⟨ ♡ dear cupid ⟩ → Choi Yerim ←



Choi Yerim

Childhood Love

username: DivineDionne | nickname: DiDi | Activeness: 10



Character Name: Choi Yerim


Yeye || Sungyeol -- because when they were still little, Yerim was so shy in front of Sungyeol that when she introduced herself she stuttered out her name, "Ye-Ye-Yerim," and because of that Sungyeol decided to use that as her nickname.

Birthday: February 14, 1997

Age: 16 (Sophomore)

Birthplace: Gangnam, S. Korea

Hometown: Gangnam, S. Korea


Korean || Fluent || Her first language
Mandarin || Fluent || She spends her summers with her uncle in China


Height: 160 cm

Weight: 52 kg

Blood type: A


She doesn't really care much about her clothes and just wears the things that she feels comfortable in. She does dress up though when she has somewhere to go or someone to meet. The only footwear she'll wear are sneakers, heels, and flats. She likes to alternate between the three (depending on their harmony of her clothes) and she loves wearing casual dresses.

casual; 1 || 2 || 3 || 4

formal; 1 || 2 || 3 || 4

date; 1 || 2 || 3 || 4




Face claim: Park Hwan Hui

Back-up Face claim: Lee Dasom



Personality traits:

Sarcastic. Charming. Emotionally Weak. Loving. Doesn't exert much effort/lazy. Helpful. Materialistic. Paranoid.


Yerim is the type of person that is very sarcastic, she loves to randomly spout of side comments to bring everyone's spirits up and she likes to keep everyone happy. Though she's like this she is very weak (in terms of emotions), she cries easily and she tends to fall in love too fast maybe it's because it's rooted to her loving nature where she believes that when in love you have to give it your all or nothing at all. Though she's like this when it comes to love, in other aspects she's very lazy. She doesn't do more than what she's required to though and always just lands on the mediocre. Though she's a very helpful person and will do anything to help you if you have any problems but she's very materialistic.

She loves her things so much that if you so much as take it without her permission (and sign the contract stating the time of borrowing and terms of the compensation if ever the item is lost/damaged) she'll forever ignore your existence until you make amends. Though she likes to keep everyone happy she can't seem to keep herself happy for long. She sometimes has insecurities about the fact that maybe she doesn't deserve happiness, she tries to mask this insecurities with her sarcastic and funny side. She's also very paranoid about her surroundings and can get really scared when she's in unfamiliar territories. She starts to suspect that everyone is after her or out to harm her.

She's really just a sweet girl who's trying to survive in the world, though with her internal struggles and her incapability to confess to the person she loves she finds it hard to keep up the facades that she puts up and once in a while she cries her heart out.


* Her stuff
* Love
*Reading books
*Amusement Parks
*RPG Games/ Video Games (She doesn't like computer games though but give her games that can be played in consoles and she'll love it.)



*People who don't respect her stuff
*Her hands (she thinks that they're too rough, no matter how many times she puts on moisturizer)
*Flowers (She's allergic to them)
*Boat rides (it makes her seasick)



*She takes a one hour nap everyday at 1 o'clock
*She likes to go to animal shelters and adopt puppies so that they can grow and they'll be ready for adoption.
*Before she sleeps she always reads one page of her favorite book/series, The Legend of the Sun Knight by Yu Wo



*She bites her nails when she's scared
*She must always have three pillows on her bed. One below her head, another to cover her head, and the last one so that she can hug. She'll have a hard time sleeping if the three aren't present.
*She crosses her arms in front of her when she feels scared of intimidated.


*She has a female Husky named Lucy, Lucy is like the "mother" of the adopted dogs that she brings in her home.
*She has one treasured item and that's a small phone accessory and it's shaped like a pillow with words "I'm sleepy~" written on it. Sungyeol gave it to her.
*She can't eat spicy foods
*She also has a history of panic attacks but lately it hasn't been triggired.
*She's allergic to flowers that's why she doesn't like it but she LOVES shrimps but she's allergic to them.
*She is very smart if she tries (she once topped 1st place in her school) but she rarely does and she only did it once.
*She loves the color of velvet red.
*She loves pumpkin in all shapes and form.
*Some people say that the reason why she likes love so much is because she was born on Valentines day.
*She loves eating cake.





