letter gdi

Hello, everyone. As you can see, this is my 10k for my @bananapng account. Other than Paperhearts, this is the only account I was able to reach more than 5,000 tweets. This account holds a lot of memories. Also being the account I used for Flapjack, there’s a lot of precious memories stored in this account; and one day if I leave the roleplaying world – which is not anytime soon, I will never deactivate this account. See how much I love this account?

                Honestly, I’ve surely made a lot of friends here. Laughs and tears, I’ve experienced it all in just one account. I’d like to thank everyone, past and present, who’ve made my roleplaying or freelancing experience a thrilling and fun one. I love every single one of you. And for those who I’ve separated with, do know that I miss you, and I hope we’ll be able to meet again, one day.

                So, here’s the fun part; specials! This is actually in no particular order, alright? : )

@takoeyaki / @dancergif

                My everlasting soulmate, my boyfriend, my bestfriend, my everything. We’ve been friends for almost seven months and I’m honestly grateful that I was able to meet someone as wonderful as you. I would never forget how our friendship started with the dumb #yuljinsweg and we ended up being lovebirds. Bahaha. Anyways, I’d like to thank you for everything. You’ve helped me a lot, tbh. From all the advices, jokes, dumb conversations, letters, etc. It never failed to make me smile. And your Diary – I appreciate it so much. I miss you, and I hope that you’re doing fine. I love you. ♡


                Well, what do I say? You’re my bestest bestfriend! I thank Highly Immortals for making us meet each other, tbh. I could never explain how much I’m grateful to have such a great friend like you. I’m sorry if I ever made you feel upset, sad, offended, etc. Being mean is my way to show my love to people, but I wonder if my ‘mean-ness’ ever made you upset. If it does, I’m sorry. Remember that I’ll forever be the Tae to your Ny, and you’ll forever be the Bella to my Diana. Thank you for everything and I hope our friendship lasts long. I love you.


                Actually, you’re one of my first friends when I started roleplaying on Twitter. Without realizing, we’ve been friends for almost seven or eight months. I love how you care so much about me, the way you were aware about my beings. I’m sorry if I ever did mistakes to you, okay? You don’t know how much I cried the day you left. I waited, for three months. I was freaking happy when you came back, and I don’t want you to leave me again – but if you want to, maybe it’s for your own good, I won’t hold you back. Remember that I love you and I will always do. It doesn’t matter if you’re Hyosung, Chanyeol, Sehun or Baekhyun, you’re still my beautiful Alyssa. Gdi I’m so cheesy. Bahaha. Anyways, I miss you a lot and I hope that you’re doing fine with your exams. Comeback soon, I love you!


                Wow I can’t help but to call you Yoseob. Ok Waisiang, we’ve known each other for so long but we were able to get close on Flapjack just because of someone being nice (yeah right) – but it’s alright. Hehe. You’re a good friend, and honestly, thank you so much for being a good friend of Jei, and not to mention, me. I love you a lot and I hope that your relationship with Akari is doing all good. Take care, darling.


                We haven’t talked a lot recently, but it’s alright. Remember those days at Niente? LMAO. I first thought that you were cold and unapproachable, but true, as the saying goes – don’t judge a book by it’s cover. You were one of the gayest guy I’ve ever met in this whole world, okno. But really though, you’re one of the people I consider as the special people who made me last longer in this roleplay world. I couldn’t deny that I miss you though, I hope you’re doing great, Jayden. I love you.


                Hi, omg. You’re forever my cutest little son. I’m sorry if I ever annoyed you, okay? I miss talking to you. And if you ever need someone for you to tell your stories, I’m always here, alright? Teehee. Take care, don’t forget that I love you.

@nararistic @ye0shins_

                Dear my beloved parents, I miss you two dearly. I could never, ever forget our awesome family circle. Appa, thank you for all the love you gave to me, and I promise that I’ll forever be your daughter. I appreciate all the things you have done to me, and honestly, you haven’t ever disappointed me, sobs. Omma, I- I hope you’re doing fine. Cries. I seriously miss you, idk. We don’t talk that much but you’re really special for me, ok. Lastly, I hope that you two are doing fine. #BTSPINK forever.


