TAGGED || by YoonYulSic50

1. Tell me who is your 'one and only' bias WRECKER and why.
。I find this hard ._. But I should go to MS. JESSICA JUNG SOOYEON since she's my 2nd bias. Also because she's just simply unique, GorJess, funny in her own way... Yeah, the list goes on :D
2. If there's one thing you hate, or don't like when your bias do that a bit of too much, what is that? (none is unacceptable =P)
。Yuri, she's being too adorable and y xD I don't know if she's aware of it, but I hate it and love it at the same time hahaha~
3. Give me a photo of your favorite picture of your bias.
 。 The reason I got into SNSD and Kpop :3
4. Favorite KPOP Dance?
。IGAB, Gee, Lucifer, RPPP <-- f(x), 
5. Your Top 5 KPOP songs? 
 。IGAB, AMLIFY, Stay Girls, Everyday Love, ALL!~ ._.v
6. Your favorite color? (violet is mine. Kidding.)
 。PINK. I hated pink before (and loved blue and red) but after I passed the line to being a GG fan, I just loved pink. 
P.s you know Kirby? The fluffy pink eating-anything-he-wants-to guy? That cute but dangerous creature made me love pink too *^*
7. If you will be given 24 hours to be a kpop idol, who will it be and why? 
。Yuri, of course :D if that happens, I'll make lots of moments with my favorite pairs... Namely, YulSic, YoonYul, YulTi and TaeRi <3
8. How old are you? (Be honest HAHAHAHA) 
 。I'm young~ OTL 14
9. Best feature (in yo face!)
。I dunno~ maybe the CHEEKS because my friend likes poking it, or my NOSE because they say it's prominent :3
10. What do you think of me? (um, hardest question so far? Hahaha)
。I think you're funny, fun to be with, smart, and mabait! :D You're also good in writing stories <3
11. I want to know your 'one and only' ULTIMATE Bias, name her/him and tell me why.
。KWON YURI. Why? First, I find her pretty. Then there's something more to her that made me like her. She's a crazy dork despite the y image she has wether she's performing onstage or photoshoots or whatever she's doing. I also think she's nice, caring (based on how she treats Hani xD) and loving (when she cries while talking about her members~ An example when she cried on Invincible Youth). That may not be enough reasons, it just came to me that she's my UB :D


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Thanks ^^ I appreciate your answers hahaha =))