EXO Boyfriends Rent Application | | Seo Ahri


{ }  hello, beautiful!

Seo Ahri | The Fragile Fighter
Username: darlingdeerling
What can I call you: Arie
Activeness: 10
Face-claim: Soyu
Pictures: Gallery
Backup face-claim: Kiko / Jooyi
Pictures: Gallery

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{ } so you want to rent a boyfriend?
Full name: Seo Ahri
Nickname: --
Birthdate: May 07, 1994
Age: 20
Birthplace: Jungnang-gu, Seoul, South Korea
Hometown: Nowon-gu, Seoul, South Korea
Ethnicity: Korean
Occupation: Student of Seoul Women's University (foreign language major) / works part-time at Seoul Instruments as both a clerk and piano teacher 
Blood type: B
Current appearance: I have long chestnut brown hair that hits just below my chest. I usually just keep it down because I don't know how else to put it up (I do like accessorizing with a bow though.) People tell me I have really big, curious eyes like a child, and I'm complimented a lot on the shape of my eyebrows. It's kind of embarrassing. I'm teased a lot for how wide my eyes are, usually being asked questions like if they get dry easily because they're always open or if dust gets in them a lot. I have really fair skin because I stay indoors a lot, and I try to take very good care of my skin, especially by protecting it from the sun. I have small lips and a small face, and I've been told I have a swan-like neck with princess collarbones, but I hide them under high neck collars because, again, I feel a bit embarrassed. I'm pretty flat-chested. Oh well. And I'm really tiny in stature, so I'm used to people commenting on my lack of height. I try to think of myself as fun-sized. Oh and a really weird thing about me is I have really small teeth. It's strange. I mean they're all adult, and I don't have any baby teeth left, but for some reason, my teeth are just small. I'd also like to thank all my years of playing piano for my good posture lol.
Height & weight: 163 cm & 52 kg



