
photo 1EE79EF2-12E2-44E1-A550-54F345CEFE24_zpsgeqx0lab.jpgSo I was supposed to update earlier today...well you what had happened was I was watching the SM Town week of exo/f(x) concert and I was to busy fangirling to write haha. But I did get the plot 95% down for my story that a have yet to even post a foreword too "The Cosmaic". I've written part of the 1st chapter for the Blood Letters but it's too short to post >.< literally it's so short cause I can't seem to get the words in my head onto a screen...but I might just post it anyway.  Anyways I wanna show my slightly shorter hair that I got straightened and cut and the second I just like since I actually look good in a photo xD

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