What I will update

I narrowed it down to four choices of what I would update.

In Love With Your Predetor

I honestly think it will take me the most time to update this one because it is still slightly being planned, but it is the one that got one of the most subscribers in a week, plus the love I got from No Longer makes me want to update even more.


I Can't Tell You

I love this the one the most to be honest, but at some points when I write it makes me sad. I chose this because this one has one of the most subscribers I have. The thing is if I update this I don't know if I will make a oneshot off of Kevin which or put this in this story, but later.


You Don't Say That Tomorrow

Even though this one doesn't have many subscribers at all, I like this one because I started this one befor I was on AFF. In the way I see it in my mind Seungri is the most real out of all of the characters I have written.


Wild Heart

I Have to be honest and say I'm sorry for not updating this one sooner. This one is really personal and mostly based on true events in my life. I just have a problem because I want to write it in a different order instead of writing it in actual order. I want to change into diary entries and make it different days in different year and not in the same order.


But overall the decsion is your and You Choose on the Poll below. You won't choose wrong. y Suho agrees


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striped-cat #1
idk man this is hard to pick. I chose A even though it'll take the longest. Why did I do that ><