GE2M Project : M.A.X : K.M

Kwon Minhyun




Kwon Minhyun :: K.M :: 18 :: 22/09/1995


Username + Hyperlink : cute_kpop15

Activeness : 9-10

How I call you? : Steph

General Infromation

Name : Kwon Minhyun

Nickname : Min - a shorter version of his name used by most people

                      Kwonnie - used by his older sister to

                      Hyun - used by his parent

Date of Birth : 22/09/1995

Age : 18

Place of Birth : Sydney, Australia

Home Town : Sydney and Seoul

Ethnicity : Korean Australian

Weight & Height : 70kg and 181 cm

Languages : Korean (fluent), English (fluent), Chinese (Conversational), Japanese (Basic)

My Charming Face


 Face Claim : Park Hyung Seok

 Face Claim Links : 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / G1 / G2

 Back Up Face Claim : Park Jae Hyun

 Back Up Face Claim Links : 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / G1 / G2





Let's know me.

Personality : You could say that Minhyun isn't the really talkative type or quiet type but at first sight, you expect Minhyun to be one of those quiet people because of his stage image as a dancer. As a dancer, you wouldn't expect him to talk as much and participate in conversations as much. If he is around people he isn't really familiar with, he wouldn't talk as much. Even though around people he isn't familiar with, he catches on with the topic of the conversation and tries to speak a little. BUT, however, if you get to know Minhyun more, you will find out that he is a talkative person. Besides his talking attitude, he has the ability to hype up the mood if it is down with his cheerful attitude. You could say he gives other energy.

Likes :

  • Bubble tea
  • Skateboards
  • Guitars
  • Drums
  • Singing
  • Sports
  • Pranking other people
  • Listening to music
  • Playing games
  • Ice cream
  • Cooking

Dislike :

  • Loud noises
  • People who scream and yell too much (Loud people)
  • Summer and Spring due to the hotness
  • People touching his things without his permission
  • Arguing with people
  • People who don't talk much because he can't communicate with them
  • Being along in the dark

Habits :

  • Biting his lips when he's nervous or bored
  • Biting his fingers when he's nervous
  • Jumping up and down and clapping like a seal when he's really happy or excited
  • If one person is talking too loud, he will ALWAYS tell the person to quiet down
  • Sitting in weird positions because they are more comfortable than sitting cross-legged
  • Always brings his phone, wallet and a water bottle where ever he goes
  • Waking up early

Hobbies :

  • Skateboarding
  • Playing basketball
  • Going on social networks
  • Play around with his best friends
  • Going out with his group members and friends once in a while to hang out

Trivias :

  • He likes his best friends more than his own sister
  • If there is a loud noise during his sleep, he will wake up straight away
  • Admires many idols
  • He was a student who got good grades but palyed around a lot
  • He cannot live without his phone, ipad or laptop
  • Although he likes his best friends more than his sister, they have a WONDERFUL bond with each other and they have never been apart from each other
  • As a child, he learnt taekwondo (black belt) and hapkido (3rd degree black belt)
  • He wishes to meet many of his sunbaes (seniors)
  • When he was a child in Australia, he met Guy Sebastian
  • He has to have music to fall asleep
  • Even though he sleeps at 2am, he will wake up on schedule. In the morning, his dark circles may seem very obvious but later on in the day, he will look normal
  • He likes the plain and simple colourfuls. He isn't a fan of colourful colours
  • It may seem like he has a deep voice, but when he speaks, his voice is quite high (may reach to the part where he sounds like a girl)

My loving family

Background : As a child, Minhyun grew up with his dream of being a famous dancer. He took dance lessons every week along with his older sister, Sohyun, ever since they were 5 and 6.

Although Minhyun was born in Australia, he was born into a Korean family. His family consisted of his mum, dad and older sister who was one year older than him. A year before Minhyun was born, his family decided to stay in Australia for a few years. Sohyun was 1 when she had moved to Australia and permanently stayed there. After a month his family arrived in Australia, Minhyun was then born. His family decided to let Minhyun and his sister study in Australia, therefore, Minhyun grew up in Australia. 

Since it was Australia, he had to learn English. But in a matter of time, he was fluent in it along with his first language, Korean. Outside of school and inside school, he would always use English to communicate with other students, even his sister. But when he got home, Korean was used.

Minhyun didn't grow up to be a shy kid or talkative and loud kid. He grew up to be just fine. He would talk quite a lot with people he was close to but among other people, it would just be a hi and bye little conversation. Since he had an older sister, he didn't grow up to be lonely or shy. He would treat his sister as his friend and always prank her. He grew up to be a cheerful kid but not just that but also made other people smile as they saw him.

Ever since he was 5 years old, he started taking up vocal lessons whereas his sister started taking up dance lessons as both their dreams were to become famous. At the age of 12, Minhyun moved back to his home country, where he has never been. In 2008, since there were many companies holding auditions, both he and his sister both auditioned for Cube entertainment. After about a month, the news came out and they had only accepted Sohyun. But that didn't make him sad. Instead it made his happy that at least one of them made it. Since he didn't make it the first time, he was more determined for the second time. However, 2 years later, he was scouted to be in Cube entertainment's new group.

