〈 COVEN 〉// character

READ THIS BEFORE FILLING OUT APPLICATION. replace the two gifs with pictures of your ulzzang (270x175). keep all text bookman font and 11 pt. and text that you type should NOT be bolded. read all the rules in the first chapter. delete all notes that i wrote. good luck!


character name last, first middle. even if they're not korean. middle name is optional.
nickname(s) leave this blank if none.
birthday month & day. everyone is set to age 18.
ethnicity read rule six.
language(s) make it reasonable. also list fluency.
ulzzang name & 5+ hq links.
backup ulzzang name & 5+ hq links.
style optional. you can put in paragraph form or do pictures.
extras anything else on your body, such as tattoos, piercings, birthmarks, highlights in hair, etc.
background regular background stuff. just make sure your stuff pertains to the story. no witch stuff here!
personality regular personality stuff. list at least 4 qualities/characteristics to your character and expand.
trivia likes, dislikes, hobbies, habits, trivia. make this section neat plx.
friend(s) optional. list their name, age, relationship to you, and a few personality traits, but expanding them isn't necessary.
family same as above, but not optional.
ancestor/family read rule three. also include if it passes down from generation to generation, or every other. any other things that pertains to witches and your family can be put here.
power(s) read rule one. please also explain your powers, how you can use them, and how powerful you are. any other things that you want to include about your powers can go here.
revealing how did you find out you were a witch? you can write out a scene or explain it in your own words. also explain how/why you were invited to this school for witches. any other things pertaining to your revealing, such as who knows, how they react, etc. can be put here.
love interest read rule four.
background read rule five. a simple background, such as where they came from, how they grew up, why they are the way they are, etc etc.
personality regular personality things. three qualities and expand them.
relationship/story such as how they treat you, how you met, do they find out that you're a witch?, are the actually a witch hunter? whatever you want your love interest's character to be in the story, put here.
backup just in case. 
request(s) any kind of scenes or relationships or anything you want, put them here. may or may not be fufilled.
anything else if i missed anything, put that info here. questions, comments, or concerns also go here.
password yah yah yah. \\o


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SheaLovesYou #1

here is my app :D...let me know if I need to change anything :D

Here you go! Good luck with the story ^^