I dropped out of school depressed ~ where am I now?

Ive decided to write an update on my life. if youve read my previous blogs(if you havnt its not to late ;]) you will know that i have dropped out of school/sixthform =year 12. (again read previous blog if your curious) and i started working at a shoe/sell everything shop.

i thought i would tell you what im doing with my life right now because i want to show some of you that it is possible to function in life even if you do things differently.

I  am now a full time art student and i also work 6 hours every Saturday. 

i have a tattoo which will be a whole different blog post because thats a subject in itself so stay posted for that :L 

I am learning  about my anxiety through a 6 week course 

i no longer am depressed ( write a comment if you want me to write a post about my experience and how i managed to get through it or pm me if you ever feel down and need someone to talk to who will know a tiny bit about what your going through.)

any hooble 




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