                SCREAMS THE PIGLET TO MY POOH BEAR. ;; How are you doing? I miss you a lot! We should really talk more, because I love talking to you. For me, you’re sweet, funny and caring – you’re just perfectly unperfect! I have never thought that with just your simple DM trying to not make me feel lonely have created such a wonderful friendship. I love you, okay!


                Oh my god, you don’t even know how much I miss you. How’s you and college? I hope you don’t overwork yourself, and get enough rest. I love talking to you, you really are a person who makes conversations interesting. Take care, and goodluck with everything. Mahal kita.




                Ugh, I swear you’re the cutest person I ever met. You know what ah, everytime I talk to you, you immediately make me happy, tbh. I’m sure that you have never annoyed me, and probably never will. I love you and I miss you.

@maeyo_ / @sunyoungarts

                My dearest Maise bb, you don’t even know how much I love you. It makes me happy how we managed to become friends again after we had like, a fight? Idek. But yeah, the past is just the past. I’m so happy to be a friend of a wonderful person like you, and I wish we could talk more once you’re free from school and your busy schedules. Take good care of yourself!


                Nicole, I know we haven’t talked much but well, you’ve also been a good friend to me. I don’t know why you decided to leave the roleplaying world, but I know it’s for something better right? You most probably won’t read this but I love you, and I hope you know that you’ll beautiful, inside and out.


                My dearest Dayana bb.  ;; Congratulations for getting such an amazing result for PMR, I’m really proud of you! Anyways, I really love talking to you and I hope we’ll talk more in the future. Afterall, we will forever be the beloved twins, right? Teehee. Good luck on life, okay! I love you.


                Sobs you’re forever my perfect Kristle. We met through Highly Immortals, and I couldn’t believe our friendship lasted long until today. We should really talk more, tbh! : )


                Okay, I know we don’t talk that much but I know you’re a wonderful person. For me, you’re so cute, and fun to talk with! If you ever felt so lonely and unloved, don’t forget that your friends, and also I, loves you with all our heart! Take care, honeyboo.


                We are both gay for Crayon Pop, LMFAO. Do you remember those days when we were extremely close at PS / PH? I’m so grateful to have a friend like you and I just want to tell you that I love you and I miss our conversations. Anyways, I wish you good luck on life, saranghae!


                We aren’t that close, but do you remember that time at Tre? LMFAO, I sang you a song and you became addicted to it. We became so cheesy at DM, omg. We should talk more!


                Favoriting king, yes. Well, what do I say? I was never annoyed of you spamming my mentions since day one. Maybe because I used to be a favoriting queen. /shrugs; I’ll never forget that one time when we blocked each other at Consenescere and people mistook it as a real drama. I laughed so hard, omg. Let’s talk more!

@xHunnie_ / @roohxn / @noxcoeur / @ss_yours / @smexyhxn and everyone from the Paperhearts kingdom? Idk.

I don’t even know why I put all of you in one, bahaha. Anyways, I really do miss talking to all of you and we should really make another PH re-union, sobs. I really miss those crazy times at PH and I will forever cherish the memories. Don’t hesitate to hit me a mention, I’d be more than happy to reply them! < 3


So I guess… that’s all? OMG. Anyways, if you weren’t listed, please don’t feel left out because I will still love you all. If I don’t, why would I bother following you; like what Waisiang said, bahaha. If we don’t talk much, don’t hesitate to mention me with maybe, just a simple ‘hi’? I’ll try my best to satisfy you, and hopefully will create another lovely friendship.

Bananapng out!


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scREAMS, MAISE LOVES YOU SO FREAKIN' MUCH OKAY. i'm sorry i've been so busy, ugh. but my break is starting soon, thank thE LORDS. so maybe i'll be able to come on more. until then, take care of yourself, bb. i miss you most! < 3 ;;
oh woops dat was me frosetto
talks to u 3????? ♡
ur logic em laffing so hard

(((( tweets the same thing to u ))))