I haven't made a post in some time huh...



I'm sorry guys. It's been way too long since I have posted a blog. Dun hate me otay?
Well let me tell you somethings that have happened if you didn't know...
My birthday passed it was nice and everything I feel old now but hey it's bound to happen one day.
I've been having back pains and really back headaches from the smallest things lately as well.
I also think I have insomnia because it's hard for me to sleep at night and my body dosen't function like it should at times.
I just got done with a project that I stayed up till like four in the morning (even though I wake up at six) to finish that thing and I succeeded!
I have been in this roleplay for quite some time now (longest fb rp I've stayed in tbh) and it's really cool.
We just need it to be more active so if you want to please join I will have the link below in a sec.
Also I'm engaged to exo's Kris in that rp so...yerp.
I have grown a strange addiction to one of my guy friends.
And I think he's addicted to me too.  
e u e
Yeah so we basically are talking to each other almost every minute of the day even though we are both going to the same place for the break. (we finally ended our 56:37 minute conversation about NOTHING)
My aunt is making Korean food tonight since my cousin picked and what's awesome is he is addicted to Japanese things now but I'm pushing him towards the Korean side.
So we're eating bulgogi, kimchi, sticky rice and noodle, and a whole lot more stuff I can't remember but yeah.
Afterwards I'm gonna visit the small little Kpop shop by her house. 

I don't think I've ever been so excited for dinner in my lie c':
So whala~ that's what happened when I didn't post for (what seems like forever) a week and a day. Pai Pai~ 



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I'm in that rp too!
Lmao. I'm super late
LiterallyAPotato #2
Hellur! I haven't talk to you in a while. I missed my AFF buddy :(
i'm glad you're back!!!