Hey Guys!

Thanks so much for helping me with the ‘idol list’ situation comp. It seriously made me literally run around in circles like an idiot while I was at school XD

I’m  just here to tell you all that I will be taking requests for roleplaying again and also I want you guys to go to the idol list and find your names. Then just click on the link n see if it takes  u to your home page. If your name isn’t hyperlinked or doesn’t take you to your home profile; notify me straight away.

Anyways! Ty to those who hv co-operated making my life much easier *smiles*



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kidtaeng #1
@ Jeongmin: Late??? o.O
JeongMin18 #2
u're welcome. . ^^

sorry for late, > <
kidtaeng #3
@ Eunhyuk: *hugs* thxs oppa~! n yes it was really annoying *huffs*

@ Bom: Unnie~! I'm not a crazy hyper child~ *pouts*
*grins* My pleasure ^^
It must've been annoying to replace it all...*hugs* You're a great Admin! XD