I will consider myself very lucky. I would also try my best to be the best "girlfriend" *giggles* Oh, and I would also pray to the high heavens that I won't get too many bashers or even death threats. *laughs* No, I'm just joking. *whispers* but I really hope there would be none,

Have You Ever Dated Before?
Not yet. Yeah, I know... how was that possible? Sure, I liked a couple of guys before but I never got to date them. I was not really serious about liking them that much. Actually... maybe, I seriously liked someone before but he actually has a girlfriend. He was my friend and we stayed just friends. I know, sad life... *pretends to wipe a tear and then laughs* But that was a long, long, long~ time ago so right now, I am liking no one. But I have celebrity crushes to comfort me and keep me company. *laughs*

What Type Of Girlfriend Are You?
What type of girlfriend am I? Uh... I don't know. I guess... I'll act exactly who I am but of course, I would treat him extra special. *winks* I mean, he's my boyfriend so he has to feel special. I guess I would be sweet and caring to him especially since he's going to be an idol if I got chosen so I am sure he's always tired after his schedules. I will try my best to take care of him and attend to his needs. I would do things that would relax him or make him forget about his tiredness. Like maybe, a surprise visit on his set and even a head massage if he wants. I will try to understand him. I guess, I'm also someone who is fun to be with. I think it's also because I am the happy-go-lucky type so a sad or boring day is a no-no. Okay, this will sound so chessy but... I am the loving type as well. I will try my utmost best to make him feel loved. I might not good at expressing my true feelings with words but I'll express them through actions. I get too shy when vocalizing what I feel but maybe, I'll also do my best to improve on that during the show. Ah, now I feel so shy! *blushes and covers face while laughing* I hope I'll be a great girlfriend, though since this will be my first time.

How Do You Act Around Someone You Like?
Just like I said, I think I act the same but I will make him feel special. Maybe by doing things that I only do with him. Based on my friends, their indications if I like someone are: if he suddenly became the topic, they say that my voice raises a pitch higher and I also tends to blush when they ask about me liking him. I also blush a lot when he does something sweet which I strongly deny even though it's painfully obvious already. It's just makes me more embarrass when he finds out. Thus, making me blush even more. So yeah... I am a walking tomato around the person I like. It's not like I hate it when they do something sweet and special, I actually love it. *giggles* I just don't want them to point out about my blushing issue. I am also extra hyper and happy when I am around him. I mean, who's not happier with the person they like?

How Comfortable Are You With Skinship?
That will be 10 out of 10! I actually like skinship since that's when I feel closer with the people I love and care about. I also find it very sweet when your boyfriend does skinship with you especially on public since it makes you feel very special. It's like he's proudly announcing to the crowd that he loves you and you're his. Okay, here comes my chessy side again. *laughs* Yeah, I would be definitely be fine with skinship.

What Do You Value In A Relationship?
Um... trust and love. If you love someone, you'll do your best to understand them and also to accept them whoever they are. Trust is also important if you want to keep a relationship. Whenever they are or whatever they do, you have to trust them and they have to trust you back. You also must not break that trust since it's hard to gain. Time and communication is also needed for the relationship to progress. It doesn't mean that you have to be with each other 24/7 but at least keep in touch every now and then. A simple text or phone call is enough to bring a smile to the other. The partners also need to talk to sort things out like problems or making decisions. *pauses* Okay... now, I feel so mature with all of these deep and serious talk *laughs*

What Don't You Like In A Relationship?
Being, overly protective, controlling and too much jealousy. Being jealous is fine since you love that person so it's a natural thing. But not too much, up to the point that he'll throw a tantrum whenever you talk to others especially with guys. I mean, my world doesn't only revolve around him. I have other people that I know too. It just shows that he doesn't trust me at all. Being protective is also fine but not too much as well. I don't want him to control me on what I do and saying it's for my own good. He needs to let me do something on my own too. I don't want to feel resticted and my moves being watch everytime. I hope that it won't happen on my future relationships since it would really not feel great.

How Do You Know About Kpop?
Kpop is really famous pratically everywhere. I was also shocked when I suddenly saw an old friend who is now an idol. I mean, who would have thought that he'll look that great and talented *laughs* I leaned about Kpop since my friends started to become huge fans and they kind of influenced me. They send me some videos and shows to watch and some songs to listen to. The songs are very catchy and their dance moves catches my attention the most. Being a dancer, I was greatly impressed with their skills. I started to study their choreography and I believe that it really helped me to improve my skills. Their shows are also very very entertaining and fun to watch especially the variety shows. It's so funny that I always burst out laughing. Korean Pop is very interesting and great and I don't regret being a fan so... fighting, Hallyu Wave! *pumps fists*

How Good Is Your Korean? How Did You Learn It? 
I can't say that I am very fluent already since there are some words I can't pronounce very well and some words I don't know yet but I guess for someone who doesn't grow up in Korea, I am pretty good. I applied for Seoul Institute of the Arts for collage--I applied for the dance department. That's why, I learned Korean with my friends for the past months. If ever I passed, I will be attending there for the next school year. Wish me luck and hope I pass *crosses fingers*

Anything Else We Should Know About You?
I don't really know what to say since I pretty much express my entire self for a while now. If there's something that I miss, I guess you'll get to know me if I got chosen for the show *smiles*


