about meeeee!

hey guys! here a few answers for you about me!

Q: What's your name?

A: My nickname is jojo

Q: How old are you?

A: Not that old haha ^^

sorry those were the only questions I wont answer fully ^^

Q: Where are you from?

A: Germany

Q: What is your height?

A: I think...164cm^^

Q: What's your favourite color?

A:That would be green and pink XD

Q: What are you scared of?

A: Spiders! I hate them! >.<

now random questioooooons!!!!

Q: What was the last word you said?

A: I think it was 'Wow!' (haha I saw a video from b.a.p XD)

Q: Haircolor?

A: Blond^^

Q: Color of your eyes?

A: A mix of green, blue and grey O.o

Q: Alcohol yes or no?


Q: Smoking yes or no?

A: No. Neverrrrrr

Q: when do you go to bed?

A: Late^^

Q: What's your favourite song?

A: Uff...I have sooooooooooooooooooooo manyyyyyy!!!

Q: Do you sing or talk to yourself when you're alone?

A: Too often....

Q: What was the most embarrassing moment in your whole life?

A: One of my classmates wrote a fake love latter and wrote my name under it and then the teacher

found it...it was sooooo embarrassing!!

Q: Have you ever laughed for no reason?

A: NNyyeessss...

Q: Are you right or lefthanded?

A: Righthanded^^

Q: Did you ever have a boyfriend?

A: Don't know if you can say so.

Q: What was the last song you heard?

A: 'Power' from b.a.p

Q: Are you crazy sometimes?

A: Sometimes? All the time!

Q: Are you good looking?

A: Cannot answer that myself O.o

Q: What's your favourite movie right now?

A: I'm in the hobbit/Lord of the rings-fever right now haha >.<

Q: Your most favourite book/s?

A: Dunno...I like house of night very much ^^

Q: Did you ever steal something?

A: No I didn't and I wont -_-

Q: McDonalds or Burgerking?

A: McDonalds >.<

Q: What do you want to be later?

A: A teacher and a mangaka ^^

Q: What was the last drink you've had?

A: Coke (°.°)

Q: Can you do a handstand?

A: Only with a wall^^

Q: Do you want to get married?

A: Yes! ^^

Q: How should your perfect boyfriend/husband be like?

A: I will find out when I found him ^^ ´But he should be taller than me XD But that's not that difficult

    I think -_-




Okay guys that was all i could think of for now! ^^ hope you enjoyed to get to known me better

XDDD!! maybe I will write a part two ;)




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