Being an introvert ?

That's how I'm feeling. 

Don't you feel the same?

Lately, I've been going to an interview, and well I can't talk. and I think I would fail it.


Please help!


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hopelesswriter #1
aww, i'm introvert too...n it does give problems when it comes to impressing people for things like interviews,presentations,etc...but i like it since i can at least be myself...i think...if you're going on interview n you're an need to set up a mindset that the interview is a performance, and your role is someone who will impress the interviewer...well, it doesn't showcase your real self, but at least you know you're doing your best for the interview. like...whenever i have interviews/presentations in front of people, i try to show that i'm comfortable with myself...if i'm quiet, i'll just tell them i'm quiet n introvert but i'll also tell them my redeeming qualities. so they'll see that you're being honest n uhm, confident?....i don't know if it works though...maybe you can make script/practice what you want to talk before going, if it's hard to be spontaneous. n just smile, relax, try not to answer one word answers-elaborate, and don't ever let the interviewer intimidate you, think of them as the same as you. wow...sorry if i sound naggy, hope it help even if a bit....all the best~!