I Write What I Want

I shall make this very plain; I am pissed. I take time out of my schedule to think of interesting stories to write and take a lot of time to write them. It irks me that people still have the audacity to comment on them that it's not the pairig they wanted. If I type EunHae as the god damn tag then there will be EunHae in the story. 

Do not sit there and complain to me that I put a little HaeHyuk in the story. It wasn't your choice; it was mine. 

I don't like making one person completely and utterly in dominant because in real life that is not how it's going to happen (well okay it might but seriously... The chance of not being a little teasing back is like, zero). 

Does it really matter if it is still Donghae and Hyukjae? No


That is my rant for today. Goodbye, and sorry for complaining (I just needed to get that off my chest).


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EunHaeLove42 #1
I here you on that one. I lost a few readers because of that EunHae/HaeHyuk crap. I had a couple of Uncles that were gay and their relationships consisted of top and bottom. Yess my uncles were very vocal about their life. lol