`▐┊the нierarchy 〉jang hyun — the inspiration : the royals

i am the inspiration, jang hyun.
username : hongmine | activity : eight | english : jay park hehe | nickname : username pls!
FULL NAME — jang "right-hand" hyun.
AGE —late seventeen year old.
YEAR — junior.
BIRTHDATE — november fourth, ninety-six.
HOMETOWN — seoul, south korea.
ETHNICITY — korean.
LANGUAGES — korean (fluent) : native language.
BLOOD TYPE — b positive
FACE —jang hyun.
BACKUP FACE — park hyung seok.
jang hyun stands at a height of 5'9" and weighs in at 132lbs. although he's not that tall, his long legs makes people think otherwise. jang hyun has a sharp v-line and a pair of monolids. he doesn't have any scars or moles on his face because he takes really good care of his skin. he'll often say that his face is the money maker. jang hyun only has a pair of regular earlobe piercings which he occupies with a pair of studs. he has this one noticeable burn mark on his right forearm after saving soojung from an over jealous girl that tried to throw coffee at her.
HEIGHT — 175cm/5'9".
WEIGHT — 58kg/129lbs.
although jang hyun doesn't come from a rich family, he some how dresses like he came from one. he had always savd his money up to get nice clothes for himself. since it's winter, he wears coats or sweaters. when he dresses casual, it goes from hoodies, sweaters, and plaid long sleeves. even in summer, it'd be these choices. when students wear their school uniform during the summer, they'd only wear the collared t-shirt but you'd see jang hyun wearing jackets and hoodies. most of his classmates haven't even seen him in a t-shirt because jang hyun tries to hide his scar. he knows that soojung would feel bad over it, so he tries not to bring it up even if he gets heatstroke.
PERSONALITY TRAITS — sarcastic, adaptable, intelligent, chatty, childish.
 // you'll know when the royals are coming when the students are running away from that direction. it's almost like seeing actual royalty. you see sehun and bomi walking with an unreadable expression and then jang hyun on the right side of sehun, grinning and waving to the frightened students. most students wonder why sehun even keeps jang hyun as his right hand man. they probably don't know about him like sehun does. he's smart. not just 'oh i aced all my test' smart. like jang hyun is actually really intelligent. he's always managed to be one step ahead of everyone through careful observation. even though he does look an idiot by the way he acts, jang hyun notices things to the detail and makes notes of them. sehun finds this of use to him. jang hyun has this way of words that makes it easy to manipulate others. he would owe you five dollars and somehow after talking to him, you'd be the one to owe him ten dollars. jang hyun is a dangerous guy to mess with.
it's hard to understand the boy's thoughts. he hides his expressions through a cheesy grin and an eye smile. surprisingly, jang hyun can be painfully serious and scary if he wanted to be. not many people have seen him like this though. if something really does piss him off, jang hyun is like the devil. he won't do something like fight you. instead with careful planning, he can make your life unbearable and make it seem like he didn't even do it. luckily it takes a lot of iness to make jang hyun angry and he's usually in a happy state of mind. he tends to make sarcastic or uneccessary jokes in bad situations but jang hyun doesn't even realise it. you could say he's like the jokester of the royals no matter how weird that sounds. jang hyun loves going around and bothering people just to see their reactions. even in arguments jang hyun never loses most of the time. he knows what'll make me people snap and how to get them feeling vulnerable. 
you know the saying the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. that doesn't apply to jang hyun's family. intelligent and handsome jang hyun lives in a small two room apartment with his parents. his father is a "retired" construction worker whose only wage is from the government after hurting his back. his mom, an ex-actress, spends most of her time complaining about how she could've been something big. she works at korean bbq restaurant and then comes home to complain some more. their neighbors just don't understand how different the parents could be from their son.
from the cocky and playful way that jang hyun acts, most people would expect him to be from a rich family. he attended the local elementary and middle school. jang hyun was slightly popular because of his looks and that just made him more cockier. although he acted like he was all that, jang hyun got harassed by a lot of the students from the school because they knew he wasn't anybody special. infact his family was probably the least wealthy out of anyone else's. he always knew he was smarter then everyone else and often got them back with worse stuff then getting him beat up. this one student, yukwon, had bothered him so much that one day he just set the poor kid up and got him expelled. that was also how he became friends with oh sehun who was in the same classroom as him.
