。・°°・命运 Lies Here. 소라 .。.:*☆ • Male Applicants


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。・°°・命运 Lies Here. 소라 .。.:*☆
Male Applicants




AmaranthSong: Hey Ama! Thanks for applying! You are officially the first one to apply as a male applicant! /applause/ For the birthplace, I think you accidentally typed wrongly... :) The personality of ChinHwa made me smirk too! Good details you have there! What if I bring back his father to the scene? :) The background of his is also well written! I would like to put him in the Students' Union as you stated :) Can you please list out the personality traits of the mother? It seems that you'd missed that part out.. I would like to set DalNim to have a crush on ChinHwa... Much drama! Well, besides that, the rest of your application is nice, simple and neat! Good job! You're accepted! Welcome to SOLA :) Thanks for applying! ---MyKyu96

AmaranthSongI guess I'll be putting DalMin's review here then.. There are some things that you really have to clear up for me... ChinHwa is a 93 liner and DalMin is a 95 liner? But I took a look back to ChinHwa's application and referred with DalMin's, they're both 18? Please do change that.. Like how you describe her! It's just so detailed! Mafia princess? I like that! Please do choose a position for DalMin in the Students' Union :) Besides that, your application is good! Just clear that up and you're ready! You're ready! Welcome to SOLA! You're accepted! Thanks for applying! ---MyKyu96

farahrisashiHey zashi! Thanks for applying twice! /cheers Han Gook is also in the basketball team? Great! His personality really do look like AhRa... Well, both of them are twins? Both the twins are a fan of dragons? They do have a strong and fierce aura... Easy application I guess? Well thanks for applying! Do expect lots of drama in this story for Rees! Welcome to SOLA! ---MyKyu96

ZEROclassGaby! Once again, thanks for applying! /applause I too think that this ulzzang is hot.. /fangirling Gaby! JunJin is accepted! The personality wise though you didn't state much of this dark side, but there's something that kept me reading and trying to understand him more! His dark side is somehow stated in the personality.. If you do get what I mean.. I like everything of him! The choice of face claim was a good one.. I could totally imagine him to play basketball, having fights with Tao, being so loud and noisy, last but not least, sleeping through all his problems! He's accepted! Welcome to SOLA! ---MyKyu96

onesleven: Hi M! Thanks for applying! He's accepted! This application was an easy one... Seeing that you used Heo GeongHwan as his brother made me smiled :) He's actually one of my favourite comedian... As what you stated SiHoo is a scholarship holder and I would like to make LuHan's parents who gave SiHoo the scholarship :) Anyway, welcome to SOLA! :) ---MyKyu96 

InfinityRhapsodyl: Infi! Thanks for applying twice :) I like how your personality and background is so simple and neat. I'm offering him a post in SU as it'll be easier for his hacking to be done :) The first meeting of HyeJoo and JaeJoon is just sooooo sweet! Well, your application overall is an easy one... Welcome to SOLA, again? :) ---MyKyu96

DorkyKpopLoverSam! Thanks for applying! I didn't expect it to be so detailed till you searched through horoscopes and all.. This is really an eye catching application :) As you didn't state the style of his, I will assume that his style will be like how he wears from the ulzzang gallery :) I don't think I'll be cruel enough to break the lovebirds! But apparently I guess you would like to apply for Han NeRa and Aki Hana too? Well, since the application is closed, if you still do like to apply, just leave a message below? I'll contact you later :) But if you don't, just edit those links (?) that you have put in the application form of Ichirou :) That's all! Welcome to SOLA :) Just do inform me ASAP :) ---MyKyu96

DivineDionneDiDi! Thanks for applying again! Your application is fine! No worries! :) I actually didn't know about tsundere and hikikomori... If you didn't have the links there, I think I'll just ignore that and assumed things myself :) Haha! Well, I'm actually mindblown when doing this review... It's kinda amazing that I've reviewed 30+ reviews and I'm still here... But the Canada National Anthem... I love that part! I'm so gonna put that in :) Anyway, welcome to SOLA :) ---MyKyu96

mayazeroNell, thanks for applying! Nothing to be amend :) The application is fine :) Personality and background section was detailed and simple.. I had fun reading that :) Sorry for the long wait on the review... Anyway, welcome to SOLA :) ---MyKyu96

LunaticCharmHey Luna! Thanks for applying again :) The platinum blonde really gave me a shock... Eyebrows too? That must be weird... Seeing that Hunter has a crush on him makes me want to pair him up with her... But twists are everywhere :) Do expect some :) I did enjoy reading the application... Nothing to change :) Sorry for the long wait on the review... Welcome to SOLA :) ---MyKyu96


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hahaha that's fine, and thanks for the review! *^^*
oh my gosh..
my previous comment didn't came out.. >.<
well.. thank you for the nice review,,

and yeah.. I was thinking about how they met then suddenly I thought about something like japanese school (?) and it came out.. kkk~
about the offer.. WOW! I'll be my pleasure and an honor to have my Jaejoon there.. ^^

good luck with your story..!
Yay haha thank you so much~! Good luck with the story ^^
I'll apply~ Don't worry ^_^I have finished Han Nera's application but I need to finish Akihana's app ^_^
Thank you for accept Rees ;-;. Will look foward the others ^^