99 Truths (stolen from DreamyEnt13 which stole from ohmygoshwhy) xD

1. Real Name: Matea (read as Ma - Tae - Ah)
2. Nicknames:  Korejka (Korean), Mate (it's a boy name ;_;), Tea (TaeAh), Weirdo.
3. Zodiac Sign: Capricorn? (as a Catholic, I don't have one.)
4. Male or Female: Female
5. Elementary School: Actually, a kindergarten for 9 years xD
6. High school: Monster High :D
7. College: University of studying languages :) (not yet, 4 years left...)
8. Hair color: Brown. xD
9. Tall or short: In between? (I'm a basketball player duhh)
10. IM or email: Like I use any of it. (okay, I use email)
11. Sweats or Jeans: Stretchable jeans? I wish O-O(because I love jeans, but I'm wild, so I rather wear Sweats :) )
13. Health Freak: Yes. *coughbeensickforninemonthscough* *coughimseriouscough*
14. Orange or Apple: Orange
15. Do you have a secret crush on someone: Well.. I don't know. Maybe two guys :D
16. Eat or Drink:  Drink. (I don't actually like to eat.)
17. Piercings: Earrings, if that can be included in piercings.
18. Pepsi or coke: Neither. (I'm very very very picky about everything xD)
19. Been in an Airplane: YES! OMG I WANT TO BE A PILOT! ever since I was four years old :D
20. Been in a relationship: Nope.
21. Been in a car accident: ALMOST. Few days ago O.O I would've got hit by two buses and a car! Car stopped
                                          in front of me. *whew*
22. Been in a fist fight: Yes.
23. First piercing: Ears. (OMG I wrote wars xD)
24. Current best friend(s): Bf that's in America right now, opposite school shift friend and neighbour :) (no
25. First award: okay, I have no idea why did I almost write 'yesterday' O_o? Last year :D Art!! ^^
26.First crush?: It's complicated. Uhm, I had the same crush in elementary school, then I wasn't even seeing him anywhere so I fell out of love, and then again in highschool, I fell in love with him once again because I saw him almost everyday. 
27. First word: I think it was 'baba' (in Croatian 'grandmother' xD)
28. Last person you talked to in person: Sister. I called her Joško Pedala xD (Josko Pedala; I though of that name and lemme explainya; at the bottom of this :D 99truths)
29. Last person you texted: ...My basketball coach...
30. Last person you watched a movie with: ... I didn't. ... Maybe few years ago.
31. Last movie you watched: *I can't remember* Tangled *I remembered yaay*
32. Last song you listened to: From American(?):Lindsey Stirling - Moon Trance. From kpop; DBSK - Why did I
                                                fall in love with you. From Croatian; Kinoklub - Za Nju. 
33. Last thing you bought: Basketballball xD Basketball. And sprinklers :D
34. Last person you hugged: I don't hug.
35. Favourite Food: Eobseoyo. *coughstuffedpepperscough*
36. Favourite Drink: Anything cold, even in winter time; tea made of camomile, hip (hips O_o OMG xD) and
37. Bottoms: eh? Underwear?
38. Flower: Blue rose ;D (also lilac and hyacinth)
39. Animal: Squirells and pandas :3 so squishy 
40. Color: Neon blue.
41. Favorite Movie: Animated ones; Tangles, Astro Boy, Madagascar. I love comedias too :)
42. Favourite subject: English. Anything that's a language other than mine ._.
HAVE YOU EVER: (Put an x in the brackets if you have)
43. ( x ) Got Baptized.
44. ( ) Celebrated Halloween.
45. ( x ) Had your heart broken.
46. ( ) Went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone.
47. ( ) Had someone question your ual orientation.
48. ( ) Got pregnant.
49. ( ) Had an abortion. 
50. ( x ) Did something you regret. 
51. ( x ) Broke a promise.  
52. ( x ) Hid a secret. 
53. ( x ) Pretended to be happy. 
54. ( x ) Met someone who changed your life.  
55. ( x ) Pretended to be sick.
