I don't know what to do...

i just come back from 'Tanglong Festival'

frankly speaking, i don't really have heart to go there...

but my friend text me,

saying that..


'Hey.. that oppa (my crush) is here..!! he become the VVIP for today's event..'


my mind stop thinking straight... and i go there without hesitation..

what?? it's been about a m0nth since i meet him..


i got my eyes only on him....

and i keep thinking..


'Gosh.. what exactly this feeling..?? why my heart flutter..??'


i keep myself behind him... following him when we do some parade...

and what is my mind just...


'Damn!! i want to back hug him...ottoke??'


now i come back to hostel... with nothing...

no talking. no hugging. So pathetic..

i always be like this...

it's been three month now...

since i have a crush on him...

But not once i ever talk directly to him....


How i wish to be over friendly sometime..

and go randomly talk to him....

erghh~~ how can i let him know my feeling if we haven't once talking..

he also.., probably didn't notice me...

God.. give me a hope...

give me a way..

 I really don't know what I should do.....


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Try someone who's a mutual friend of both of you to introduce you to him as a friend...

Then once he's a good friend, then try the next move of confession...

Its worth a try..


Gud luck!
go talk to him, it's not hard!