jang hyun hung out with sehun a lot and became friends with him despite a difference in personalities. they went to the same middle school as jung soojung and jang hyun fell for her at first sight. however the girl rarely looked in his direction and was more friends with sehun then him. the three went to naseok high school. soojung and sehun got in because they were rich while jang hyun only got in because his exam scores were the highest. since jang hyun didn't exactly seem smart to the other classmates, they just assumed he got in because he was rich. in their second year, sehun completely took over the school and made jang hyun like his right hand man. for some reason sehun turned cold and divided the schools. jang hyun didn't really think he was all that serious and went to talk to other people, mostly soojung. when sehun found out he confronted him about soo jung saying that their possibility of getting together was zero. sehun threatened to steal soojung away from him if he ever went against the division. jang hyun was furious and a little heartbroken. 
even though he considered sehun like a bestfriend, this was too far. sehun knew how much he liked soojung yet he said that to him. jang hyun began to connect with the rebels secretly and plan a few things out with them such as the punk kimono drill wire. sehun knows that there are people trying to stop the detachment but he has no idea that jang hyun has been the ones giving the ideas and helping them along.
father : jang hyungwoo : 54 : no job : two : sluggish, impolite, an imbecile.
mother : jang boram : 51 : waitress : two : selfish, concieted, greedy
the hot neighbor : kim hyuna : late nineteen year old : college student : three : compassionate, childish, endearing - hyuna lives right next door to him and often cooks food for him as she sees him as a baby. 
the apprentice : jeon jung kook: early sixteen year old : naseok student : three : innocent, hard worker, smart - he's apart of the rebels and thought jang hyun's plans were really cool and he began to learn a few things from jang hyun himself who was excited that he was the idol of someone else. if he needs something for a plan then jungkook would go get it for him.  
middle school crush : jung soojung : late seventeen year old : naseok student : five : mature, stoic, intelligent, charming. 
— manhwa : possibly the only thing he ever plans on reading
— jung soojung : no one look at her, she is jang hyun's dont even think about her
— karaoke : he finds it easy to blow off steam ok don't judge
— innocent people : they're easy to mess around with
— parties : jang hyun is the party animal. he'd probably run or break a law
— lollipops : you can find with a lollipop in his mouth all the time, even during class
— guys that like soojung : even if it's his friends, jang hyun would hate the guy.
— being ignored : it makes him feel unworthy
— exercise/physical activity : the junk food takes a toll on him. 
— his family : they embarass him to no end
— serious personalities : people with that attitude aren't fun
— work : can't he just take a nap?
— bothering people : it's like a part time job for him
— talking : do you see how these hobbies go together?
— running a hand through his hair when he's being conceited 
— putting his hands in his pocket, so he looks like a cool anime character. 
— looking around and squinting at new environments to check everything out. 
— insects : he'll probably scream and hide 
— soojung dating someone else
— being humiliated 
— the queen aka bomi finds him annoying tbh he's always talking to her and making dumb jokes. 
— jang hyun always whines that taeeun is stealing his cool persona as the mysterious one. 
— during their first year a girl got pissed off at soojung and threw coffee at her but jang hyun blocked it with his arm. soojung never knew he got seriously hurt because he laughed it off. he actually went to the hospital and it left a bad scar. but she never saw it because he didn't want her to feel guilty, so he just always wore long sleeves around her. 
— one time jang hyun got so wasted he blurted out that sehun had accidently walked into a girls bathroom in middle school and that was the first time sehun almost kicked him out of the royals.
— jang hyun doesn't like showing off his intelligence to much so on any exams he'll purposely miss some to get an average score. 
— he doesn't like staying around his family so he'll usually spend a lot of his time at his friend's house or sleepover.
— hyuna is just his next door neighbor but he tells soojung that she has a thing for him just to make her jealous. 
— he'll assume any girl that even looks at him or goes in the same direction as him, has a thing for him.
CLIQUE — the royals.
CODE NAME — the kingdom's advisor.
PLOT LINE — the inspiration 
jang hyun doesn't understand the point of this division. sehun didn't even come to talk about this plan with him and just went ahead and made it happen. jang hyun actually has friends and a soon to be girlfriend in other cliques, but he's not allowed to meet them and that bothers him.
bang yongguk : the rebels : jang hyun himself went to him and explained he wanted to go against sehun as well.
lu han : the artist : he wanted to make an alliance with the leader in soojungs clique. 
RIVAL— oh sehun.
BIRTHDATE — april twelve, ninety-six.
AGE — late seventeen year old's.
YEAR — junior .
