Copied from yupitsme

1. Have you ever smoked marijauna.

i cant smoke

2. Give me your best pick up line.

"Are there 21 alphabets exist? Ahhh! I forgot the other five. U R A Q T.

(What the....)

3. Tell me a joke.

You are beautiful?

4. What’s the dumbest thing you’ve ever heard?

The sound of my teacher saying 'ergo' in spanich class...I dont know why but it sounds funny. XD

5. How is your blog a reflection of yourself? What do you think people assume or know about you by looking at your blog?

This is my first blog.

6. Make a 5 song playlist that sums you up as a person.

-Titanium cover version by madilyn bailey

-lithium by evanescene

-the night santa went crazy by bad hair day

-the saga begins by running with scissors

-no other by super junior

7.What’s something you’re nostalgic for?

How all of those variety of languages formed.

8. What’s the most annoying thing about the person you like?

Having hard ability to wake up in the morning

9. You ordered pizza last night and have been looking forward to eating the leftovers all day. You go home and the box is still in the fridge, but someone has eaten all of it and its empty. What do you do?

as long as it was not my icecream...if it was...i will buy him the anabell doll for his birthday

10. Take a picture of an inanimate object in your house that holds significance for you and tell why you find it so significant.

what is inanimate object

11. Take a picture of your pet if you have one and tell why you love him or her.

I don't have one. my mum might kill it.

12. In what ways have you ever altered your look, i.e. new hair color/style/colored contacts, and which of your looks is your favorite?

I wore contact lens

13. On a scale of 1-10 how large is your attention span?


14. Are you sure that you were born in the right era?

No. I would love to have been born in the future because i might be able to eat a potato with chicken flavor.

15. The last text you sent is the only thing you can say for the rest of your life. How screwed are you?

does that mean i died? then, i will not be screwed, i died already.

16. Make me a proposition and then convince me to take you up on that offer.

be my friend and i will love you forever. hehe :D

17. Tell an inside joke you share with your friends?

"i can read mind"

18. What is your opionion on snapbacks?

i dont like it.

19. If you had to diagnosis yourself with any mental illness which would it be?


20. Create a Sim of yourself and post a picture telling which personality traits, lifetime aspiration, and career you’d have.

i dont play Sims

21. Name at least three things you could stand to cut out of your life.



-my glasses

22. What’s your favorite snack?


23. If you got selected to be on a reality show which would it be, and why?

Running man. I want to make jong kook burst his muscles.

24. Your signature thing, what you are most known for among your friends is now your name. What do people call you?


25. What’s the sickest you’ve ever been?

Idk. i dont understand the question for the truth (that was the sickest moment for me)

26. Batman vs The Hulk, who would win?

The hulk

27. Write me a haiku about anything.

I realllllly reallllly realllly really hope you dont eat my icecream (never touch the strawberry flavor)

28. If you were guaranteed honest repsonses to any three questions, whom would you question and what would you ask them?

Ryeowook from suju

1. What do you think of global warming?

2. What is the significance of giraffe in your life?

3. Can I keep you in my pocket?

29. What if anything is too serious to be joked about?

im okay because im cool (dying of laughter)

30. If you could be invisible for a day what would you do?

Ermmmmmm.....(dying of laughter again)


jesus....this is fun :P

let me know about yours :)


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You like strawberry flavour icecream too?! OMG I LOVE THAT FLAVOUR!!
Haha the only thing I noticed about this blog is that you like strawberry flavor.