✾ ─ petals。Kwon Noa


Kwon Noa

username: -farewell- | nickname: Elly | Activeness: 9-10



Character Name: Kwon Noa

Stage Name: Noa

Other Names: Kwon Minsoo (Korean name)

Nicknames: Nono - her baby cousin calls her this because he can't speak too well yet

Birthday: 31th December, 1993


Birthplace: London, United Kingdom

Hometown: London, United Kingdom

Ethnicity: British-Korean

Languages: English (Native) Korean (Fluent)

Height: 166cm

Weight: 51kg

Blood type: A









Face claim: Sera from Nine Muses

Back-up Face claim: Sulli from f(x)




A lot of the times Noa is described as immature, but in a lot of ways this doesn’t do her justice. She has a different sort of intelligence than the other group members, she obviously had no success in school grades, but she often makes very insightful responses to interview questions. Noa is also very caring and loving. You can see that in all of her relationships. I think the most evident though is how she treats her family. The fact that she has never shied away from talking about being close with her mom, and talking about how she talks to her on the phone or through text everyday, says a lot about her character, and is very revealing about what kind of person she is. It’s one thing to be close with your friends, but for a teenage girl to treat her mother as a best friend shows the strength of her devotion to her family.

It’s in her personality to be caring, and I cannot count the number of times one of her band members had said Noa is one of the best to go to if they want to talk about something serious, and that she can turn off the “goofiness” when they need her, and that she gives really good advices. She is also very natural around kids, she knows exactly how to interact with them, how to hold them and play with them, and those kinds of behavior, being so instinctive showcases her nurturing qualities. She very often takes charge in interviews, addressing all the topics that critic the band, or are discussing their motivations behind things, or what fans think of certain actions they’ve done.  When those around her need the fun loving Noa, then she’s there to brighten the mood and keep them happy. When they need the brave Noa she’s there, battling rumors and protecting her group members. She never had a goal in life, she never had an ambition because she never thought she could achieve something as big as being the leader of one of the most popular asian girlgroup and move people's heart from worldwide. However, Noa is a bit insecure of herself. Not the insecure type that it's afraid that people will leave, that no one quite loves her enough or she could push people away! Instead, Noa seems to be insecure about being good enough. She doesn’t think she’s pretty, she doesn’t think her voice is good enough, and worries a lot about what people think of her. That's probably her biggest flaw! 

- christmas time
- winter
- marshmallows
- nail art
- pink panther
- smurfs
- skinship
- My Chemical Romance
- bad boys
- horror movies
- skydiving

- other people touching her things
- being bothered
- bad internet connection
- crossing the streets alone
- small places
- crowded places
- fish
- Twilight Saga Movies
- liars

- backstabbers
- violence


- online shopping
- drawing
- cinema
- nail art
- swimming

- clapping her hands while laughing
- procrastinating
- rolling her eyes when she is annoyed
- biting her lips until they bleed

- clinging to everyone and everything during her sleep
- spending too much money without noticing
- she jumps a bit while she walks
- always has a bubblegum in


- She was mentioned in EXO's XOXO Thanks To
- She says her best feature is her smile
- She says she doesn't have an ideal type
- Her favourite movie is 'The Day After Tomorrow' she knows all the lines
- Has a dog named 'Chingu' it was a birthday gif from her group members
- She did an special appearance on the drama 'I Hear your Voice' as the young Hye Sung
- She was supposed to debut as an actress only
- She appeared in EXO's Miracles in December and Wolf Drama Version 
- She was born in London, United Kingdom to a full British mother and full Korean father
- She and Suho from EXO were the voice actors for the animated movie 'Saving Santa'
- She is very clumsy and keeps getting bruises on her body from falling a lot
- Mistaken as a 16 year old teenager




Her parents both had successful jobs so money never was a problem for them. Growing up, Noa had a fairly normal childhood until her parents decided to get a divorce. Things just weren't working and Noa could tell from their constant fighting. Her father moved to Korea, Seoul and her mother decided to stay in London. During weekends and breaks from school, Noa was always flying back and forth to Seoul to visit her father.  Her parents were really young when they found out they would become parents! Noa's mother was just 17 and her father 18! Even though Noa was born to young and still immature parents, she always had the best things available to her, the best clothes, the best toys and the best educational systems. She never was a girl that used to have good grades, so as soon Noa told her family she didn't wanted to become a doctor, it was a shock to all of them, since the whole family history was about doctors or business people! The girl decided to stand up for herself and fight for what she really wanted - being a fashion designer - . But as soon she is scouted to be a trainee under a music company, her dream life changes completely. The question is: it changed for the best, or for the worst? Possibly both. Noa was scouted to be a YG trainee when she was 16 years old, while she was shopping with her friends during a trip to Korea. A man complimented her beauty and happy personality saying that she should try to audition. However, YG saw nothing special about her. Her dancing moves were weak, her voice was unstable. She had the looks, yes, but her talent needed to be nailed. YG accepted her though, deep down they knew she had something hidden. But she was transfered to SM Entertainment after 2 months of training under YG. It was a shock to her, SM is known from being harsh when it comes to training periods and methods. However, was in SM that Noa found her true self. With Kangta as her voice mentor, Noa became one of the best vocal trainees. Like I said above, her talent needed to be nailed, and SM did it, with no doubt.

Father | Kwon Minho | 39 | Surgeon 
Mother| Katherine Smith | 38 | Doctor 


Best friends: 
Amber Liu | 21 | F(X) member | They act like a couple, always hugging and pecking each other's lips in a playful way.


