What? Two blogs in one day? This is unheard of!!! (speaking of unheard of...have you heard of....)


They're not unnew to me, I've listened and heard their songs before. But just recently I was thinking about learning more about B1A4 because of AngelD and her wonderful story Forty is the new Thirty, which stars Sanduel and Baro. And I was like, I love B1A4, but I didn't really spend the time to get to know them becuase I really fell in love with Block B at the time.

So I was like, let's learn about them today, and then for some reason Boyfriend's Boyfriend popped into my head and I thought to myself "self, you should learn about boyfriend too because they're the ones with the twins". And so I did.

And yes! Boyfriend, I think, is the only Kpop band that has not just siblings but twins. Identical twins to be exact. I know other bands have siblings in the same group or in different groups, but I think Boyfriend is the only one that has twins in the same group. And they are so y!

Anyway, so on youtube (god bless that site) I was watching their realtity TV show Boyfriend W Academy and after skipping a few episodes to get to the good stuff, I found myself falling in love with them, but I'm not entirely comfortable with them. Same with B1A4, love them and i truly love Sanduel, he's so freaking gorgeous! 

And I seriously have a thing for deep rapper voices so Baro...so would do him. XP But yeah, deep voice rapping and I'm hooked (T.O.P., Baro, Bang YongGuk, P.O., Ravi (though he's not really a deep voiced rapper, I love listening to him non the less), Super Junior (only because their song Super Man which was filled with deep y singing). 

But yeah, I'm thinking of doing a Christmas fic (though it'll probably be out late *sighs*) but I wanted to incoporate my new founded loves. What do you guys think? Should I try some Boyfriend and B1A4? I should expand my horizons right?

Also update....We are Raven is at a standstill...need some help from anyone will to give me adivce on where to go with it!

Another update....Action!: Remix will be coming to a close soon. I want to try and end it within the next three or four chapters, maybe less. I think I've dragged it on long enough. So for all of you who are waiting, I'm currently in the middle of my winter break, so while working and celebrating the holidays I will also be trying to update all the stories. 

Wish my luck guys! Love you all!


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