( fantasia ) | Won Jangmi | The Determined Rose



Won Jangmi
“ Hello, Goodbye?
Birth Name — Won Jangmi
Other Names — N/A
  • The other members call her "Jjang" sometimes, as a joke.
  • She's often called Rose, as that's what her name means.
  • The Big Bad Wolf - when her friends are being threatened by any person in any way, anyone genre savvy enough to know Rose's personality calls her this. 
  • Bad Wolf - same reasons as above.
Birthday and Age — 22; July 18th, 1991
Birthplace — Busan, South Korea
Hometown — Busan, South Korea
Bloodtype — B-
Height and Weight — 170 cm; 51 kg;
Ethnicity — Korean
Nationality — Korean
Languages — Korean (fluent; she speaks with a Busan accent.)
“ Look on what’s in the inside, not the outside! 
Face-claim — Park Min Ju
Gallery or LinksGallery
Back-up — Kang Jiwon
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Style — Jangmi's pretty much on the more tomboyish side of K-fashion; this is a girl that never wears skirts, ever. Despite her awesome legs and everything, but y'know. She prefers shorts, which she wears all the time [1 2 3 4]. She also has a jacket [1] that she wears pretty much everywhere. Jangmi likes comfort more than she likes style, and that shows. 
“ Why fit in when you’re born to stand out?
Fairytale Heroine — Rose Tyler (Doctor Who) 
Personality Traits — Brave;  naive; impulsive; determined; curious
Don't get me wrong; in the face of a challenge, Jangmi's going to be scared. She's not some fearless warrior that shoots for her own hand, or anything. Rather, Jangmi's bravery comes from acknowledging her fear and continuing to go on anyway. She's new to the idol world (and loves it a lot more than the normal world), and is hence faced with getting used to a lot of things - like cameras watching her every move, and things she says causing big scandals. She takes those in stride, doing her best to adapt to a new lifestyle. She's also always up to try new things. If she loses at a contest and the punishment is eating something weird, she'll eat it happily. She also wants to try skydiving. Jangmi abhors the "normal" aspects of life - she can't find the beauty in normal, everyday things -  and likes to keep going forward no matter what, trying new and weird things. Jangmi's also a determined person. She became a trainee with the plan to debut as soon as possible, and worked hard as a trainee. She still works hard as an idol, and makes sure that the other members of Fantasia work hard, too. 
Jangmi doesn't have much self-judgement. She speaks without thinking, and does things on impulse, rather than thinking anything through. If something she wanted required destroying an entire universe, she'd do it in a heartbeat. Jangmi's a bit selfish in that sense; she gets what she wants, no matter what. More often than not, those wants are whims that Jangmi just wants to forget about later. Jangmi is fiercely protective of her friends & loved ones. If she can take a fall for them, she will. If she can do something for them that would result in any negative emotion from them, she will. If she can cheer them up, she will. Sensing a theme here? Jangmi cares about her friends more than pretty much anything else - sometimes more than heself, depending on the situation - and is a good leader because of that. However, because of her need to protect her close ones, Jangmi also often pokes her nose into places she shouldn't, getting herself in others in a lot of trouble. She's also kind of clingy.
  • Space - one of Jangmi's favorite subjects. Aliens could totally be up there, you know.
  • Flowers. Especially roses.
  • The winter season as a whole.
  • Dancing. She's not the best in the group, but Jangmi does it to stay in shape.
  • Red bicycles - she got one for Christmas when she was 12 and is kind of attached to it. She also has one that's full-sized, since Jangmi is one, too.
  • Honest people.
  • Nail art.
  • Anything extraordinary.
  • Normal, everyday life and normal, everyday people.
  • Summertime.
  • Anyone hurting her friends. Ever.
  • Having to not be physically active.
  • People droning at her.
  • People that lie to make others feel better.
  • Dancing.
  • Taking selcas on her phone.
  • Doing the nails of the other members.
  • Crossing her arms.
  • Shoving her hands in her pockets.
  • Cracking her knuckles. 
  • If Jangmi could travel throughout time, she'd probably bring her dad back to life.
  • She has an iPhone 5S, which she bought herself as a debut present.
  • She graduated school with really average grades, and asks to not be considered a role model. 
  • Her favorite artists are Avicii, Kanye West, and Infinite.
  • A bit of a sci-fi nerd.
  • Her role models are Uhura from Star Trek, Miryo and Lee Hyori.
  • She loves fantasy, as the stuff that happens there never happens anywhere else.
  • Jangmi's phone wallpaper is a picture of her house.
  • She's studying English in order to converse with her international fans.
  • Admires Billie Piper.
  • Jangmi's favorite insult is "y trampoline".
  • Jangmi wants to retire with her mother in London.
  • Jangmi's ideal type is Super Junior's Donghae.