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{ }  everything there is to know about you?
Everyone I know says that I’m very quiet and reserved, and I completely agree. I’m far more comfortable being a wallflower and watching others rather than being in the middle of all the excitement. I really dislike when people try to push me into socializing when I don’t want to, mostly because of my lack in self confidence. There’s nothing particularly special or unique about me. I’m not very interesting. Oh, but I don’t hate myself. Honestly, I love who I am and I accept that I’m shy and like to be by myself more than to be with others. I just wish people were a little more accepting about that. I don’t need to get out of my house and meet new people... well, maybe I do.
I like to think of myself as a good cook. I've spent a lot of my time experimenting on food for my family and friends. I also love when everything is neat, orderly, and in their place. The world just functions better for me when everything's organized. (I'm not a germophobe, I just like things looking clean and presentable.) I'm also always thinking of others before myself, which I suppose can also be my downfall. People say I'm naive and think too much about matters that don't pertain to me. They also say I'm really sensitive and get hurt easily, and I suppose that's true too. To a lot of people, I'm a bit of a contradiction. I can totally fend for myself like an adult, but emotionally, I'm still growing up. I sound pretty helpless and I'm not asking for help. The fact that I'm a COMPLETE klutz and can still trip over a smooth surface just makes my image worse.
My circle of friends is small, but they’re all true friendships. I would rather have a few best friends than a hundred acquaintances. Dasom and Soyou, my two best friends, are introverted and appreciate time alone, just like me! Usually, I’m very shy, and I don’t normally feel comfortable going out of my way to talk to people, but Dasom seemed very timid and almost afraid of the other students, kind of like a mouse. I remember sitting in comfortable silence with her during lunch, and we both gradually began talking and opening up to each other at our own pace. Soyou was Dasom's friend, and she was very good at filling the awkward silence with small talk. I warmed up to her quickly because of how she never asked too personal questions or gave up trying to become my friend. I feel like I’m a rather difficult person to befriend, but the key is being patient, gentle, and reassuring. I need lots of reassurance that you still want to be my friend or else I'll just feel like a bother.
I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself, feeding myself, and financially sustaining myself. I like to think I’m independent, responsible enough for no one to worry over, and I definitely take the initiative to keep things running smoothly. But at the same time, I wish I didn’t have to depend on myself so much. I love being alone, but sometimes, the loneliness and solitude can really weigh heavily on me. I’ve only had one boyfriend in my life, Yukwon. The other boys I liked never seemed to like me back, and the boys that showed interest in me never wanted to put in the effort in breaking down my walls. Yukwon was like my savior. He made me see what was wrong with me and helped to fix them. I think it’s a little easier for me to talk to strangers now, but there a lot of things that I couldn’t change. Like how unspecial or boring I am, or how I hate going to parties and socializing. I think that’s why he left me before our one year anniversary. I just wasn’t good enough for him. I’m never good enough for anything. 
I feel like my sister did a lot to shape my personality. Even though Jangmi is younger than me, she’s very outspoken in nature and therefore is always heard, especially because she’s so loud. Jangmi is the talkative one who wants things her way or the highway; I’m quiet, obedient, and “the good girl.” I love my sister, but she can be a bit over-bearing. Growing up, she was always the one to ask why I never had parties to go to, why all I ever did was stay in my room and read, and eventually why I was so boring. Jangmi was never good at sharing, even when it came to hobbies or talents. I loved singing and playing guitar, but Jangmi complained about how she loved singing too and that I was already “the smart sister” and “the responsible sister” so it wouldn’t have been fair if I were to “steal” dream. It was illogical and silly, but I listened to her. I stopped my dream of becoming a singer and instead pursued a career in foreign languages. 
But I’m done. I’ve had enough of being told what to do by my bossy little sister. I’m going to prove to myself and Yukwon that I’m not worthless, I can be fun and exciting, and that I am something special. And I’m not going to let the goody-two-shoes and perfect, responsible girl expectations of my family and friends run my life anymore. All these years of putting up with the side comments and jabs at who I am are going to be put in my past. I’m starting anew. Not that I’m going to try completely changing who I am, but I think I’m gonna try indulging myself and finally being confident and proud of being me. I love me. And people are going to see that.
Cherries- I'm obsessed with cherries! They're my favorite thing to snack on, and every time something cherry-flavored is an option, I will not hesitate to choose it. I have a room freshener that smells like cherries, a body spray, lotion, shampoo- my cherry obsession is actually a problem
Ribbons and bows- I think they're super cute, sophisticated, but still youthful and girly. Sometimes I just go to the fabric store and buy ribbons, and then I make them into a headband when I get home
Disney- I absolutely adore Disney. My favorite princess is Snow White, regardless everybody saying she's the most boring. Snow White was kind, gentle, and beautiful, and she never stopped dreaming of true love, even when her step-mother dressed her in rags and made her work like a maid. The prince saw right through her dirty frock and simple looks, and told her that she was his one true love
Music boxes- I love the sound that music boxes make, and I actually have a small collection of about nine music boxes
Languages- I'm a language geek. I love the sound of foreign languages. They're fascinating and I just have the silliest obsession with them
Dark chocolate- I'm not very fond of regular chocolate, but the bitter the better for me
Romance- I am a hopeless romantic, so any drama, movie, book, song about love makes me super happy inside. I wish every day that my life was like a romantic movie
- any kind of nuts except peanuts
- eggplant and bell peppers
- loud colors, loud people, loud noises, just anything loud
- chocolates from a box, you know the ones they usually give on Valentines or White Day. They're gross and cheap
- large social gatherings, parties with too many people, or just large crowds in general
- public speaking... just... no
Pet peeves:
- when people think they know everything, especially about someone they don't know
- when I'm picked on for being anti-social or not talkative enough
- when people do something wrong and don't own up to it. Honesty is key
- that I really am worthless, that my existence is pointless and I have no reason to be here. That everything Yukwon said about me is true
- heights and going too fast. I don't actually know what the name for it is, but if I feel like I'm going to fast, I get minor panic attacks. Same with heights. I can't ride ferris wheels, carousels, or even the swings. I'm a scaredy cat.
- I have a horrible habit of playing with my hair. Usually I'd pull my hair behind my ear, but then it'd just fall back out when I get embarrassed and try to hide behind my hair
- Is it a habit if I can trip over everything, anything, and nothing at all? Because it happens every time
- I bite my lips a lot for no particular reason
- I keep everything in. I have a hard time expressing my true feelings, so sometimes when I'm alone, I just have a really long cry
Piano- I started taking piano lessons when I was seven years old, did it for eight years, and now I teach on the side
Yoga- I don't excersise because I have minor asthma problems, but yoga keeps me strong and limber
Style: Preppy
- I'm a morning person!
- I blush far too easily. It's really easy to tell when I'm nervous or embarrassed because my cheeks will glow pink, I'll start hiding behind my hair, I cover my mouth with my hand, and I have a really stupid, high-pitched giggle. It just makes me ever more embarrassed
- my favorite color is soft pink, but I also really like gold
- I have a bad habit of hooking my hair around my ear, taking it back out, and then repeating the process
- I find pleasure in learning new languages. It's really geeky of me, but languages are so cool!
- My favorite food is bibimbap; simple, but utterly delicious
- I don't have a favorite dessert because I love sweets in general! I always have a craving for cake, but when I don't, I'm craving pie. I love all sweets, especially when the flavors come in cherry, mango, green tea, or mocha. Yum!
- I have a really strange and irrational love for people with nice hands. Mine are small and delicate, and I think that's cute, but when men have strong hands and pretty wrists- I don't even know how to describe a pretty wrist I just see them and I blush. I love when they wear things around their wrists too, like thick watches. I'm so weird.  
I was born in Jungnang-gu, Seoul. My family was financially comfortable, so my parents spent a lot of time spoiling me with their love. Four years later, I became a big sister, and took that role very seriously because my parents told me it was a very important job. However, Jangmi was a very needy baby. I felt sad that my parents didn't pay as much attention to me anymore, but I helped in any way I could because I was a big sister. As we grew up, more and more people began turning their attention away from me because Jangmi was talkative, outgoing, and funny. I heard their comments about how far she was gonna go in life with such a strong personality, and it made me want to retreat back in my shell even more. It's funny though, even Jangmi is the younger of us, she tells me what to do, points out all my flaws, and complains that I don't love her because I don't want to go out to the mall with her. I tolerated it silently, not wanting to tell our parents because I already knew that this was Jangmi's personality and she wasn't going to change, but I feel like she really scarred me,
Yukwon was also a big part of my life. He was my first love, my first boyfriend, and my first kiss. I thought he was my true love because we met by chance. He had pushed me out of the way of a speeding car and saved my life. But I was wrong. We dated for less than a year, and during that time, he was very sweet and charming, but I realize now he was just too nice to turn all my phone calls down. Yukwon never saw me more than just a kid who needed saving, so I guess eventually, I became a nuissance. He seemed very annoyed by me in the later months, scolding me for being clumsy or not acting the way he wanted. He talked down on me like I was a child who didn't know any better, getting mad when I started to cry, rolling his eyes when simple things would slip my mind. I was so desperate for him to by my love just because I thought our meeting was fate, that I was blinded to see, he didn't like me at all. I don't even know why he dragged out our false relationship for so long. Maybe he gained pleasure in watching me suffer but cling to him anyway. I was used, abused, and thrown away when he finally got tired.

