Ok. False alarm. I'm not gonna kick her ........for now...



Hey you all.....Please ignore that last blog post for right now. I have some stuff to tell you about what happened today. Please bare with me if this gets a bit long.

Ok. Here's how it all started. As you know in my last couple of blog posts, I've been going off and yelling about my ex-friend "Jessica", that she wanted to fight me right? I'm was so angry and pissed off at her and I was thinking about actually fighting her. It's really her fault the whole thing happened. Her and my other ex-friends were saying that it was my fault, then "Jessica" told them that I wanted their exes, or their "sloppy seconds". What-the--ever!!!! Ok, so. I thought the guys they've been with were pretty cute, but I never wanted any of them. Plus I wasn't gonna betray them, by going behind their backs and dating any of them. Then, "Jessica" went and told my other ex-friend "Chelsea" that I wanted to ing hook up with Bello!!! One of Chelsea's exes, that was in the 12 grade!!!! First of all, It was just a ing joke that she took soooo seriously!! I never wanted or needed to hook up with him!!! Later, "Jessica" found out, that I kissed Darrell!!! One of her exes!!! No mother-ing way!!!! HE KISSSED ME!! He was all over me, so I pushed him off me!!! Now, all of them came to confront me about it, when that wasn't even true!!!! After all of that, they turned against me!!! Then, "Jessica" is calling me fake and !!! And then she wants to fight me!!! Saying, that she's pissed at me for stuff I didn't even do!!! And says she's gonna beat my !!! No way!!! It's not ing happening!!


So that's what happened first....... Here's what happened today......


This morning I got off the bus, feeling a bit better after the last couples of days being the worst of my life. Then I walked up the steps to the school. Guess who I saw standing right there..... "JESSICA!!!" She was waiting for me. I rolled my eyes and ignored her, trying to go to the vending machine. And what do you know happens..... She TOUCHED me!!! She said "There, I touched you! What are you gonna do about it?!" That's when my anger flared up. I got up in her face and said "!!! I said don't even touch me, before I smash your ing face right into the wall!!!" I wasn't gonna take any of her !! She ran towards me, screaming back. "!! Get in my face again!!" She tried to come at me! At that point I was sooo ready to throw that first punch!! But "Chelsea" held her back. Then a teacher passed by. She was so lucky, I was really gonna give it to her right there if it hadn't been for that!!! I was sooo heated in 1st block, I couldn't even think straight or do my work. After an hour or so, I finally managed to calm down. Then came the bell for 2nd block. I left Honors. Am. Lit to go to World History. I put my stuff down in my seat, and left to go to the bathroom. When I walked down the hallway, I saw "Jessica" at her locker. She looked up and saw me. I didn't anything of it at that time. I thought she was just gonna go to her class or whatever. So I just went inside the girl's bathroom. It wasn't until I got out of the stall, that I saw her standing there, waiting for me. We were the only 2 people left in the bathroom. She said. "I see you weren't gonna do anything. You're a !!!". I said "I was going to, but then I started to realize that you're not really worth me fighting for. I'm gonna be a mature person and not do it." She said. "Yeah, watever. You're just scared that I'm gonna beat your !!" I said. "Nah...not really. I just don't want u do get sevrely injured." then I left the bathroom and that ended our conversation. So, when I was in World History, I decided to go talk to this old lady that me and my sister are cool with. I told her what happened and why she wanted to fight me. She gave me some good advice and I listened to her. I told Mrs. McCarver that I was not gonna get suspended because of fighting Jessica, for the rest of this month. If I did, I wouldn't come back to school until next year. I already have enough to deal with. I have final exams that I cannot afford to miss or fail. I have 2 classes I'm having alot of trouble with. Honors American Literature and Math 2. I have to pass all of that or else I won't move on to the 11th grade. Also, I'm trying to be the bigger person and walk away. Then, her safety is at stake. If I get my heads on her, it's not gonna be good for her. Mrs. Carver got what I was trying to say. I'm gonna try to hold out on fighting "Jessica" until the next year or longer. I'm trying to avoid her and not talk to her, but it's not gonna be easy. Since, we have the same lunch period, and have classes in the same building, so we're bound to see each other. But yet she wants to touch me and push me anytime she see's me. That's not gonna happen!!! No one ever touches or pushes Julie Pierre around and expects me not to do a damn thing about it!!!! I told my dad and he's gonna do something about it. Sooo...we'll see what happens with that. In closing, I'm not gonna do anything and just lay low for a while.....but if she up and hits me out of nowhere, I will defend myself. I know that I may get consequences, but I will never let anyone put their hands on me like that.







Well......that was way longer that I expected it to be. I feel like I wrote a chapter. lol 

Now you've got the whole story.


Comment in the bow below! Tell me your thoughts!


If you have any questions, feel free to ask me!!



Bye for now....





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RainaTB #1
Glad you didn't fight.
I'm glad you the right. I dont like when people touch me either but I always tell people that people could talk all they want, just dont touch and we wont have no problem
creolediva3 #3
i wish i had ur will-power bcuz i would've went off on the ... XD
xiiong18 #4
Wow. I'm glad you didn't hit "jessica" even though she bothered you that much. I mean i might of but i'm proud of you! Just keep ignoring that ! :)
AbriMathos #5
Good job, Julie! I screamed out at "Jessica" "You !" when you wrote that she touched you XD Those are absolutely ridiculous and childish allegations. They were never your friends to begin with if they really turned their backs on you that quickly. I say you find yourself a good group of people to hang out with. I had a situation happen to me in high school where a friend found every excuse she could to turn her back on me so I just decided not to hang out with her anymore. Of course she got mad at me for it but I stopped caring. To this day I still hang out with the friends I made.
PS. The is pathetic trying to pick a fight with you. I say you get intellectual on her and tell her off using big words that she can't spell. Then she'll feel even more pathetic XD
Wait, your a sophomore?? Me too! Wow, girls these days -___- just ignore them. If they were really your friends they wouldn't do like that. Fighting! (not literally, lol) ^^v
good job ur the bigger person!! u live in georgia right?? guh my family's from there and if i was there i'd be right there with ya ready to kick her !!
Dongsaeng its too long and my brain is hurting TT^TT but based of Kate's comment u did good (?) lol u said comment here's my comment ^O^ message me the short version
Good job :) Make her feel pathetic by ignoring her. You're better than she will ever be. :D
Awwww~!!! Bunny~!! I'm really proud of you.
I'm so happy that you were being the bigger person :)