★ star 7: the busan's felicity ┊sun




OO1.full name: Kim Heesun 김희선

OO2. other name: n/a

---Heeyoung [used by her family, it's her nickname since she was a baby because she was always crying when she was a baby, it was said that the name Heesun didn't suit her]
---Sunnie [used by her best friend]
---Smiley [used by Kai, because of her always smiling visual]
---Overdoer [used by her members, when she does her kitten impersonation]
---superNATURAL/amazonian [used by her members, NATURAL as "being ", after returning to the dorm she will likely being ]

OO4.age: 22

OO5.birthdate: 08/11/91

OO6:birthplace: Busan, South Korea

OO7:hometown: Busan, South Korea

OO8:ethnicity: Korean

---Fluent Korean [native language]
---Conversational Mandarin [learnt from her childhood]
---Basic Japanese [learnt prior to debut]
---Basic English [leart prior to debut]



oo1. face claim: Rainbow's Hyunyoung- tumblr: xoxo

oo2. back up face claim: Rainbow's Jisook  - tumblr: xoxo

oo3. height & weight: 160cm & 42kg

oo4.extra: she has a piercing on each ears.

oo5. style: She loves cool style. She didn't like girly style very much but she still like it. She's the most susceptible to fashion trends and brands. She likes limited edition items that bring out her personality. She has a thing for splashed colors and designs. She also has a thing for jeans. She wears jeans more than short, skirt and dresses. She likes to wear sneakers if she go out casually. For practice, she will wear pants or short with tank top or t-shirt. At dorm she will wear short with tank top or t-shirt. She will only wear heels if she is in formal occasions.

oo6:blood type: O



oo1:personality: Offstage; Stubborn, smart, independent, patient, hard-working and determined. A few words many people use to summarize Sun’s personality with. Although they do forget with this that she is a very quiet, friendly and sweet girl too. She can get attached to people rather quickly, and so do almost anything to make them smile. She isn’t very difficult to please and is known by people because of her everlasting smile and laugh. Sun isn’t a person who talks easily about her own thoughts or feelings with others. She always has a lot of things on her mind and most of the time just lacks the words to express her thoughts and feelings properly. That’s the main reason why she’s so quiet around others. The second reason is that she completely doesn’t mind it to listen to other people. Listen to how they tell their stories to her and through that get to know them. It isn’t hard to get to know her. Although she has a very layered personality she easily lets people come close to her. Even though sometimes they don’t even know this or sometimes she doesn’t really show how much she cares for a person since her biggest fear is losing them one day again.

Sun is a caring person and emotionally involved with others. She can see small details in the behavior of others where most of the people will look over it. Her cutie appearance and rather innocent looking face will probably make you underestimate her. Which is one of the biggest mistakes you can make around her. She may not be strong but she’s smart and due to her education and good working brain, she can easily come up with various plans to get out of certain unpleasant situations. And due to the fact that she’s patience, she always can wait long enough to make the right move at the right time. Unknown to many, Sun has a soft spot for kids. She enjoys challenges, the feel of adrenaline pumping through her veins. She keeps a very realistic perspective and tends to be carefree - perhaps too carefree. To her, life is game to be played, and even if she may seems like losing at the beginning she will checkmate in the end and win. She has a very charming nature, and she knows how to use it when she needs to. She has a very cunning side, shown only when provoked.

Except for the physical lacks, Sun cares too much for people -in general- to actually cause them harm.She has a strong believe in the good of people and so is easy to manipulate if you really want to do so. If someone hurts her friends, she holds this grudge for years. This can cause her to make rash decisions, and not think twice. She can’t stay in one place or position for too long and can get extremely hyper when she does have to. She hates being a leader and making decisions under pressure as well. She can't make decisions for others. If she gets too angry the tears begin to flow and never seem to stop until she is satisfied with bringing something down. Sun hates being talked down to. It makes her feel like she is worthless and can put her in a state where she is completely frozen and feels as if her body is made of led. Some times she can overcome the words that are being thrown at her but other times she can’t. To match her insecurity she can’t concentrate really well.

As you might expected from a person with such a bend, she is very romantic. She always long for a long- lasting, committing, all in kind of relationship. And as long as she doesn't have it, she will always feel like something is missing within her. So she is definitely marriage material, but this comes with a glitch. Her inherent need for romantic relationship makes her rush into relationship without even taking the situation into account, to be more detail, she is still young that she don't even understand what a relationship means yet want to be in it. She has an extremely soft and sacrificing nature. This is good in the sense that if she has to gives up a better opportunity for her loved ones, she can do it quite easily. But the negative side for this is the reason why at some points she starts to feel that she is being played by her loved ones. The balancing and comparing attitude of hers keep her aloof from few things, she might lose even the few friends she make in due course.