“ You know my name, not my story
Jangmi's family life has never been the best; her father died after being hit by a car when she was just a baby (though her mother often told her that he was the best man in the whole wide world) and money was always tight. The best part of her childhood childhood was a gymnastics team she was on when she was 7, and she even had to quit that. When that was over - Jangmi was about 12 when she quit gymnastics - she began a lackluster and boring school life. Her mom lost her job at some point and the two struggled with money right up until Jangmi graduated and got her extremely crappy job. Her grades were never the best - she actually left school for a year in order to pursue a short-lived romance - and when she graduated, she got stuck in a dead-end job as a shopgirl without going to college. She also had a fairly boring boyfriend, who she loved, and everything, but was nothing special. Jangmi's entire life up to that point was nothing special, and she was getting more and more bored by everything. A gas fire at Jangmi's workplace after about 7 months of working there was what inspired Jangmi to become an idol - one thing ends and another begins, you know? She'd never liked her job, anyway, and eventually auditioned for SM Entertainment. Her ordinary life would never be the same.
Family — 
Mother :: Han Jinah :: Flirty; motherly; strongwilled; annoying; kind :: 10/10
Best Friends — 
Go Sunjoon (OC) :: Averaged; kind; athletic; slapstick; funny :: He's the average boyfriend in the background. The two broke up when Jangmi became a trainee, but they're still friends. :: 10/10
Members of Fantasia go here. Jangmi didn't make a lot of friends as a trainee and much prefers to associate with her members. 
“ Love isn’t a choice, it comes from the heart
Love Interest — Lee Howon / Hoya
Age 22
Personality — When Hoya talks, a good 70% of the time it's snark. There's so much sarcasm and wittiness that goes into what he speaks. He's also well known for his sass, which he uses on the other members of Infinite. A lot. 20% of the time, he has really horrible puns that Jangmi occasionally pretends to laugh at, sometimes. It's best you don't speak of them. Then there's the 10% of the time his true personality comes out - it's sweet and kind and manly, and protective, and thoughtful, and generally perfect. It's just so hard for him to get there, and for him to open up to people like that, that it's hardly ever seen.
How you met — The two actually met during New Years in Busan, the year that Jangmi became a trainee. Hoya, who was a few months away from Infinite, had the opporitunity to come home for new years, and the two had a brief conversation. He told her he had a feeling she'd have a great year. (She didn't recognize him back then, due to the fact that he had yet to debut.)
How you interact — Described a bit above; they're getting to know each other, and therefore, Hoya hasn't opened up to Jangmi yet. But they're getting there, getting to know each other more and more.
Relationship — Friends.
Back-up Love Interest — Park Chanyeol
Age — 21
Personality — Chanyeol's the kind of guy that smiles stupidly when he's in pain since he doesn't want to let you down; he cares as much about the people he loves as Jangmi does, which initially attracted her to him. He's rather positive, but he also has a sensitive side. 
How you met — Backstage at M! Countdown.
How you interact — Much like Hoya and Jangmi, they're getting to know each other, but they're complete strangers to each other rather than kinda-sorta friends.
Relationship — Strangers.
“ The third on the wheel
Love Rival — N/A
Age — 
How you met
How you interact
Back-up Love Rival
“ Enemies make up your life, not only friends
Rival — Woori (Rainbow)
Personality — Woori's kind and a good person; she's intelligent and passionate, too. She's a really nice girl, who just so happened to be stuck in a close to dead-end group.
How you met — A variety show Fantasia and Rainbow were both on.
Why are you rivals? — They're friendly rivals, who try to outdo each other jokingly. 
How you interact — They joke around each other, but they also make sure to let the other know that they're indeed rivals. Their friendship and rivalry is pretty equal, too, so.
“ Don’t be fake, be yourself
Stage Name — Jangmi
Persona — The Determined Rose
Position — Leader, main rapper, lead dancer 
Back-up Position — Moodmaker, main vocalist, sub-rapper
Fanclub Name + Color — Thorns #610B21
Trainee years — 3 years
Trainee life — Determination is pretty much Jangmi's middle name, so Jangmi practiced all the time rather than making friends. She practiced constantly and hardly ever left for home, she was so determined. 
Vocal TwinAilee
Singing TwinMiryo
Dancing TwinYoona
Rapping TwinMiryo
“ Goodbye, Hello?
Comments — I'm not sure if Doctor Who counts as fantasy, but here, have your Rose Tyler. The jacket in her style is Rose's actual jacket, by the way. If you need me to add Jangmi's father, I will. And if you want me to add friends, I'll do that too.
Rose Tyler was basically an average girl that worked in a shop and had a very average boyfriend. One day, her workplace was blown up by a mysterious alien called The Doctor in order to stop an invasion of evil mannequins, and she ended up adventuring through time and space with him. She became a god of time and space, called Bad Wolf, after absorbing The Doctor's time machine; she kissed the Doctor in order to go back to being normal, which killed him. The Doctor is immortal, though, and regenerated into a new man - one that Rose fell in love with, and one that fell in love equally as much with Rose. Their love story ended bittersweetly when Rose became stuck in a parallel universe, one The Doctor could never travel to. She made a few more appearances, and ended up with a clone of The Doctor in her parallel world. When The Doctor died and was about to regenerate again, he met her on New Year's day, months before she'd meet the Doctor for the first time. He promised her that she'd have  a great year.
Suggestions — For songs - some of After School's stuff, anything by Rainbow, anything by A Pink pre-NoNoNo. 
Scene requests — ...Up to you =D



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