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{ }  special ones?

Father || Seo Jaerim || 49 || Chef || Playful, hard-working, firm, honest || 7 || My dad is very playful and silly. He's always been there to cheer me up and make me laugh when I needed it. My dad taught me to do what made me happy, but I always thought that making other people happy made me happy. I think he was the most concerned about how Jangmi treated me, but he stayed quiet, always respecting my privacy and waiting for me to talk to him. I was grateful, but I think a little part of me wishes he had sat me down and made me talk. th 
Mother || Park Miyoung || 44 || Banker || Charismatic, perfectionist, a go-getter, clever || 7 || My mom is the head honcho of the family actually. She always knows what to do and how to go about doing it. The woman is a bulldozer and will go through any obstacle in her path to gain perfection. Our relationship isn't as good as it once was because she's too preoccupied with Jangmi. She already thinks that I'm the quiet good girl that will never get in trouble. My mom blindly trusts that I will always do the right thing, so I'm nothing to worry about. The squeaky wheel gets the oil, and I haven't made a noise since birth.
Sister || Seo Jangmi || 16 || Seoul American High School  student || Overdramatic, self-important, overbearing, attention-seeking|| 4 || Jangmi is my polar opposite. I love her. I don't particularly like her, but I love her because she's my sister. I remember when I was in high school, I was studying for a final, but she wanted to go to the mall because she desperately wanted bubble milk tea. I told her I was busy, and she threw a tantrum, screaming at me about how I hated her, how I never wanted to hang out with her, and how no one in the family cared about her needs. I gave in to shut her up, and she made me stay with her as she went trhough every store in the mall, putting up silly shirts to her chest and asking "How does look on me?" Didn't matter what I would say, she'd put it back on the rack every time and we both went home around closing time empty handed. I don't understand her, and she obviously doesn't understand me. We're too different. It's an actual wonder how we came from the same womb.
Kim Dasom || 20 || Student of Seoul Women's University (interior design major) || Shy, paranoid, protective of loved ones, innocent || 8 || Dasom is like a baby duckling. She does best when people give her instructions and hates being in charge of anything. I see a lot of myself in Dasom, but at the same time, I know she looks up to me as a big sister, even if we're the same age. Dasom is absolutely wonderful at detail and visual arts, that's why she's gonna be an amazing interior designer someday. I feel super comfortable with her and I know I can tell her anything because she tells me everything. She has a lot of fears, worries, and doubts, and has a bad habit of chewing on her hair when she's nervous. But I'm always there to calm her down. She just needs a soft voice and gentle soothing.
Kang Soyou || 21 || Student of Seoul Women's University (broadcast journalism major) || "Voice of reason", mature, motherly, calm & collected || 8 || Soyou is the mama bear of our group. She's really good at stepping back and analyzing a problem, making sure to weigh the pros and cons of each option, honest and unbiased. I look up to her when I feel like my world is falling apart, but she's the best at reminding me what's keeping my world together. Soyou inspires me to be a more confident and mature woman, but she also indulges my childish side, even encourages it! I love Soyou. She's my strong, unshakeable pillar of strength.
Ex-boyfriend || Kim Yukwon || 24 || Seoul National University student (business major) || Honest, arrogant, condescending, insensitive || 0 || I used to be in love with him. Used to. He saved me from a speeding car, and I thought that we were fated to be together, but I was so wrong. He's a nice guy, that's why he kept tolerating me for less than a year. I suppose he thought maybe he could change me into something he could be more fond of, but he broke me down. Yukwon destroyed what little confidence and love I had for myself, pointing out every flaw and trying to build me back up again, but I stayed in pieces on the ground. He broke up with me when he knew it was pointless, and I was left with my thoughts and self hatred. But I'm different now. I realize that it wasn't me that was at fault, it was him. I was stupid to think that changing just for someone's love was the right thing to do, but I will redeem myself. If I were to meet him again, I... I... I don't actually know. I want to think that I would be able to show him my confidence and pride, but there's a part of me that still cowers in fear of his judging eyes and sharp words. I think I'm scared of him because of how easy he can make me cry.