She is a filial daughter, family is very important to her. She never meet anyone she don't like at the first glance, anyone considered as a friend for her. Friend is a term she use very loosely. She is always caring and and enjoy meeting new people. Unless you give her reason to hate, she loves everyone. She is loyal, simple and truthful. She is one of the most flexible type. She tends to have a large number of friends though normally not many close or best buddies. She is friendly and enjoy being around others. She is flighty and not too dependable. Her flightiness and every changing personalities make her getting closer with people next to impossible. One minute she might be your best friend and another minute just someone who is just in the way.

Onstage; Call her pretty bold because she dares to do anything, everything. She's spunky and all the things that calls outgoing, a little ball of sunshine literally. She acts younger than her age may I add. With smile so infectious, this bright and optimistic girl will indeed brighten up your life. She is full of fanservices, she is sneaky, often creeps behind her group members, backhugging, sniffing their hair and slapping their . On reality show, she is how she is offscreen, different on and offstage is one of her personality trait. If she's around people whom she doesn't really know, as example other idols out of her friends or sunbaes, she will be quiet for awhile, truthfully her friendly onstage personality will only be there when she is with her own members only. 


---Social networking
---Teen Top(she's a fan of them)
---L.Joe(she's a fan of him)
---Rainy days

OO3: dislikes:
---Spicy food
---Animal abusers
---People that destroy greenery
---Illa(a kind of wild flower)
---Slow internet
---Being a leader
---Hot days

---Habitually singing
---Habitually smiling and laughing, even at the slightest reason
---Hugs someone/something in her sleep
---Listening to music through her ear piece before sleeping
---Waking up late
---Huffs when she is annoyed
---Zones out when she is bored

--- her lower lips when nervous or anxious
---Stuttering and mispronouncing when lying
---Cries a bucket when she's sad or mad or too happy
---Chewing bubble gum
---Overdoes impersonation and aegyo


---Watching movies
---Listening to music
---Online in her sns
---Plays korean traditional percussion music instrument(named gayageum)

---She never had dated
---She wants to be taller
---She has a kitten named Byunghun
---Her brother is currently in the army
---Her role model is SNSD's Taeyeon
---She enjoys listening to ballad songs
---She thinks that she's not photogenic
---She wants to be close with 91 liner idols

---She thinks she's the strongest in the group

---She often went to an after school(Busan Music)
---Her sns; twitter - @S7khs, instagram - @Sun_aa
---She rarely eat fast food, she prefer homemade dish
---She wants to make an appereance in Teen Top's mv
---She is better in speaking and writing in Japanese than in English
---She doesn't think she has jinx because it's depend on each person
---Her ideal type someone with double eyelids and a mischiveous smile
---She is considered as a Bagel Girl (Baby face but with glamorous body)
---She wants to have captivating eyes, so she really likes strong eyeliner
---She has never done plastic surgery on her face or any part of her body
---She was apart of the SM Trainee school, the same class as 4Minute's Gayoon
---In 2012, she was diagnosed with vocal cord polyps and received surgery to remove them.
---Her latest step father's mansion in Seoul, he is one of the millionaire in South Korea
---The members say she wakes up the latest in the morning, but can get ready in just 3 minutes.
---She's very afraid of heights. She can't even take the upper bunk, and always use the lower one.
---She enjoys getting which is where the nickname superNATURAL at dorm come from.

---She tried Zelo's satoori rapping (rapping while mixing up various dialect) before but ended up as a gag
---Her favorite quote is 'Lets get a heart like a rose, arms your heart with thorns and let the rose bloom'

---She wishes she had a higher tolerance for alcohol, but she can't even take one glass (she's guessing that it's genetic because her mom has low tolerance as well). Once during a get together with her members, after drinking one glass of alcohol, she had no idea where she was or lived and just fell asleep on a sofa somewhere





oo1:background:  Kim Heesun was the oldest daughter of the town’s teacher. She has a sibling and 2 half-siblings. You heard me right, her mother already had 2 failed marriage and still looking for another. She divorced with his first husband when Heesun was 5. She married and divorced latter with her second husband, a chinese man, when Heesun was 6. She had met many guys from various kind of meetings, whether its coincidentally or blind dates. She is a type of woman who can't survive without a man, and for her bad, she always met the wrong guys. During a family trip to Seoul in early 1999, when Heesun was 7 years old, she was spotted by talent agency, S.M. Entertainment, which earned her a lead role in a CF. The agency saw potential in her and offered her singing and dancing lessons, opting to professionally train her in a singing career. However, the offer was turned down by her mother, reasoning that she was too young.

