The experiences of my life (Implying you will actually read this)

So uh... Hi.... My name is Joseph. If you want the full story on who I am. Check outthe beginning of my fanfic


*Cough* Shameless self advertising *Cough*


Okay, so. If you bothered to read this far then you must care atleast a TINY bit. So let's get straight into it. I was born in New Zealand, stayed there for... 3 years, maybe? Then I went to the U.S.A (Spent a large portion of my life there. Stayed in Houston... Awesome place :3)

Then a few years later. Here I am, in Australia. And in one month I am leaving to live in Singapore. Anybody out there from Singapore? Is it fun? :D

If you could not tell, I move around alot. My father is a lawyer for Shell .... So yeah, I do move around quite alot.

Okay... What to talk about next....School, why not.

Never really had giant issues in school. I had some good friends (A little on the geeky side, but always loyal.)

People at school say I have an aura of innocence around me sometimes... LITTLE DO THEY KNOW, I WRITE FANFICTION! MUAHAHA!

Uhmmm.... I have never really had "Romantic expirience" but once I "Went out" with a girl who was so sweet and cute. Sure, she was not THAT great looking, but was kind an I noticed little things like holding my hand when it came up to a scary part in the movie. So yep, the movie. That was the only time i "Went out with her" After that she never contacted me again... What did I do wrong? T_T

As for my life with the same .... Once there was this boy who I could tell sort of liked me. He said he wanted to tell me something before he dragged me off behind one of the school buildings, he gave me a peck on the cheek. It was okay.... Sure he was hot but he had a rotten personality. He thought of himself being so gorgeous (I say again, he was. But just that arrogance kinda ticks me off. I find it cute to some extent but... You know ....)  -__-



Oh, well... You probably don't wanna hear me ramble on so I am going to put you out of your misery and end this.

I might post again soon. Love you all. Talk to you soon! ^.~


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Geek friends are amazing! >D
I dont know how you feel about moving away, but I would be really happy to be able to live like that :D