Harry Styles | One Direction Member (They were classmates back in London)
Oh Sehun | EXO member (He is like her younger brother)
Krystal Jung | F(X) member (They are pretty closwe, since both know how to speak english fluently)



Rival: Kang Mirae (OC)

Personality: She is a trainee under SM! Mirae is not a bad girl, she just wants attention. She is still really young, talented, hardworking and self-centered. She wants to be number one in everything and doesn't thinks twice when it comes to do everything she can to stay always in number one position. She has a warm side, but she just shows it to the ones she feels comfortable with.

How you interact: People think they hate each other because they are always fighting! But in fact those fights aren't real, they are very playfull with each other and just tease each other a lot. When Noa was a trainee, she would always play pranks on Mirae, making her slip during practice, making her arrive late at dance lessons and vice versa. However, those pranks became something more, and now they can't stand each other.

Reason for rivalry: V,V,V. That's the only reason even though it's completely stupid. Noa and V are friends since God knows how long and Mirae is jealous of something she can't have no matter what. It started slowly, nothing big and just small fights between the two toddlers but things became worse each day. Mirae is ambitious and she just can't accept the fact that Noa has a good relationship with V because that's what she wanted the most and he doesn't give her opportunities to even become close with him.

Back-up: Hyomin from T-ARA




Love Interest: Kim Taehyung - V

Age: 18

Personality: What can be said about Taehyung? He is still a kid and behaves like one. People need to have a lot of patience with him, because dealing with him is not an easy thing. His personality changes from time to time, so we can say that he is a bit bipolar. He is shy and doesn't like to socialize much, but when he doesn't have a choice, he shows his pocker face and tries to tell to everyone that he is there just because he was forced, and he is going to be asking 'can I leave already' every 5 minutes. Cocky and also egocentric, Taehyung can also be humble and down to earth. This boy surely knows how to keep a secret. You will find in him a very loyal friend, your secrets are safe with him. Since he is not very good with words because of how shy he is, the best way to show how he feels is through his voice! He often likes to write songs that will express his mood. Sees the good side in everything and doesn't give up if something is wrong. He will defenitely try again and again until he gets what he wants. Taehyung is not afraid to say what he thinks, however it might hurt others because more often than not, he doesn't think before speaking.

How you met: Taehyung and Noa met each other when she first arrived in Seoul. She is a noona to him by 2 years and it was the very first time she felt a strange connection with a boy that was younger than her. It all started in a rainy day. Noa was leaving the SM building after her first time training there, it was dark and cold, fortunately she had an umbrella with her. When she was about to leave the building to go home, someone grabbed her wrist. It was Taehyung, this shy and good looking boy asked her if she could share her umbrella with him because he forgot his at home. Noa smiled and nodded her head. After a not so long walk down the streets of Seoul, Noa stopped in front of Taehyung's dorm and waved goodbye at the boy that stood there watching her leave. On the next day, it was Taehyung's time to take her home, because she "forgot" her own umbrella.

How you interact: They can't say that they are dating, because they are not. But they can't deny the fact that the feeling is there, they act like boyfriend and girlfriend, they get jealous, they protect each other as they life depended on it. Around each other, they are the cutest thing ever, they show emotions that can't show in front of other people, and when they are together, people can clearly say that they are in love, 100% of skinship, smiles and the way they look at each other, as if they were talking in some kind of code. They act like boyfriend and girlfriend, sometimes like brother and sister, other times like an old married couple. They are always there for each other, they share a lot of secrets. Taehyung does everything for Noa, even if it means giving his own life, because everybody can see how crazy she is about him and how madly he is in love with her. They often like to cuddle and talk about random stuff. Noa is always there to compliment him, to say how special he is, and how he doesn't need to change to be loved, because she already likes him the way he is, and for her, he is the most amazing boy on earth. 

Back-up: Sanghyuk (Hyuk from VIXX)


Love Rival: Kim Jongin - Kai

Age: 20

Personality: Calm and soft, that's how everybody would describe him. Out of stage, Jongin seems always like he is in his own world, is not a loud person and seems very innocent and pure. However, when he his on stage, a wild Jongin appears, what makes all the fangirls go crazy. He likes to eat a lot and he is with no doubt a dork. Near him people can't keep a straight face, because he is so funny that will make everyboy laugh. He is a bad liar, whenever he lies people can tell by his sweaty hands and weird laughs. 

How you met: They were classmates when they were both in Seoul of Performing Arts but never really decided to get to know each other better. He used to bully her in a playful way and it was the big cause why he was sent to the principal office. Noa and Kai also were in a lot of troubles in school for fighting countless times and they were in the detention room almost once a week. 

How you interact: They are always there for each other, they share a lot of secrets. However, they are a lot like the cat and the mouse sometimes!

Why is he your love rival?: He doesn't like Taehyung that much. He is always trying to get Noa's attention and everytime he sees V, he will act like a kid, pouting and doing aegyo. He just can't stand the fact that Noa likes Taehyung more than she likes him. 

Back up: Chanyeol from EXO





Persona: British Beauty

Fanclub Name: Pearls

Fanclub Colour: #66ffff

Position: Main Vocalist, Sub-Dancer

Back-up Position: Lead Vocalist, Main Dancer

Training years: 4 years (2monts in YG and the rest at SM)

Singing Twin: Ailee

Dancing Twin: Tiffany Hwang

Speaking Twin: Ailee



Comments/Suggestions: I changed the font and size of the app, I hope you don't mind. I don't like when the font is too big. For the sub-group thing, I want Noa to be a Soloist ((:

Scene Requests:  (i'll add this later)

Password: I didn't found one o:



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keksix3 #1
where are you have the Application Form