Daybreak | Dayana Kim | #1


The Frost SergeantDaya

✹ Refreshing Thy Memory.
Username/Nickname: --kandarella/ sara
Character: Dayana Kim
Position: Leader, Lead Vocalist, Sub Rapper

✹ Thoughts & Impressions.
Thoughts on debuting: She is excited and happy on the idea of debuting. Well, frankly talk, who won't be? Her trainee years, the days where she ever got bullied by the Korean trainee, the days where she have to learn the language and dance. Everything is being paid. On the other hand, she feel loads of pressure as she is appoint as the leader, the biggest controversy is she isn't fully Korean by ethnicity and even hold a Hawaiian citizenship. She also doesn't feel like her members need a member, I mea even the maknae is a 22 years old adult by 2014.

Thoughts on Infinite: To be honest, Daya's relationship with Infinite is just so so compared to other idols in her labelmates, soloist Yoo Jiae and the Tasty Twin. If she has to pick which Infinite she is closest to, it will be Kim Sunggyu. It might be because Sunggyu is also a leader like her so he understand her thought of debuting more. She is in her tsundere image around the other Infinite members, but still polite and show a glimpse of confidence around them. She isn't intimidated when left alone with anyone of them though the atmostphere might be a bit cold. It's not that comfortable but it's not something they feel dislike. For Daya, Infinite is a nice, clean and hardworking group that has a steady rising popularity and she hopes that Daybreak will be the same.

Thoughts on members:

Sae - First impression on Sae is that she is so cute, second, she is so quiet and reserved, third, is she a life size doll? Sae was one of the first member that Daya knows, they're both in project group Sunrise, both foreigner that didn't hold a Korean citizenship, the fact that Daya loves animal and Sae have 4 cats with her to the dorm. All this points make her connected to Sae. But since Sae is older than Daya yet Daya is the leader and have a lot more of predebut activities, Daya might have feeling a bit better than Sae at one point.

Daya -

Yia - First impresson on Yia is that she is pretty, she looks like she will be a chatterbox but the truth if far from that. Daya knew Yia through training days but mainly by her face only, they were never really a friend until the company set them up in Daybreak. Knowing Yia, Daya find her a bit silly, sweet yet strong and honest at the same time. Daya grew a fond over Yia's puppy, Kou, and she sometimes find a way to play with Kou whenever she get the chance.

Jooin - First impression on Jooin is that she is a straightforward person, she says what she want to say and isn't afraid of being honest. Daya likes that trait of her but it is also a trait that Daya dislikes. Being the same aged friend, placed into the same group project, Daya is quite comfortable with Jooin though the often have a verbal fight at times. Because of Jooin's OCD and relies too much on her schedule, she sometimes clashes with some members, thats where Daya get into the scene and ended up arguing. 

Emma - First impression on Emma is that she is another quiet and introvert trainee at Woollim. Emma is known as Dongwoo's little sister and that's what Daya thought she is until they finally talk and befriend. They are close to each other due to the fact that they're both foreigner and both aren't that good in Korean. Listening to them talking in broken Korean is funny. Emma is caring over Daya and vice versa. Daya is the most concern of Emma's allergic on cat and often take care of her without she noticing at times.

Aesook - First impression on Aesook is that she resembles Krystal Jung a lot. It's funny since Daya herself resembles Jessica Jung. It looks like the Jung sisters is in the same group...somehow. Being compared to a popular figure makes Daya uncomfortable at times and she believes same goes to Aesook. So she feel like an urge to protect the groupmate, it's a strange feeling but talking to Aesook sometimes make Daya remember about her own twin, Danielle. Eventhough those two's personality are totally the opposite.

Yeony - First impression on Yeony is that she is cute...sometimes Daya feels like it's a force cutesy. Knowing her more, Daya find her as a weird person, she is nice and all, but her habit of to quote some random philosopher and etcetera is a bit... At times Daya feels like there's something left unspoken from Yeony, being a thoughtful leader, she can't help but feel concern. Daya also notice that sometimes Yeony's voice sounds strained, maybe that has something to do with her secret?

Joy - First impression on Joy is that she is the cheerful girl with smile always paint on her face beautifully. Daya's knew her as the older sister of EXO's Chen afterward. Knowing her more, she really does resembles the happy virus trait of the EXO M member. Living with her now, Daya finally can rid of the shadow of Chen behind Joy. She is stubborn, impatient, prideful and sensitive. She is like imperfect human being yet insecure infront of fans. Being in the same group project make them closer.

Nari - First impression on Nari is that she's very energetic, strange, creepy but nice. Daya knew her as the younger sister of SuJu's Kyuhyun afterward. Knowing her more, she doesn't resembles anything of the SuJu member. Living with her now, Daya feel like Nari is a weird, rebellious baby of Daybreak. Nari is the opposite of Daya, as Daya is like the father/ sergeant of Daybreak. Despite being different from each other, they strangely weirdly can get along.

Closest: Emma, Aesook, Joy

Least: Yia, Jooin, Yeony

✹ Tell Me Love.
History: Daya have a pretty much experience within the dating world. Her first so called boyfriend was when she was in kindergarden, he is a Hawaiian named Leo. It was a puppy love and a very cute, innocent, childish relationship they got there. As she grew up elementary and middle high school. She hooked up with various guys for fun, she grew up not as Asian but as the western, open mided and free spirited. Her early teenage life was full of fun and freedom.

During her high school years, she made some questionable decisions regarding… life in general. Smoke, and alcohol, the whole package really. She called it experimenting. She did it along with her bestie, Carmen. Daya grew a special feeling for Carmen, she loves the girl dearly and in the end just concluded it as a sisterly love. Daya isn't a but the only people who knew about that is her friends in Hawaii, her parent and her twin.

Alarmed, Daya's father called it craziness and she ended up being sent to Korea. Her staying in Korea has change her, not yet completely, but she has quit smoke and . Daya's love life wasn't really a love life, it was a lust and she isn't proud of it.

✹ Heh <3.
Any Last Comments: I am looking forward for the girls' interactions <3



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