R.I.P. Eros (My lappie) June 2009 - December 20, 2013

It took 100 unfinished novels. 

And all the data for my writing groups, novels I am editing, have to edit etc. 

And pictures. Videos. Programs. Everything. 300GB of my life. Gone. 

And my HD has barely any decent stuff in it. 

So I need a new husband...err laptop. 

And I am thankful SOME of my newer novel ideas are here in AFF. In the future, I will just post all of them on my email, in a cloud, dropbox and God knows where else. Because I can't go through this again. I am so devastated I can't even cry. And it's our freaking Christmas party after this shift. And I have to sing a fracking Christmas song. 

How did this come to be? I took my brother's advice to clean my zoo of a lappie. Avast placed all the unknown exe files into the chest because I am the idiot who chose FIX it automatically. My lappie has Vista. *yes, I can hear you sighing from here*

Now I have to buy a new laptop. (Which was the plan but I didn't want to have to loose all that data just to get around to doing it I needed those files damn it - now I know what my friend who had her 500 GB hard disk corrupted felt) 

I can't even put it on my real blog. It's too horrible. 

RIP Eros. You treated me well. I will try to get a new laptop and I will treat it better. I promise. 

I want another Acer. Since my first one lasted for so long. I kind of trust it more. But I wonder if I should get a Samsung one. I can't afford a Sony or an Apple laptop (I don't really like apple products all that much) 

So yeah. If you have any suggestions. I am from the Philippines btw so yeah. Just so you don't recommend something I have to buy online. I want to be able to touch something and feel if it's the right one to buy. I will ask my brother to meet up with me on Sunday to check if we can buy one then. T_T I also need a clean Hard Disk. I am getting a 2TB. 

I will consult with my other offline friends about which new model to buy. Something I can afford. As a writer, my laptop is like an appendix. And I am too shell-shocked that I caused this to happen. Just because I wanted it not to have any more problems. My other HD is also a zoo. So I am not going to clean it. I will just place the data it has online and get it from there. T_T Which reminds me, I placed some stuff in my sister's pc. T_T God, we need to clean that pc too. T_T; 


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