If my life was a movie ( Stolen )


Open your library (iTunes, Youtube Playlist, Media Player, iPod, etc.) Put it on shuffle. Press play.
For every question, type the song that's playing.
Ahem.Although I have done this before,I'm doing it again cause my life is even more boring than this.Ok.Lets start.
Opening Credits: Bad Girl Good Girl (Miss A)
Waking Up: Heaven (Ailee)
First Day at School: Coup D'e Tat (G-Dragon)
Making Your New Best Friend: Day by Day (Myname)
Falling in Love: Growl (EXO)
Breaking Up: Sorry Sorry (Super Junior)
Prom: Shock (Beast)
Graduation: Wow (BTOB)
Death of a Close Friend: No more dream (BTS)
Life's Okay: Wolf (EXO)
Mental Breakdown: What's your name (4minute)
Driving: Joah (Jay Park)
Flashback: I'm sorry (CNBlue)
Getting Back Together: Trap (Henry)
Wedding Scene: Face (NU'EST)
Car Accident: Who You? (G-Dragon)
Final Battle: I'm sorry (Beast) [Why so many sorrys]
Death Scene: Fantastic Baby (BigBang)
Funeral Song: Fiction (Beast)
Final Credits: The boys (SNSD)
Deleted Scenes: Acha (Super Junior)
If my life was a movie,it would make no sense and would be ed up.
P.S. Waking up is not heaven.Its hell.
P.P.S My death is not fantastic baby.I will haunt you.
P.P.P.S So many old songs..Sigh.


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