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{ } "I like you the best."?

Name: Luhan
Why choose him?:
Probably like most other girls, I was captivated by his looks. The thought sounds superficial to me, but this one is different. He was the first face my eyes caught on the site. Luhan didn't look like any boy I had ever met before- he didn't even look real! And usually I would have scrolled right past to look for someone more average (if that was even possible on this site) but I held my ground. I promised myself that I would change. This would be my chance to have what I wanted for once, and I wanted Luhan. Plus, it said that he was a gentleman, protective, and romantic. He sounded perfect. I'm tired of the rude boys and arrogant guys I keep meeting in my life, and all I want is to feel safe and loved in someone's arms. Dependable? YES PLEASE! For once, I'm going to hand the reigns to someone else. I'm done with fending for myself and relying solely on myself! I need someone to depend on or else I'm going to be crushed under all this stress. The fact that he's Chinese is really cool actually. Sounds unique and special, not to mention a really interesting experience for me because I'm taking my second semester of Mandarin ^_^ And he sings? Wow. Pinch me, I'm dreaming. Maybe he'd sing for me if I accompanied him on piano. Maybe for the first in forever, I might sing in front of a boy... but I don't know. Let's not get too crazy here XD
Luhan is very, well, he's very good at showing his love ^_^ Not only does he immediately take off his jacket and wrap it around me when my teeth start chattering, but he also kisses each finger with his warm lips, letting me cup his cheeks, laughing at how freezing my hands are but smiling either way. Then he holds my hand in his pocket, making sure to stand even closer to me so that we may share body heat. Luhan has been physically affectionate from day one and I am not complaining one bit. He knows I'm a klutz, so there's always a protective hand around my waist or on the small of my back. Luhan rarely goes farther than reaching distance from me, and it's actually the cutest thing ever.
Backup: Xiumin

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{ } Q&A!
Q1. Why do you want to rent a boyfriend?
I... I'm desperate. I'm heartbroken, I'm stressed, I am at my wits end and I need a boyfriend to love and hold me, card his fingers through my hair, keep me warm, tell me I'm not a waste of space on this earth, and just to kiss the pain away. I want to be loved right for once in my life. No, not even right. Like a dream. I want to be overloved and overneeded and I just want the experience that is as perfect and unreal as possible because my reality .
Q2. Your ideal first meeting?
By chance, almost like fate. I am such a hopeless romantic, and a klutz, so maybefalling into his arms or being saved. Not that I would actually like my rented boyfriend to put my life in danger just to impress me, but that is my ideal first meeting. Realistically speaking, I suppose... just coming up to talk to me. Playing the eye game with me, you know? That cute, silent flirting that I would never honestly act upon because, I'm me. But I think that would be cute.
Q3. How do you like the boyfriend to treat you?
Like a princess. I've spent all my life serving others and making them happy, I want to be on the receiving end now. I want to be spoiled with love and cuddles and compliments and pretty things. I want to be called beautiful, sweet, cute, wonderful, all these nice little things that other girls get to hear from their loving boyfriends that I never have before.
Q4. Are you comfortable with skinship?
Please? I don't mind the skinship at all. I mean, the thought right now gives me butterflies and I already know I'm blushing profusely, but real relationships have skinship, and one of the best ways a boy can show his love is through playful, spontaneous kisses, cuddles, back hugs, and other physically affectionate things. I want to feel like he can't get enough of me. I want to feel wanted.

