Jack Frost & Elsa (JELSA SHIP)

I am currently in love with Elsa of Frozen and Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardian. I dunno what this ship name is, but I found some people name them Jelsa.

They look so good to be together, in all honesty. Lots people ship Jack with Rapunzel and Merida, but in my very own opinion Jack and Elsa looks better together. She's really beautiful and also elegant, not to mention that she has the power to control ice just like Jack does. So, I kinda made a fanfic about these two amazing character. I'm in love with this ship.

This is really the first ship of fictional cartoon character, in my life really.  So please check my fanfics out ;;  HERE IS THE LINK ono


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shawolf_Exoticpicka #1
cute~! JELSA.. :3
OMO I REALLY LIKE ELSA FROM FROZEN TOO! xD I've been singing songs from that movie ever since I saw that beautiful movie <3

But I don't ship her with Jack /slapped and killed
i don't get why they ship Jack Frost with Rapunzel or Merida
in my weheartit, its full of Jack Frost and Elsa O^O