100 more facts about me!

Stolen from.... WONACHAN!!

1. Real Name: Minki
2. Nicknames: Minki lmao, XiXi(pronounced SheShe), Katie and Katehhhh(By a certain friend lmao)
3. Zodiac Sign: Leo
4. Male or Female: Female
5. Elementary School: I went to 3 Coolege Elementary, Mid-Del Elementary, and Luther Elementary (and one I went to for a week then the teacher called me stupid..)
6. High School: Luther High
7. College: Not there yet haha
8. Hair color: Dark Brown almost Black
9. Tall or short: Short
10. IM or email: IM
11. Skirts or Shorts: I like both
12. Phone or Camera: Phone
13. Health Freak: Nope
14. Orange or Apple: Orange
15. Do you have a crush on someone: In real life school or daily…. No, but from Tumblr Yes and Celebritys yes, CHANYEOL <3
16. Eat or Drink: Drink, Apple Juice or Orange Juice lmao

 17. Piercings: yes, 2 one in each ear

8. Pepsi or coke: Coke

19. Been in an Airplane: No
20. Been in a relationship: No
21. Been in a car accident: Yes, 3 actually

22. Been in a fist fight: Yes about 4… 2 with my cousin, and the other 2 with girls at school but the principal was on my side so I didn’t get in trouble (Victim of bullying here!)

23. First piercing: 4 years old, and my aunt took me

24. Current best friends: I have about 3 but I have never met any of them…

25. First award: When I was in Kindergarten, for Prettiest Smile and for always smiling and being happy

26. First crush: When I was in 3rd grade but avoided him at all costs!

27. First word: Dad

28. Last person you talked to in person: My mom
30. Last person you texted: my friend
31. Last person you watched a movie with: My mom and sister (The Millers lmao)

33. Last movie you watched: Taken! My fave movie ever!!

34. Last song you listened to: Heart Attack- EXO
35. Last thing you bought: Headphones
36. Last person you hugged: My cousin Camryn ^^


37. Food: Noodles!
38. Drink: Apple Juice or Water

39. Bottoms: What?

40. Flower: Cherry Blossoms
41. Animal: Pandas!
42. Color: Purple, Black, White, and Pink
43. Movie: Taken <3

44. Subject: English

HAVE YOU EVER: (Put an X in the brackets if yes)
45. [] Gotten Baptized.
46. [x] Celebrated Halloween.
47. [x] Had your heart broken.
48. [x] went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone.
49. [x] had someone question your ual orientation 
51. [] got pregnant.
52. [] had an abortion.
53. [x] Did something you regret.
54. [x] Broke a promise.
55. [x] Hid a secret 
56. [x] Pretended to be happy.
57. [x] Met someone who changed your life.
58. [x] Pretended to be sick
59. [] Left the country.
60. [x] Tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it 
61. [x] Cried over the silliest thing.
62. [x] Ran a mile.
63. [] Went to the beach with your best friend.
64. [x] Got into an argument with your friends.
65. [x] Hated someone. 
66. [x] Stayed single for a whole year. (Try my whole life)

67. Eating: Nothing
68. Drinking: Nope
69. Listening To: Baby Don’t Cry- EXO

70. Sitting/Laying: Sitting
71. Plans for today: Study

72. Waiting for: Christmas

73. Want kids: 4, two boys and 2 girls

74. Want to get married: Yes!

75. Career: Lawyer or Singer!
76. Lips or Eyes: Eyes
77. Shorter or taller: Taller
78. Romantic or spontaneous: Romantic has to be romantic

81. Hook-up or relationship: relationship
82. Looks or personality: Both.. don’t mean to sound rude but yup I want somebody cute also!

83. Lost glasses/contacts: No… I try to keep up with my glasses

84. Snuck out of the house: Nope!

85. Held a gun/knife for self defense: No 
87. Broken someone's heart: Yes, I broke my friends heart because SHE was in love with me but I am only into boys….

89. Cried when someone died: Yes! My dad and my Grandma and anybody I care for but especially those two

90. Yourself: Not really…
91. Miracles: Yes

92. Love at first sight: Yes I do

93. Heaven: Yeah! Proud Christian over here!!

94. Santa Claus: Yes

95. on the first date?: Not for me but if you want to have fun!

96. Kiss on the first date: Depends

97. Is there one person you want to be with right now: Mhm Chanyeol! <33 Keke

98. Do you know who your real friends are: I think so..

99. Do you believe in God: YES!!!!!!!!!

100. Post as 100 truths?: Yup although some numbers were skipped by the person I stole this from..




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