The First Post!

Hello guys! This is my first time writing this blog lol. I've been here on AFF for almost a year now I guess but yeah, I was just being the reader. The silent reader. I don't blog and I don't write. But I guess I'm going to start writing here. Well, more likely that I will blog about my OTPs but still, before that, I need to introduce myself first! I'll post an entry regarding my OTP tomorrow, or whenever I'm free because I'm having my finals in college right now. 


First of all, let me introduce myself! I'm Amni! I'm all the way from Malaysia and I'm 18. Just an assumption, but I think I'm older than most of you guys here. I always am when I'm on twitter. I'm an ELF and Fanytastic and Sone! My ultimate bias is Lee Donghae and the rest of the members. I can't decide when it comes to Super Junior. And obviously, my ultimate bias in SNSD is Tiffany! Yeaa, the eyesmile queen! 

I do support other groups too, don't worry. And yes, I ship Super Generation. Sorry if you hated them but I can do nothing about that. I'm too in love with Super Generation! What else ehh? I can't think of anything else right now, but I guess I'll write more later. 

What I'm supposed to do right now is to study. So, till then guys. 


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qwertasdf18 #1
hi,janine here...well to tell you, I'm 20 years old but I'm just new here...maybe a month...and I super like Super Generation, too...just want you to know that you're not the only one who likes them...and I would like to know more people who's also a fan of them...that's also the reason I joined here...=)