She came from a very well-off family that full of Engineers, Architects, and Lawyers but the great thing about her family is that none of them every really forced her to follow in their footsteps. They don't expect her to be like them and just let her choose and figure out the path that she wants to walk on. Her uncle, Choi Kyung Sik the brother of her father, owns a very well known modeling agency man in China (safe to say he is the successful black sheep of the family) and loves his niece because she hasn't been walking on the path that the family expected.

When she was fourteen years old she fell in love with a guy named, Kim Dong Hi, who she dated for one year. It all went to a full halting stop though when he broke up with her on December 25 when she was fourteen. The reason? He was just apparently aiming for a spot in her uncles modeling agency (which he did got) but was now offered a contract to her uncles rival company, so basically he had no use for her anymore. She went to a full blown depression where she refused to eat or to go out of her room. By the January 1st she was already okay but the great thing was she didn't become jaded with love. She still believed in it wholeheartedly but she decided to take break from the love business and just enjoy her youth to the fullest.


Father | Choi Won Sik | 34 | Civil Engineer  | Yerim actually acquired her sarcastic nature from her father. He might be 34 but he's very young at heart and is very loving as well. He treats Yerim as a "young lady" and doesn't baby her but deep inside he constantly worries about her--to the point of asking for Sungyeol for regular updates about her.

Mother | Kang Bu Mi | 32 | Criminal Lawyer  | Yerim her attitude of being materialistic from her mother. Seeing the amount of crime happening everyday, her mother has valued the value of money more than anyone else which Yerim has carried with her. They argue a lot (but it's more like a friendly debate) about a lot of things.

Uncle | Choi Kyung Sik | 39 | CEO of a Modeling Agency in China| Her uncle considers her his favorite (and only) niece. Yerim also looks up to her uncle because he was the only family member who didn't follow the Lawyer, Engineer, Architect line of jobs and branched out on his own. She visits him regularly on summers and sometimes even helps out with his job.

Best friends:

Lee Sungyeol | 16 (Junior) | They're both really comfortable with each other to the point where they can hug. They've been together since they were in kindergarten so it's pretty obvious as to why they're so comfortable with each other.


Song Qian (Victoria) | 20 | They're really good friends. Mainly because Victoria is one of her uncles models in the company she always makes it a point to see her when she visits China because she always treats her as somewhat of like a daughter.

Zhou Mi | 26 | Another model from her uncle's agency as is very well known. Because  of his striking looks and long legs he is regarded as one of the top models of China. Though he's very different off the catwalk and is the one that makes sure that Yerim is fed and comfortable whenever she visits China.




Rival: Kim Hana


She's a very driven person that will strive hard to get what she wants. She sometimes treats people as ladders to her goal but knows when she has reacher her limit. She can get y sometimes but she has a soft heart when it comes to animals. She's also one of the person that is an "adoptive family" and she goes with Yerim.

How you interact:

They both don't actually hate each other, they're very civil actually. They could even be considered as close acquaintances. Though there are some animosity between them, they always place it behind them whenever they're sharing their love for animals. Funny enough, Hana is the person that she tells all of her troubles to (since she really can't say anything to Sungyeol and two of her friend are in China)

Reason for rivalry:

When Kim Hana heard that Choi Yerim was the niece of Choi Kyung Sik she immediately jumped at the opportunity to become a model. She hounded Yerim with her portfolio, her experience, an etc making Yerim dislike her (she never liked being the stepping stone to her uncle) so she tried to avoid Hana as much as possible. While Hana, being stubborn, tried to chase after her and fulfill her dream of becoming a model. Yerim found out the true side of Hana when they met in shelter, at first Yerim groaned in annoyance expecting Hana to hound her with her annoying modeling dreams when Hana merely just smiled at her and went back to cuddling the puppies. This is the only times when they'd ever be truly civil with each other.

Back-up: (not needed unless your rival is an OC or if you have two rivals)




Love Interest: Lee Sungyeol

Age: 16 (Junior)


Just like Yerim, he's very charming and he's very sarcastic. But despite this he's very jaded when it comes to love and likes to play around a lot. He doesn't like to be attached to one person and loves to live "in the moment". This might be rooted to the fact that his father, a doctor, is pressuring him to take up a medical course so he can run the business when he's old. He treasures his friends though and is very protective of Yerim. He can get a bit of a jerk to the girls he has slept with (earning countless amounts of slaps) but generally he's just scared that he'll hurt those girls in the long run and ends it as soon as he possibly can. The reason as to why he goes out with girls is because deep inside him he wants to prove to himself that love can be real but he always ends up disappointed and ends it. That doesn't mean he's heartless, he's just trying to find his own path but he's just constantly making mistakes on the way.