PERSONALITY — sehun has a very similar personality to jang hyun in some ways. he's intelligent almost as intelligent as jang hyun. sehun has always been able to get what he wants due to his cold calculating ways. he had always been reserved since middle school but just recently began to block out everyone. his personality changed to the point where sehun became cold to even jang hyun and soojung.
INTERATIONS — they used to be that kind of friendship when one would talk a lot *cough* jang hyun and the other would listen. after the division, their relationship got kind of awkward and distant. they rarely talk and if they do, jang hyun tries to keep it casual, so he doesn't seem suspicious. now a days sehun only calls jang hyun when he needs him to do something for him.
HOW THEY ME(E)T — the two met in their second year of middle school. this one of a kid, kim yukwon, was harassing a lot of the students. his dad donated a lot of money to the school and he was filthy rich, so no one could do anything about him. sehun plain out ignored the boy's pranks and one day yukwon decided to mess with sehun. while sehun sat on his desk reading a book, yukwon would throw spitballs at him and kick his desk whenever he walked past. sehun saw from the corner of his eye, the weird kid jang hyun putting something in yukwon's backpack but no one else seemed to notice. moments later the principal walked in and grabbed yukwon by the shirt and yelled at him. someone spray painted a on his office walls and completely trashed the place. yukwon denied it but after the principal emptied the backpack, he found a can of spray paint. to make it short, yukwon was finally expelled. sehun confronted jang hyun who played it off like it wasn't him. he acknowledged jang hyun's cleverness and the two became friends ever since.
REASON — jang hyun had never hated nor had any bad thoughts about sehun. he thought they were bestfriends. sadly sehun seemed to think otherwise, thinking he had no real friends in the end. jang hyun was absolutely devastated when sehun said he was just an assistant no more then aquaintances. they slowly began to grow apart during sophomore year after the division. jang hyun at first didn't have a problem with that but sehun was strict on the rules. it didn't help that his soon to be girlfriend was in a different clique, so he couldn't even see her. after getting caught once, jang hyun laughed it off but sehun didn't laugh along. he confronted jang hyun about soojung and stated that if he broke the division rule again, he would easily steal her away. jang hyun was heartbroken knowing that sehun could get her wrapped around her pinky. sehun forgave jang hyun but the latter decided that sehun needed to be stopped.
BACKUP — it's kind of hard to have a backup for this lol. if it doesn't work then just tell me and i can just change the plotline for the rivals.
LOVE INTEREST — jung soojung
BACKUP — son naeun
HER NICKNAME — beautiful.
HIS NICKNAME — yah. ex,"yah! go away"
ALLIES? — yes !
RELATION — five / best friends. 
CRUSHES — she has a crush on sehun. even though jang hyun might go
around flirting with other girls. it's obvious that soojung is the only one for him. 
BIRTHDATE — october 24, ninety-six.
YEAR — junior.
PERSONALITY — honestly speaking, no one would find it shocking if soojung and sehun dated. their personalities match so well but jang hyun refuses to make it happen. soojung is actually well known around the school. she could possibly have been one of the royals but wanted to choose the artists because of her love of singing. she's stoic, never telling other people her feelings, sometimes ignoring her own to help others. most students think she's a little mean by the cold way she acts but soojung's personality is just not very spirited. she's more of the calm and collected types. soojung has a strong personality and has no problem controling others to get what she wants. she can handle herself and do well.
INTERATIONS — the way that their classmates see it is that jang hyun is her stalker. no one would expect that they've been friends for four years already. jang hyun is constantly following her around like a little lost puppy and soojung is always ignoring him. it's almost sad to see how hard jang hyun tries only for soojung to completely not care. however it's rather obvious that soojung doesn't exactly hate him. while she'll plainly tell other people to off, she keeps jang hyun around her even if she ignores him. he often tells her that someday he's going to date her and she'll just laugh. you could tell that soojung does appreciate him. she knows that if she's ever in trouble, jang hyun would be the first on the scene and she thinks that's really kind of him. since the division, jang hyun can't be as close to soojung as he wants but he stills hangs around her. after her class ends, he'll be waiting for her and then walk with her to her next class by looking as if he was just walking by himself. he stays at least 5 feet away from her as he walks with her. it's not his favorite thing to do but that's the only way he can see her during school.
HOW THEY ME(E)T — on their third year of middle school, jang hyun heard rumours that his really pretty uljjang girl transferred in their school. he dragged sehun to find her and eventually found her classroom. jang hyun slammed the door open and met eyes with her. since then it was love at first sight and he immediately ran to her and asked if she wanted to go on a date with him. of course she rejected but he never stopped trying. eventually soojung became apart of jang hyun and sehun's friendship. though she always seemed more interested in sehun.
