Grades Aren't EVERYTHING!

If you follow me on Tumblr, you'll know that I recently bombed my philosophy course and finished with an F and 2.6 GPA. Luckily, I only needed a 2.5 to keep my scholarship, but ing , that is a really narrow gap, and I am still panicking over it. I'm the type of person who takes school very seriously and it honestly stresses me out so much. And as much as I want to just throw school around like a casual thing the way some of my classmates do, I just can't seem to do it. No matter how much I try to convince myself that my grades won't matter when I'm 50 years old, I still cannot help but stress and worry over it until it's 2 in the morning and I can't sleep.

I decided to make a blog post about it here because I like the fact that it's somewhat a little more private than Tumblr blogging. I just wanted to be able to get my thoughts out about this. And I know what you're probably thinking: poor smart girl, what could she possibly have to complain about regarding grades? Well, just as public service announcement, smart kids are equally, if not more, stressed out over school as kids who don't do well. It's because we're so conditioned to success that we become so anxious and afraid when we don't know the answer. It's why we are harsh on ourselves, and it's why we feel so cheated when something goes wrong. Bear with me, please. This is an issue that's close to me.

I got A’s and B’s in my other classes and the flop just brought my GPA to a 2.6 and I only need a 2.5 to keep my scholarship and the financial aid, but I’m still hyperventilating at the thought of having to tell my parents this. . UGGGHHH I mean, I know this is just a minor thing and I can always retake the class, but it all, and I’m sorry for all the cussing, but I just… 

School is so stressful for me. Like, even if I get good grades and stuff, I inevitably still freak out about it and I always try to tell myself that grades and school aren’t the most important things in life and people try to pound those ideas into me all the time, and I do know that life goes on and all this will eventually pass and 30 years from now, it won’t matter what I got in this class.

But I just can’t help but feel like total excrement when I mess up. Like, I can’t explain it. No matter what I do, I can’t get my mind off the fact that I completely screwed up, and I’ve been this way since middle school, and I really am trying to stop, but it’s hard. I try to ignore it, but I get to thinking that… ignoring it won’t make it go away, but when I try to face it head-on, I just start panicking and blaming myself. I’m so anxious. It’s really not fair how much of a person’s life depends on his or her grades. 

There’s so much pressure to do well in school and in college. And even if I have, for the most part, earned good grades, this whole system has just made me even more scared. I've thought a long time about what I want to do when I grow up, and I still am thinking about it. One option I'm weighing heavily is becoming a teacher. And I guess one reason that I want to be a teacher is because I want kids to know that grades really aren’t everything, and that they don’t have to be afraid of messing up… something that I wasn’t taught growing up. Even today there are kids who don’t go to the board and don’t raise their hands in class because they’re scared of messing up and getting the wrong answers. I wanna teach those kids that if they think they’re screwing up, they should come over to the real world and see how professionals do it. (i.e. the US government shutdown)

I mean, the whole grading system altogether. it all. Education is supposed to be about discovering new things and liberating yourself from ignorance and triumphing over and learning valuable lessons after struggling to understand, and it just totally blows that nowadays society has ruined it with this concept of grades, and if you don't get good grades, you basically get screwed over in life because employers won't want to hire you. I mean, how awful is it to live in a society that just won't forgive you for messing up even just once?

I used to be really arrogant about grades, too. In middle school and early high school, I used to flaunt my GPA to everyone, even people who didn't ask. Now I know that grades don't mean a thing in the real world. The only thing my stressing over having good grades has given me is fear. Education is supposed to be uplifting and liberating; yet the only real lesson school has taught me is to be afraid of myself, because I'm human and I have a terrible propensity to perpetually screw up. And while other kids have C's, D's, and F's, well they're at least braver. It's going to take me a very long time to stop being so scared of failure, and I know that I haven't offered much in the way of a solution to all this. But I know that there are some young kids on AFF who may benefit from what I struggled to learn:

Don't be like me. Don't be scared to be wrong. Go ahead and raise your hand, and go ahead and write on the board. Because grades aren't everything.


