Cockroaches!!! How to kill it??

If you saw a cockroaches, what did you do??

Hahaha.. Just asking..

How did you kill it ??? Please tell me!!

You slapped it with a roll of magazine??

Euww, there must be water on the floor.

and the germs are sticking there.

Euww!! But, tell me if you got a way to

kill it.


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OriannaGoldelle #1
i ran away before it get near me , so i don't have the chance to kill them xD
i stamp on it!! HAHA~ >:D bt there is this poison cockroach thingy u know... bt then all the cockroach will come out from their homes and run around the house like it will be invested by cockroaches!! *flashback* Me: EWWW~~ XC
Lifeless_Anonymous #3
i didnt kill it...just try my best to chase it out from my room...
I'll use the cockroach spray (i don't know how to call that) and spray it . After that , when it faints , I will use a roll of magazine (not k-pop magazine and i will never use that) and beat it . After that , I'll wrap it with a paper and throw it into the dustbin