Who Is Your VIXX Boyfriend?


You're Boyfriend is LEO!

Congratz!!! You got shy boy LEO!!!!! 0088.gif
LEO is the most quiet member in VIXX, he is really shy and handsome!
Once he met you, he became less shy and now he talks more often. He loves you with all his heart & now every time he sings, he sings just for you! ^^

I got Leo! Hehehe. My bias. :D


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I got a boyfriend?? haha.
Your Boyfriend is Hong Bin!
Hong Bin is very handsome, he is known as a piece of Artwork(That's what the other members call him). He often zones out and stares into space. But, he is sometimes very fun and playful with the other members of VIXX.
When Hong Bin first met you, he had a weird feeling. It was a feeling of wanting to protect you and to always stand by your side. Months after you two met, the members encourage Hong Bin to ask you to be his girlfriend. The two of you meet alone, outside below a starry night sky, as he hugs you tightly and asks you to by his side, always...
LOL I got Hongbin... We are so much alike it's scary
hush_windy #3
I got Ravi, but my bias is Leo. :c
I got Hongbin!! and he is my bias so it was perfect!! hehe
fabulous91 #5
i got ken ^^
i got ken... my bias is Hyuk though..