Ultimate bias

I've heard it's hard to confirm an official ultimate bias. It makes me feel that I'm betraying my other biases. Most of my biases have been mine, since way before U-Kiss came along. But definitely, it's time to make my decision.

Kim KyoungJae. Better known as Eli. I don't like him for just his looks or his body. I'm in love with his personality. He's nice to fans, I've found countless fan accounts about meeting him or whatever. He's super charismatic, but can be adorable and cute at the same time. Not to mention his "bi-polar" thing.

He's infamous for being a player. But whenever he's around girls, he's shy and can barely even talk without stuttering over himself. I think guys like him are great. His voice is great, and he deserves more lines. But I appreciate what he gets, and in return what he gives. He looks good in any hair color, but I like him best with black hair. I like guys who look gothic.emo-ish, so he fits perfectly with that. But it's not about looks. But they count for alot.

I love him for him, not because he's an idol. Just thought I'd profess my inner thoughts.


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kagaki #1
I agree I like Eli of how you described him. :)
AbriMathos #2
^____^ I like him too~ He just seems like such a sweetheart.