How you interact:

They look out for each others backs and is very close to each other. Yerim is the only person that never lectures Sungyeol about his promiscuous ways and just merely understands him for who he is. Though they get into arguments, Sungyeol is the first person to apologize. Though they've know each other since they were kids there is still a lot of things they don't know about each other--exhibit A: The fact that Yerim is in love with Sungyeol. Yerim didn't fall in love with Sungyeol just like that. It really did start out as admiration but it soon blossomed to love when Sungyeol, after the break-up with Dong Hi, started to treat her so nicely and lovingly. At first, she dismissed at as her own way of craving for affection. She realized that she was truly in love with Sungyeol when, on her sixteenth birthday, Sungyeol gave her a kiss on the cheek. She blushed madly and asked what was that for. He explained that it was Valentines day and she deserved a kiss on the cheek. Ever since then, she knew that she was in love with Sungyeol.

She doesn't plan on telling Sungyeol her feelings because agreed to hereslf that she'll never ruin their friendship and continues to bottle up her feelings for him.

Back-up: Park Yoochun

Scene Requests:

*When Kim Dong Hi broke up and Yerim went into depression. Sungyeol went to her and when he opened the room he was pretty shocked to see Yerim laying on bed reading her favorite book. Sungyeol asked if she was alright and Yerim merely shrugged, "Yeah I'm okay, I just don't feel like eating and going out. I don't know. It's weird. I never felt this way before." Sungyeol frowned at her attitude. He approached her and gave her a big great bear hug. Yerim started laughing and whispering "I'm okay, I'm okay," but Sungyeol never did let her go and soon her laughter turned into tears as she sobbed and started whispering, "I'm NOT okay, I'm so NOT okay,"

*When she was a kid, she was admitted to the hospital because of her panic attacks. This was where they met each other. Sungyeol saw her in one of the patients room, desperately trying to reach over for the glass water on the far side of her bedside table, Sungyeol approached her, asked her name, and ever since then they were inseparable.

*In a small party housted by the Choi Family, Sungyeol was of course invited and then sees Yerim in a beautiful deep red velvety gown. Myungsoo, one of Sungyeol's friends, saw her and whistled. "I've never seen Yerim in a gown before," Myungsoo commented as Sungyeol nodded. "Never have I, she hates parties like this but since her uncle was coming so she came as well." Myungsoo nodded and smiled. "She's looks pretty," Sungyeol looked at Yerim and noticed how truly beautiful she was under the sparkling lights and smiled, not really knowing that his own feelings of love was coming alive. "Yeah. She really is."


Love Rival: Kim Dong Hi

Age: 17


He is very driven and stubborn. He always finds ways to get what he wants and he doesn't care how he gets it. He's very vain and cannot accept defeat easily. He tries to be the best of everything and won't accept anything less than perfection.

How you interact:

She's very cold towards him (who wouldn't?) and she tries to avoid him but he constantly follows her around and tries to make "amends" for the things that he did and he merely just wants to be friends with her again.

Why is he your love rival?: 

A new branch of his agency was built in Korea and he was sent there to be the first of it's models (since he's Korean) but once he heard that Yerim was near the area, he enrolled himself into the school. Despite Yerim's suspicions for his motives, he generally wants to make amends with her and tries to show him how she turned out but once she starts to trust him a bit, he falls back into their routine and he soon realizes that maybe he was in love with this girl.

Back up: Cho Kyuhyun





Academic Performance: C (but if she tries hard she can easily get an A)

Club: None but she does volunteer to help out the different committees if they need it.

Favorite Subject :

Maths & Sciences || She likes subjects that are used for solving and logical thinking. She might have gotten this from her father (solving) and her mother (logical thinking).

Less Favorite Subject :

P.E || She doesn't like it because it involves so much work and energy.




I'm so sorry that I'm applying so late .-. You see I accidentally unsubsribed from this story (stupid phone) and I didn't notice it. At that time this was still not open for application so I just waited for this story to alert me for new chapters but it never came -.- luckily I was able to find out after looking through my stories that this story was gone >.< hahaha

Umm about the fact that she learned Chinese because of her frequent visits to China, I'm going to keep that way. Mainly because everyone has their own pace of learning which means that since Yerim had friends there and her uncle she was able to learn faster because she wanted to communicate and talk to them through every form of communication (from conversational to writing), I hope that makes sense :)

Scene Requests: Haha, I think I'll just leave it up to you :D





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