In 2001, Heesun began appearing in television commercials. She first appeared in a Lotte commercial with Korean actress Han Ga In. In 2008, her mother allowed her to join SM Entertainment, and the agency enrolled her in vocal and dance classes, including hip hop and jazz, though she isn't made for dancing, they soon learn it by time. Apart from being a trainee and few televicsion commercial, Heesun lived a middle income life as her mother's students would come in and out of her simple modest home for extra classes, taking care of her younger siblings, and doing most of the chores around the house. As she got older, aged 13, few students of her mother try to hit on her, which resulted in her to reject them numerous times. Truthfully she is afraid to be in relationship that time, this is due to what she saw from her mother's relationships.

Soon her mother hand in marriage to an unknown man rumored to be extremely wealthy, Heesun (16 at the time) and her siblings also got to move into his mansion. After the marriage, her mother's attitude slightly changed to more mature, she stopped teaching and started to take care of her children more. Heesun now had some freedom in her life. The new guy of her mother is different from others, he wanted Heesun and her siblings to think of him as their father. Talk about father, Heesun didn't keep in touch with his biological father or her ex step father. She was happier now than living the life she used to.

During her year in SM, she didn't play but make it into her real business, she is lazy at times/bad habit/. She had been independent since her childhood so living in a trainee routine isn't a problem for her. She can talk to others, gaining some friends. Her problem is the girl group diet that all girl trainees was forced to follow to have that dream body. Last but not least, she is a bit impatient regarding her debut, as a trainee she always had been thinking when and how will her debut be. She was set to debut as a solo in 2013 but the plans fail. She was the last member to be added into the group.

oo2: family;

Mother-Park Yeona-49-Housewife [used to be a teacher]-When you first saw her, she looks clumsy but she has a pure charm. She is really forgetful and often misplace things. She is young at heart.

Father-Kim Joonyoung-51-Policeman-Didn't contact for ages, she barely know him

Ex stepfather-Chae Sangwoo-50-Mechanic-Didn't contact for ages, she barely know him

Stepfather-Shim Changmin-59-Bussinessman-He has a soft and warm heart. So, he can't stay mad as long and easy to forgive people. But he is a guy that you shouldn't be mess with when it come to her loved ones.

Brother-Kim Inpyo-23-In Army [will continue his study after the service]-He thinks life is like a computer game. He has a habit of lying. He thinks that he is handsome and cute. He is full of self confident, sometimes a bit conceited.

Stepsister-Chae Heeyeon-17-Student-She is a bit ignorance. She don't really care about things that not related to her. If people don't disturb her, she won't do the same too.

Stepbrother-Chae Junpyo-15-Student-He is all about clear and straightforward. He has a strong character but not a jerk at all.

OO3: friends:

Yoo Hayi[female]-22-SM Trainee

Shing Seungwon[male]-20-SM Trainee

Heo Gayoon-23-4Minute

OO4:best friends:

Kim Dongjun-21-Ze:A-He is pretty outgoing and playful, and if he doesn't act that way for even one day, he'll feel all wrong. His charming point is that he can be both a strong man and a little boy who needs protection at the same time




OO1:love interest:Kim Jongin [Kai]

OO2:back up love interest:Lee Taemin

OO3:personality: Describing his personality could be the easiest thing to do... or it could be the hardest thing to do. Like so, he is very two-faced and extremely contradicting. Because his celebrity life began at such an early age, his parents made extra effort to make sure that the boy was raised right and with manners. For that reason, he was loved by many of his seniors. However, as he grown up as a teenager and to adulthood, his inner personality changed drastically though he learned to keep it to himself. He is often sarcastic though is sly about it, leaving the other to think about whether the boy had complimented them or called them a stupid . He is smart and knows how to use his intelligence well; he knows how to use words to his advantage to assist him whenever he is dealing with people, especially women. He could seriously tell someone to go jump off a cliff and they would do it because he would say all the great stuff about it as possible to convince them with his boyish charm and smile, along with his soft and sweet melodic voice. He loves messing with people and with their minds and rest assured, he is very good at it. [this is his offstage personality]

OO4: how they met: They first met when she was 7; they were chosen to be partners for the CF Kai's mother had him audition for. The public and producers around considered them a pair and always featured them together in commercials as they grew up, insisting they won't cast one without the other... so they saw each other a lot.