Your Date

Ideal Type:
     >> Lee Taemin | SHINee
     >> Kim "Kai" Jongin | EXO-K
     >> Zhang "Lay" Yixing | EXO-M

He sometimes still acts like a child despite his age. He loves to smile and laugh especially in front of many people since he's not comfortable when people notice the he's upset. He don't know how to open up to people about something personal unless he have a very close relationship with them. He's very well-tempered and when he's mad he doesn't throw tantrums instead he just takes a couple of deep breaths and tries to speak calmly. If it's too much, he just walks out the room and get some fresh air to calm himself down. He's also very generous and respectful to everyone. He's shy at strangers at first but as he got closer to them, he'll be the total opposite. He laughs over shallow things and loves to tease his friends. He also loves to joke a lot but sometimes he crosses the line. Once he knew it, he'll be practically on his knes while he apologizes. He's also very loving and caring, his loved ones are who he treasures the most.

In his career, he's very passionate about it and hardworking. He's somewhat a perfectionist since he always want to have the best performance that he can give to the audience. He even sometimes forget to take care of himself and leaves everyone who cares about him worrying tp death when he acts like that. Speaking of forgetfulness, he also tends to forget where he places his things like his wallet, cellphone, or passport. On stage, he's very different. He looks so confident and it's obvious how much he loves his job. He's like the y beast especially when he dances. Off cam he can be this playful, fun and cute guy who can also be manly and makes your heart beats faster than usual. 

What is your Ideal Date:

A date in an amsement park would be great (maybe in Lotte World). They could take the public transportation and this will also make him feel like a normal guy even for a while. They can also wear couple shirts and headbands to add more to the "couple-ly" feel and it would be cute. On the amusement park, both of them would enjoy the rides and also the food stands. Both of them are easy-going and quite playful so they'll both enjoy this date. The casual walks they will do will also be great to share stories and to get to know each other more while having fun. They shall also go in a horror house since her reactions will be epic.

Ending: It's nice if they date. It's quite possible since she'll study at Seoul. But you could also do something that will surprise me =))

Scene Requests : 
     >> He'll meet her father through a video call and recieve an interrogation-like talk from her father since he's actually a lawyer. After that he got to admit that he got nervous and kind of scared. Then he jokingly threatened her that he'll ask his groupmates to interrograte her as well when she meets them.
     >> She meets Kris again and both of them talk, catch up with things and acts familiar with each other without knowing that she left her "boyfriend" a bit out of place which makes him a bit jealous. Not to mention that they both speak in English, leaving completely cluless with what they talk about.
     >> There might be an arguement between them which made him keep his distance a bit and she noticed it right away. After that, she decided to do something sweet to say sorry. She sings a song for him and takes him to dinner. She even gives him a slow dance. Yeah, she actually acts like the "guy" in the relationship.
     >> She watches one of their group's performances, shows or concerts wherein he gives her a special massage on public.
     >> He took her on the Dance Room wherein they danced together. They can dance BoA's Only One (the couple dance part) since she's a fan of BoA and both of them know the choreography. Then they could teach one another some dances that they know.
     >> Her partner calling her "Pixie" because of her short height. (If Taemin is her partner she can call him "Mushie" because of mushroom-like hairstyle when he debuted.) They usually tease each other with the nicknames they use but there are also times when they call each other something sweet.
     >> The two of them buying couple stuff and doing a selca during one of the dates and set it as a wallpaper.
     >> The two of them fighting because of their flaws (well, any reason would be fine) to add to the drama and make their relationship stronger.
     >> She went shopping with him and she practically exhaust him as he followed her around and waited for a long time in each stores. He doesn't voice out any complains though since seeing her enjoying makes him happy too. She asks him so try some clothes and practically set clothes for him to wear in different occassions.
     >> She suddenly speaks in English when she had an arguement with him and that always leave him speechless. She takes this oppurtnity to walk away and cool her head.
     >> He was so surprise when he learned that they have the same birthday and decided that they sould celebrate it together if possible. (So yeah, her birthday is really based on her partner's birthday so you can just change it but she's still 18. As for Taemin, he was also surprise when he found out they have the same surname. Lee, is actually one of the common surnames in Vancouver based on my research =)))
     >> She also teaches him English and then he'll teach her some words or phrases in Korean that she's not familiar with. He also helps her with her hangul. They also teach each other the other things that they know.
    >> The two of them playing truth or dare while on a date and making the other do something embarrassing.
    >> One day, they decided to have fun and ended up doing like a "gender-switch". It was her idea and it took almost forever to convince him.


Password: Taemin + Kyuhyun


I saw this applyfic pretty late already that's why I kind of spend the whole day with this app so I could finish it on time. Thank goodness, you did an extension! If not, I have missed this. This story is like a dream come true for every international fans out there. Maybe, that's also why I used my own first name for my character's name as well. It's really embarassing and I don't know why~ It's also awkward to type my own name. But, hey, at least it really feels like you're the one who is in the story if ever I got chosen. Anyway, thanks for this awesome applyfic and hwaiting for both of the authors! Hope you like my character and was entertained with my application. If there's any confusion or mistakes just inform me. And sorry if I went overboard too... hope you don't mind. At least you get to know her more. =))

unknownsweet101 | Karen | 9/10


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