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So like I just found out about my Chem grade and I remembered this post from a while back and it was the first thing I looked at because i really needed to be reminded of this. It's amazing how one stupid grade can make you feel like you're the biggest idiot in the world when you know and have proven before that you are intelligent and capable. Anyway thanks for writing blog posts I always enjoy reading them and it's nice to be able to have someone who just puts it all out there in words for you. LOVE YOU BAE!
School gives me palpitations like crazy. I'm sure I have an anxiety disorder because of it. What I currently struggle with is enjoying what I'm studying. I have difficulty with memorizing lists upon lists of drug names, toxins, side effects, risk assessment rules and regulations, laws, etc. So cumbersome and tiring, and simply just not my thing. However, I can't give up now, sadly, because I graduate next year. I wish you well in your education and approach to life. You tackle it like the brave person you are. Have a lovely day.
I totally agree with you since i'm facing the exact dilemma right now. I mean i haven't flopped so much before but the pressure my parents are giving me is unbearable. They expect me to get good grades all the time and when I do get good grades its still not enough for them. TT.
this is a dilemma i couldn't get away from. although, i've been getting good grades, i want people to stop expecting from me. but at this point, what i am really afraid of is on how i would do after school. it would be just me looking out for myself.
anyways, the things that we really should learn about is out in the real world.
Thank you so much for making this post. ^^ I really needed it.
Honestly, I'm one of those people that doesn't participate in class because I'm scared that I will get the answer wrong. I'm scared that people will judge me and the teacher would be disappointed in me. I just finished my finals today, but during my whole break, I'll be wondering what my semester grades are. My parents expect all A's and so does everyone else because they're so conditioned to me getting all A's. It's as if nothing longer would be accepted. I recently got a D on one of my tests and my grade tanked like 6% in a class to a B. And I was literally just hating on myself and I just burst into tears. At times, I just want to give up and be one of those people that don't give a crap about school. But it's so hard for me to even consider that because no matter how much I try not to care, it has been so ingrained in me to get perfect grades that I can't ignore it. Sometimes I question if the perfection is really worth all of the pressure and grades. :/
Again, thanks for making this post! ♥ I can always try again in second semester. :)
I'm still in high school though, but when i get super stressed about my grades, i absent myself :/ it's hard keeping up the "honors" status ugh.
missbluz #7
Right, grades aren't everything and we should learn for the sake of knowledge. Eventually we will be graded, and the stress is not a joke. I went through the same thing, going through it at the moment actually. I got a C in one of my courses and my GPA is close to yours. I never got such grades before and honestly I doubted myself. I wanna try and raise it but all I heard was that firdt year is important and that GPAs only go down not up and I don't know anymore.The expectations upon me are such a heavy burden.
I didn't tell my parents. I don't know how to tell them. I know my mom, she'll say that all I need is try my best and things will work out but that disappointed look of hers will break me.
I was thinking that i should onky tell her when my major get changed. I feel ashamed right now, all I thought of was that I'm an idiot and that this failure will only lead to another and another when I should be thinking about fixing it.
Good luck with everything thing... for now, just enjoy your vacation^^;;
I totally get you. I'm this close to quitting with school cause it's so ridiculous.The amount of work pushed upon us is unbelievable and grades only make people disheartened instead of motivated. The constant flaunting of the people who are geniuses really gets on my nerves because all they're doing is putting down the people around them who try really hard as well. I'm the type of person who studies my off only to fail a test while someone else doesn't give half an effort and aces it. It really bothers me cause i don't know what i'm doing wrong. Grades are nothing but a meaningless title, but unfortunately we need it to go further in life. It's sad: the difference in grades twenty years ago and now. Before, all you needed was a C or maybe B average but now in order to get into college, you need high grades, a good SAT/ACT score, extracurricular activities, and leadership schools. It's outrageous and just makes people feel useless. Grades? Who cares? It only divides society up once again, causing discrimination and more problems in this messed up world. I totally feel you.
I totally agree :P But sometimes the stress of trying to be perfect, or at the least get the grade you want can be quite stressful. Sometimes even I can just jealous of my friends that would easily get perfect grades when sometimes, they don't even try. /oh no, I'm becoming stupid!/ lol, I'm just kidding, but yes, grades are extremely stressful :P /pulls out hair/

Sometimes I wonder why there can be a grading system in the first place. The fact that it can boast some ignorant people's egos, or just crush others. (Yes I'm talking to you ____) Seriously, there are some certain people who like to flaunt around asking others their grades and rubbing their high grades in other's faces. Extremely self-motivating right? (Moi sarcasm here)

I think this is definitely a wonderful and important life lesson for many to learn, to not be afraid make mistakes or get their hands dirty. Heck, if you even fall down, you can always pick yourself up and learn from it. And if you just don't make any mistakes, no one would learn from it. So if you ever mess up, just learn from your mistakes and move on.

Sometimes, I just wish that these stinkin digits don't have to rule our lives...
Vicky97 #10
This is the way to go pal. Just believe in what you want to do, you will succeed anyway.
I'm like this too. A few weeks ago, the school sent out our newly updated grades for each class and when I realized I had a B in history, I freaked out. Although, it might not seem like a big deal, in my family, it's either you have an A or you don't. Also, I had scored a D on my recent math test and cried a waterfall. I started downgrading myself and I was really scared of my parents reaction. I was so worried about everything.
u know what my dear i never gave a abt my grades, whether if its bad or good, i still accept it..
im not the brightest in my class and i prove myself at the end..
i graduated with the best design kidswear award from the uni this year..
so yeah u're rite grades arent everything as long as u believe in urself then u'll be at ur best..
