Merry Christmas!

MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY!! Or Merry Christmas Eve if it's not quite that day yet on your side of the world


Regardless as to whether or not you celebrate Christmas, I hope you all have a wonderful day, wherever you are


I got such good presents, my parents (Santa, oops) are seriously the best <3


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LoneShiba #1

and since my real name is Santa, is that means I'm your parents? XD
emilymissu #2
Merry Christmas to you^^
My Christmas Day is nearly over but I have to work until 9pm T^T kind of the worst and longest Christmas ever!!
But my family is coming to Tokyo next week so we'll have Christmas then! XD

MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!! (Here's to lots of bonenkai parties and drinking >.>) lol :3
It's christmas for me now. > u > . Merry Christmas, you beautiful face you.

Hope you get lotsa things and have to spend a LOT of family time together, LONG,
BORING family time. <3