OO5:how they act around each other: Kai's last string of innocence and purity is held by Sun, whom he grew up with and cares deeply for like a little sister. He is aware of her visible affection and romantic feelings for him though thinks nothing of it. She is almost his only exception to his thoughts of all women being the same and wanting the same thing. He has a soft spot for the girl and his genuine smiles, if he shows any, are usually always only shown when he is with her. Whenever Kai feeling sad and down, he will find Sun and vice versa. They always have a way to comfort each other, to encourage each other. Sun is the one doing the skinship, no matter how big or small. Later Kai will do the same. Kai also always praise how pretty she is.

OO6:relationship: Soulmates




OO1: love rival: Choi Minho

OO2:back up love rival: Lee Hyunwoo

OO3:personality: He is very competitive and can get quite agressive when he wants something, which brings him to the problems. He has a tendency to want to control every situation brought to him. He often breaks down emotionally and psychologically if he fails. He’s a natural seducer, always succeed in seducing anyone and everyone he sets his eyes on. Minho is open and will help anyone but he’s not open about his past, especially about his love life. Minho hardly falls in love, not wanting to open his heart again to someone who might break it.

OO4: how they met: Their first meeting was a disaster. Minho was deadly tired with his personal night training and on his way back when Sun bumped into him. Annoyed by the situation, he cursed under his breath and this came to Sun's attention. She thought Minho was cursing at her and there the misunderstanding began.

OO5: how they act around eachother: Minho is prankish, meanie and a troller for Sun, but there's reason for that. Minho never treat her like other girls, even when around her members, people would say that he is a bit harsh to her. Minho's way may not be the best way in making Sun look at him but, Minho did it in his own way. He truly sacrificed his own image, he didn't even care if he's going to look as the bad one. Minho actually don't know what he should do, he just want to leave a lasting impression to her, the only way he can think is being the bad image. This boy is in love! Sun shows her vulnerability. She even burst into tears because of Minho. She is oblivious about Minho's feeling, she think Minho hates her much.

OO6:relationship: Sunbae/hoobae




OO1:rival: Krystal Jung

OO2:back up rival: Son Naeun

OO3:personality: She put up a tough personality in front of the others, she act like she ignores the world, she pretend that she’s fine being alone when inside she’s actually fragile, sensitive, and craving for attention and love. She’s very observant and smart; she can outsmart another person with her manipulative ways. It’s one of her inner skill that you can’t see very often.

OO4: why they are rivals: Kai used to have a feeling to Krystal, he even confessed before she rejected him. After awhile Krystal discovers a special feeling for Kai, more into bitter feeling whenever he is seen with Sun. For Sun,  she always know that Kai used to have a crush on Krystal. He didn't need tell who, just by been with him, spending time with him, she could tell from his action that the girl was Krystal.

005:how they interact: They are awkward when with others and more when left alone. They try to throw away that uneasiness feeling real hard. Despite being awkward, Krystal might just be the only person that never really treat Sun well, even as her hoobae, and is probably the only scary slash sunbae in the world that Sun is truly afraid of. Krystal is really blunt and strict around Sun. Sun is always intimidated by Krystal.



oo1:stage name: Sun

OO2: persona: The Busan's Felicity [felicity means bliss or great happiness, this is due to her exterior, netizens often think of her as a bright and optimistic girl]

OO3:position:Main Vocal, Rapper

OO4:back up position:Lead Vocal, Rapper

OO4:fanclub name: Sunrise

OO5:fanclub color:#ff0000

OO6:sub group: n/a

OO7: training years:6 years

OO8:singing twin: Rainbow's Hyunyoung- one two

OO9: dancing twin: 4Minute's Jihyun- one two

O10:rapping twin: 4Minute's Sohyun- one two

O11:talking twin:Rainbow's Hyunyoung- one two

O12:aegyo/laughing twin: Rainbow's Hyunyoung- one two




suggestions: n/a

comments: First of all english isn't my first language. Secondly, feel free to let me know any error so I can fix it. Lastly, hope you like Kim Heesun :)


scene request:
--- Sun and Kai go to the amusement park at night, like in a movie, where no one around but the game was all alive. Let's just say he pays the workers there to do that or it's EXO members who help Kai and the girl he love for a successful date.
---Sun and Kai closeness making Minho jealous.
---Minho and Sun fight and it's serious, they didn't talk for a week
---A scene where Kai teach Sun how to ride a bicycle
---A scene where Kai kisses Sun's lips in the rain
---Sun faint due to overwork and need to stay in the hospital for a day
---The group filming a commercial at the beach, they are so happy playing after the shooting end until they notice that Sun is missing.
---Minho forces Sun to do bungee jumping just for fun, he don't mean it seriously but just to tease, only making the frighten Sun faints
---SM holding a party for it's idols, Sun got drunk by a glass of wine and fall asleep on the couch, Kai decides to help to get her to the dorm.


anything else?: Hwaiting!! :D





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