life lesson

Don't let your 5 year old sister have your old room with all the kpop posters you ever had from H.O.T to Exo. They will destroy them. Over 300 dollars worth of poster gone every single inch of my old room walls were overed with kpop poster just down the toliet. She destroyed my favorite Hoon poster that took me forever to find. She certainly didn't go easy on Kevin either. Every single Super Junior poster I ever had (25 posters) gone. #lyfelesson #stupidme #goingtowastemoney #sheain'tgonnagetchristmaspresents


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that's just wow ._. if i was you i would hit my sibling and tell my parents to give me money again so i could buy the posters again. oh wow e_e
i feel you somehow,having a sibling is a pain in OTL
that is so aweful! I would have gone crazy if I were you seriously!
/pats back/ and this is why I'm teaching my little sister to love kpop.
your sis really isn't going get the christmas present..