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{ } Hello, Goodbye!
Sorry I made all the titles bold, it just made it easier for me to read, and another apology for any messiness or chaos in my application. I was trying my best to meet the deadline with faulty wifi ;; But other than that, I hope I did alright. I pretty much wrote this in two half days so I'm not entirely satisfied. Feel free to tell me to expand on anything else if necessary.
No not really, I think you'll do fine. But from author to author, keep aware of spelling and grammar mistakes. They can fly right over my head when I don't proofread lol
Scene requests:
- Luhan starts off like a complete dream- catching Ahri or holding onto her side securely because she's such a klutz. But the more that they spend time together, Ahri begins to realize that he trips over his own feet and falls over chairs too
- Luhan starts suggesting cute nicknames for each other, and although Ahri blushes and giggles stupidly upon hearing "Babe" and "Cutie," she becomes a shy, stuttering mess when he calls her "my little princess" and Luhan knows he's found the name
- Ahri spends a good five minutes in his lap with her head on his shoulder, just playing with his hands and complimenting how pretty they are
- They cook dinner together. When Ahri gets curious as to what Luhan's doing, she asks cutely if she may snack on some of the ingredients, and although he fusses about how he needs them to make the food, he doesn't put up much of fight and ends up hand-feeding her a little. When Ahri's off to the side making her own thing, Luhan gets bored because he's done so he bothers her by wrapping his arms around her waist and laying his chin on her shoulder. She tells him he's distracting, but he doesn't let go.
- Luhan shows off his Rubik's Cube solving skills
- Luhan visits Ahri at work and proclaims he's a master pianist, but ends up just playing "Chopsticks." She laughs at him and joins him on the piano seat to play the left hand accompaniment.
- Luhan sends her a list of instructions before a surprise date, such as wearing comfortable clothes but bringing a jacket in case it gets cold, telling her to be ready by a certain time because a cab would come to pick her up and bring her to their destination, etc etc. He basically just takes control, takes the role of the man, and spoils her with spontaneous cuteness
- They go out on a date, but when Luhan leaves for a moment, Ahri's ex-boyfriend, Yukwon, bumps into her, and she reverts back to her old self- shy, stuttering, and scared to mess everything up. He introduces her to his new girlfriend, Jun Sunhye, this tall, skinny, bombshell and aspiring model, and Ahri chokes on her tears in embarrassment. Yukwon reprimands her for being so childish, and tells her that this is why he broke up with her in the first place.
- Luhan punches him in the face and breaks his nose (this is important LMAO.) It's so unlike him, but he gets blinded by rage at the sight of someone making her cry. (Luhan becomes very possessive and overly-protective of her.)
- Luhan comforts Ahri, her hair, rocking her back and forth, and murmuring that it's okay to just let everything out. Then he builds her back up again by telling her how special she is that she can never let anyone feel inferior without her consent. That's when he realizes that every word he's saying is true and he's dangerously falling in love with her.
Anything else you want to tell me about the character?:
So quick summary, Ahri is quiet, shy, a complete pushover, naive, innocent, clumsy, childish, and sweet (too sweet maybe). She gave up her dream of singing because her sister wanted to pursue that career, she was emotionally beaten battered, and bruised by this jerk named Yukwon, and now she's completely fed up with life. Ahri says she loves herself, but it's actually a big show she puts on, kind of like, lif she keeps saying it to herself over and over again, maybe it'll be true. Ahri's a fighter, but she's fragile and prone to breakage at any moment. All she wants right now is for someone to help her play pretend, that's why she's going to rent a boyfriend as a last resort. Ahri wants to be spoiled and overloved like a princess because she never got special treatment like that before, and the overdramtics of it all will give her a taste of those corny romantic comedies she keeps watching.
Password: I love you

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layout credit to _milkshake @ f a l l e n angel.

                            plot © aegiqueen & chocochipsdeer. 2013



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