Family members :

Kwon Seungho / father / 46 / owns a small restaurant along with a cake shop / very nice and caring. is not strict with is children and helps them achieve their dreams

Kim Eunji / mother / 45 / along with her husband, she owns a small restaurant and cake shop. she manages the cake shop whereas her husband manages the restaurant / one of the most loving mother in the world. was a singer from the past, therefore she helped her children with their singing skills.

Kwon Sohyun / older sister / 19 / member of 4Minute which debuted in 2009 / one of the best sisters in the world. treats her as a friend since their is that far apart







On Stage

Stage Name : K.M

Group : M.A.X

Singing Twin : B1A4's Jinyoung

Dancing Twin : B1A4's Baro

Rapping Twin : B.A.P's Daehyun

Persona : Vitamin

Training Years : 3 years

How become trainee? : Scouted

Trainee's Life : Trainee life for Minhyun wasn't really hard. With his enthusiasm and strength he made through 3 years of training with many great friends.

Special talent :

  • Beatboxing
  • Skateboarding

Skill range:

  • Singing- 8
  • Dancing - 4
  • Rapping - 3
  • MCing - 4
  • Acting - 7
  • Variety Show - 6
  • Strength and Sporting - 8

You are the Best!


Friends :

  • Jeon Jiyoon - 23 - Member of 4minute - quite close - when these two are around each other, they will always talk a lot and are very playful with each other especially when Sohyun is around.
  • Rome (Yu Barom) - 23 - Member of C-clown - very close - these two grew up knowing each other in Sydney. they lived in the same suburbs and went to the same school. they would often go over to each others houses' to play around. these two may not be at the stage of becoming best friends because they lost connection after Minhyun moved to Korea.
  • Sandeul - 21 - Member of B1A4 - close - they met each other in Busan and around each other, they would talk about EVERYTHING they can. these two love~~~ skinship
  • Kim Namjoo - 18 - Member of A-Pink - quite close - when these wo are around each other, without even thinking, they would always laugh and be crazy together. they would talk about other idols but most of the time, they will spend it laughing and making jokes.
  • D.O (Do Kyungsoo) - 20 - Member of Exo - close - although they are from different companies, they are very good friends. they met when they were in high school and have been close since then. they will normally talk about games and also play around with each other. they both also like cooking, so they will cook in their spare time.

Best Friends : 

  • Heo Gayoon - 23 - Member of 4minute - really close (noona/dongsaeng relationship) - as soon as they see each other, they start will start playing with each other. although they both look like quiet people, they are realllyyy good at talking. these two are always head to head in arguments but are always playful with each other.
  • Yang Yoseob - 23 - Member of Beast - SUPER close - these two don't even need to talk to each other and they already know what the other are thinking. their relationship is even better than Sohyun and Minhyun's relationship. they are also very playful with each other and NEVER have arguments. Minhyun, Yoseob and Gayoon can never be separated.

Love Interest : A-Pink Bomi

Relationship : Best friends (their relationship isn't as good as Yoseob's and Gayoon's but they are considered best friends)

Love Interest Personality : Bomi has a similar personality to Minhyun. She is the type to laugh quite a lot and is also cheerful. Around people she doesn't know, she wouldn't talk much but around familiar people, she's a chatterbox. Not to mention, she is also a crazy kid.

How you met? & How you act around each other? : Minhyun and Bomi first met when Minhyun was walking with his sister around Cube Entertainment. When they turned around a corner, Bomi was seen with Namjoo. Bomi was always the ideal type of Minhyun so when they first met, Minhyun was really shy and bowed and said Annyeonghaseyo. Later on, they started to become more friendly towards each other and started hanging out a lot with Namjoo. Sooner, Minhyun's feelings for Bomi was even deeper. As these two have a similar personality, they would always play around with each other and making jokes.

Love Rival : 

  • Choi Minhwan - 21 - Member of Ft Island - they first met in the backstage of inkigayo where Minhyun was waiting for his sister. When A-Pink had finished with their stage, they came down and Bomi started talking to Minhwan. Minhyun couldn't help but feel jealous. - you would expect rivals to be all mean with each other but this isn't the case for Minhyun and Minhwan. Whenever they are together, Minhwan would treat his dongsaeng really nicely and vice versa. Although they both like Bomi, Minhwan, as the hyung, would always make up an excuse saying that he only likes Bomi as a friend, giving hope to Minhyun. But that isn't true because Minhwan likes Bomi but wouldn't admit it just to give Minhyun a chance.


Comments : hello~~~ I hope my app was fine. although it's a bit late I hope you don't mind. I also hope you don't mind having too many idols in Minhyun's life and most of them being noona and hyungs. I also want to say thank you~ and if there's anything wrong, please tell me.

Song Suggestion : BtoB - Second Confession

Scene Suggestion : 

  • We got married
  • Running man~
  • Weekly idol (?)

Anything that I miss and you want to tell me? : No and I want to say thank you :)


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SeeInGoogle #1
Thanks for apply ^^ The last application for boy.

Well, I can said that I like your app but Main dancer already chosen.
If you ok, Lead Vocalist still lack of suitable one.
I think your skill range 7 (or you can change to 8) is high enough to be Lead Vocalist.
But you need to change Singing twin to the suitable one and you need to change Dance (both twin and skill range -> to less than 5).
And I will used your back up face claim cause your main one have not much mainly photo.

If you ok for my suggestion, I can confirm that you will chosen.
(I need someone be maknae too. Cause I don't like to be one. XD)