REASON — the first moment that jang hyun saw soojung, he instantly knew she had to be his girlfriend. there was just this magnatizing aura around her and you could say it was love at first sight. then he found out how her personality is exactly his style: smart yet strong at the same time. soojung could take care of herself and be as scary as any 6 foot guy. he thinks that she's absolutely perfect. soojung doesn't really like him at the time but later on his serious personality comes out and she's surprised to see him so mature. soojung likes how he's always willing to put himself in harms way for her. that's dedication right there. even jang hyun doesn't know why he's always so willing to help her out. it's almost like an impulse. usually jang hyun plans things out ahead of time and thinks before doing anything but when he hears that she needs him, then he'll rush out to find her without any thoughts in his head. soojung would surely be the end of him.
BACKUP — son naeun.
COMMENTS — is my character too complicated? lol sorry tell me if you have any questions. sorry for the sehun/jang hyun bromance.
1.during p.e, jang hyun's group is against the athlete's group in a game of soccer. the athlete had never liked him since the first year since jang hyun always played around with him and tried to make him feel stupid. at one point when the athlete is trying to score a kick, jang hyun asks him," if a rooster lays an egg and one side of the roof is 45 degrees and the other is 50. which way with the egg fall?" the athlete scoffs and states,"50 degrees" but jang hyun laughs and retorts,"roosters can't lay eggs, ." the athlete gets so pissed that jang hyun manages to steal the ball away from him.
2.in whch jang hyun sees bomi and kai together. he's confused at their relationship since she had never let anyone that close to her even sehun. jang hyun teases the two and bomi responds with a cold glare and a "get out". he blows a kiss to her before skipping away.
3.in order to signify a new beganing for naseok high, the rebels decide to do something ... explosive. jang hyun had thought of the plan. as soon as the royals split up to go to class, they would began the attack. as one royal would step into class, a bucket of red paint would splatter over them. if a royal had to go to a bathroom, they'd open up a stall and blam. a bucket of red paint to their face. even poor sehun wasn't spared as he opened his locker and red paint splattered all over his uniform. to lower suspicions, even jang hyun took one for the team and splattered red paint all over himself.
4.jang hyun waits for soojung at school until her vocal practice is over. he does this nearly every day because it gets dark by the time she's finished. he decides to tell her that he's apart of the rebels and the fact that he thought of the red paint accident. soojung gets angry and tells him that was a horrible thing to do to sehun. jang hyun gets angry and tells her that sehun doesn't even think of them as friends anymore so why does it matter. soojung tells him to go home right now. his last words are ,"fine since you like sehun better then me anyways. just take his side." he leaves and she just watches him go.
5. after that incident, jang hyun doesn't try to find soojung anymore. whenever she's done with class, she expects him to be waiting for her but he's not there. she's a little surprised since he had never been this angry with her before. people do notice how things seem to be different. soojung appears lost most of the time because she had never spent this much time without jang hyun before. it's three days and even though jang hyun passes by her, he ignores her. on the fourth day, she walks home alone and notices a stranger following behind her. even though she's walking in different streets and jay walking, he's still chasing her. trying to be composed, soojung walks into a grocery market and he enters as well, just watching her. she eventually calls sehun who doesn't pick up, possibly because he's with taeeun. soojung then calls jang hyun, expecting him not to pick up but he does. "there's someone following me. i'm at the market." she could hear shuffled noises and then the phone call hung up.
after ten minutes, jang hyun rushes into the super market, completely panicked. his clothes are a mess and he's not wearing any shoes. he finds soojung and grabs her hand before stomping outside. jang hyun is muttering apologies over and over again but soojung keeps quiet. after glancing at him, soo jung noticed how he was shivering from only wearing a plain tshirt and sweats. she noticed the scar on his arm and asks him about it in which he playfully changes the topic. she realizes the coffee incident must've really hurt him and she feels guilty because he never showed her. she grips his hand hard and mumbles that none of this was his fault.
6.jang hyun secretly hides video cameras on the corridors to show how corrupted the school is. he sends them to the main intendent of the school board but he labels it as regular horseplay. sehun hears about this and tries to figure out who this guy is.
ANYTHING ELSE — i love you ok bye
WHAT'S THE PASSWORD —  // 分裂 — ( see through ) : 013


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