Important Question!!!!!! Rated for Language!!!


Ok, so I my ex friend is trying to fight me. I'm like really pissed off at her and I'm ready to fight her, but I'm choosing not to yet, because I don't wanna get suspended for fighting at school, plus it's the end of the year. She really keeps on trying me and keeps pushing me to my limit. I warned her to stay away from me. She doesn't know about my past of violence, or what I'm capable of. Soooo right now I'm sitting here with a knife in my hand and playing with it. Just thinking of many different ways, to ing rip her apart. I'm trying to be a good person, but she's not making easy. I will defend myself if I have to. I don't take from no one!! I don't!! If worst comes to worst. we'll be coming to blows. It will be like WWE. I swear!! I will not lose to her!! Even, if I have to choke her, step on her and crush her ribs, push her down some stairs. (hoping she doesn't die. Cuz I'm not going to jail), rip her peirceings out, bite her, cut her with something sharp, or break her legs!!!!!! I will do my worst on her!!! She doesn't know me like that!! I am from ing Philly, where people get shot up everyday!! I am from the ing streets which means, I bound to beat ya if you even look at me the wrong way!! I am a cold and ruthless person!! Which means I won't care if she gets hurt sevrely!! I'm not gonna let her win!!! Plus if we do fight, it's gonna be bad on her part. I told her that, and she laughed. *sighs* Some people never learn......I'm a nice person, you really don't wanna get on my bad side. She is so lucky I'm not at my breaking point yet. Oh boy, I have some real anger issues and with all my years of being bullied, which is no a good combo. I tend to bottle in my anger, but when you're pushed to your limit. You just snap!!

So me being a bigger person, I'm trying not to give into it, cuz I know better than that. I'm gonna do my best not to ing kill her!!!


I really got off track here, since I was mad. So back to the main point.


I wanna know wat u guys think about this situation. Take the poll and comment below. Later I will each send u guys a personal response from me about wat u said. Bye for now!!










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One sentence: How does hurting her benefit you?
xiiong18 #2
But i'm glad that your able to tell us. I'm not much help but the same happened to me before. My friend turned into my ex-friend also. And yes, she wanted to fight me and she said bad things about me to her new friends. So what i think is best, is to not fight your ex-friend and just forget the problem. Also if your friend wont stop; do whatever you can to stop her without bringing trouble:)
xiiong18 #3
I cant beleive your ex-friend will do that to you?
AbriMathos #4
I can't take the poll, but I will comment. Julie, I can totally understand where you're coming from. But it's really not worth it fighting her. Seriously, she's a for thinking that fightings gonna help the situation. You both are just gonna keep being angry at each other. Put the knife down, girly. People that are nice almost always get taken advantage of. That's why you really can't be nice to everyone. Ignore the and if she lays a finger on you FIRST then I suggest hitting back just twice in self defense. Also try telling someone like a teacher or a dean that way someone can keep an eye on both you and her and you won't get into trouble.
guh u sound like me I'm from a southern U.S. city that's like full out ghetto and people get killed and get into fights er'day and i'm a nice person like u but i got anger problems like this mornin i almost beat the outta my lil sis but i forced mysellf not to i just gave her a good wack on da side of her head!! just think happy thoughts remember ur the bigger person and that u ain't gunna sink to her level!!
RainaTB #6
I understand how you feel about the whole bottle your feelings up but you have to keep a leveled head. If you can't ignore her bring an adult into the equation because one wrong move can drastically change both parties lives. If you let the anger get the best of you and you act on pure rage chances are you can do more damage to her then you intend to and and the consuqences may come out severe. Be the bigger person and don't fear getting an older person to help. It will save you stress, trouble, and prevent you from having something bad on record. Try and be strong and avoid the fight at all cost, avoiding doesn't mean your a chicken and getting help doesn't make you a snitch or anything. It takes a strong person to ask for help when help is needed. Good luck! (sorry for the novel comment.)