How do you get people to make a poster for you?

I was wondering how you get people to make a poster and background for you. I know how to get them when you already posted a foreword, but is there a way to request a poster for a story you haven't posted anything for


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striped-cat #1
just browse in the request shop/poster shop tag on aff, and then comment on the story stating the genre of what you want (the overall feel of the poster, like fluff, angst, horror etc), the characters you want to use. its better if you provide raw images for the graphic artist to edit and work with. you can also PM them. if they want a story link, just tell them your situation? and give as much info and detail on how you want the story to be.
sure :) ...
There are request shops here but they take ages
... Ask on a social website x3 usually tumblr