About my previous blog post

I'm sorry If I worried anyone. I have so many of these moments and sometimes I can't control them. I want to thank everyone who told me not to give up. I'm not going to tell you I'm ok when I'm not. I have to warn you though, I have a feeling I will have more of 'those' types of post. But thank you to everyone who told me not to give up. I'm very thankful.


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It's fine; I just hope you're feeling better.
Just remember, don't use permanent solution to end a temporary situation.
keep fighting and move on <3
just one thing. Don't ever ever cut yourself anymore. I know no promises but please don't.
Kyu3392 #4
Everyone has those moments sometimes, when the world just seems like it completely , and you're like, what the hell do I do when I feel so ty? The best thing is to talk to people, and to not keep it all trapped inside. When you keep it to yourself, it always seems so much worse. So don't hesitate to reach out for help <3
Express you self more dearie...you can talk to me if you have any problem love
I am here for you
mistressofsecrecy #6
its ok...at least write about it so people here can help you :) don't think about worrying others and just express yourself :) Good luck!
Sorry if I sounded a bit harsh, it's just the cold hard truth
No problem ^_^ if you ever need to talk and just let things out, you can talk to me (myself and my sister have both gone through this soo will help as much as I can!) keep going, we're always here for you :)
kpopluvr27 #9
I'm happy that you are able to let all this out during these moments. I feel like that's the best medicine.
everyone has these moments once in a while, don't be sorry. and it's better when you let it all out so people can see that you're not really in mood. and you definitely doesn't have to thank us dear :)
dont give up on life....there r so much more beautiful thing will come to u.....the time will come.......pls listen to (celine dion-that's the way it is) u will know what i mean....dont give up on your faith
It's okay we all have those moments sometimes, and believe me I am like you: I provide everyone with a smile but inside I'm empty and so alone. I'm known for my bubbly personality but honestly I'm miserable inside with so many internal conflicts. Feel better and laugh often.
I hope you have a happier life soon!!!!
Good of u for thinking like this