56. ( x ) Left the country.
57. ( x ) Tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it. ( I invaded a houted house...)
58. ( x ) Cried over the silliest thing.
59. ( x ) Ran a mile.  
60. ( x ) Went to the beach with your best friends. 
61. ( x ) Got into an argument with your friends.
62. ( ) Hated someone. ( I don't hate, only don't like.)
63. ( x ) Stayed single for a whole year. (I've never even been in a relationship *mad face*
64. Eating: Air
65. Drinking: Tea. 
66. Listening to: DBSK - Why Did I Fall In Love With You (I'm so in love with this song :DD)
67. Sitting/Laying: Chair.
68. Plans for today: Go meet my (guy)friend *I'm lifting my eyebrows evily like Mr. Bean haha*
69. Waiting for: Christmas! ...and boyfriend... haha kidding, but I can't wait Christmas!! ^^
70. Want kids: Two, boy and girl :3
71. Want to get married: Yes :D But in twenties. I'm still young to have a boyfriend, and not to mention marriage (which almost happened over skype with my bf's friend from Indonesia xD I said no. *serious*)
72. Career: Anything connected to teaching languages or talking other than mine. (Also, music, singer or rapper (SM take mee)) But I don't want to be famous.
WHICH ONE in a significant other:
73. Lips or Eyes: Eyes.
74. Shorter or taller: Taller.
75. Romantic or spontaneous: Romantic.
76. Hook-up or relationship: Relationship.
77. Looks or personality: Personality. 
78. Lost glasses/contacts: Don't wear ones.
79. Snuck out of the house: Yes xD (many times, but the first one that comes to me is the one when friend though there was a tornado at 2AM xD)
80. Held a gun/knife for self-defense: Yes.
81. Killed somebody: No.
82. Broken someone's heart: If in love: I didn't have a boyfriend or smth so no.; if in friendly, family: Idk. Maybe.
83. Cried when someone died: Not really? *mydramacharacters;_;* 
84. Yourself: Yes.
85. Miracles: Happened.
86. Love at first sight: No. Unless it's a first sight of that boy when you're in love with him xD Get it? Get it? No? //Slapped - Oh, okay, no...
87. Heaven: Yes.
88. Santa Claus: My coach and art teacher xD My coach did give me a present haha :D
89. on the first date?: NO. If the guy would try to approach me, I would punch him! No!
90. Kiss on the first date: No. Maybe cheek, forehead.
91. Is there one person you want to be with right now: Well................. :D
92. Do you know who your real friends are: Yes.
93. Do you believe in God: Yes.
94. Post as 99 truths?: ...
95. quote a famous person: If that's.. Nah I don't care;
            "Never say goodbye, because goodbye means leaving, and leaving means forgetting." - Peter Pan.
96. say something funny: Le me tryn 2 buy Gucci. "OH Lemee buy ma Guc//Gets slapped by Tao" - "Girl, you ain getting anything" *diva face*
Yeah, I can't be funny when asked to be.
97. laugh at yourself: What for? I always do that to make my friends laugh.
98. last message: I wanna G//slapped. *the only way to touch Tao xD* Next time I sing for an appearance, I'll shoot myself. OH---- I don't mean like ' shoot ' . I mean with camera. - okay, neither that way.. I dont' want to get hurt xD haha
99. a picture of you: No. *dead serious*
Joško Pedala. - okay this is stupid but I laughed xD Joško (Josko); Is made of '(Jos)Još tko/Još netko' which in Croatian means 'anybody else', but was put into one so Joško, which is a name xD and 'pedala' is a pedal ._. OMG hahahaha
Anybody else a pedal? It can't be funny in English or any other language, because it can't be litteraly correct.. It's too long to explain EVERY thing, so sorry if it's not funny. xD I wish all of you knew Croatian ._. So, in a word, it's and name and surname. (okay, that was not just a word.)
OMG I am so (annoyingly) talkative xD Probably 'cause I can't wait to see that (guy)friend of mine xD


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