UPDATE - 19/12/2013 - Daughter of the Sun, Son of the Moon | The Bangtan Tales

Dear anyone who reads this,

So I haven't put up new content in a LONG time and it . It's not that I don't have inspiration or don't have the energy, I just literally don't have the time. In between attending university, living on my own, family, new friends, old friends, a boyfriend (!!) and my sorority, things are just getting very busy for me lately. I am however slowly getting the hang of this whole studentlife phenomenon and I expect to have more time set apart for writing shortly. Still, it might be sporadic because my sorority is going to be taking up a lot of time in the next two months. 

So first up, The Bangtan Tales. I really want to continue this story, but I need more time to work out Taehyung and Ilse. I'm just not too sure where I want them to go. Then of course there's also the issue of the other members, but I do have conceptual drafts for them, Yoongi and Seokjin being the most likely to follow Taehyung's story. This has fallen to the 3rd spot on my fic-hierarchy list though.

Secondly, Daughter of the Sun, Son of the Moon. I am still working on the world. I feel like that should be more detailed before I can unravel more of the story, but I am really excited to continue Taekwoon's and the mystery Bulwich girl's tale. It's definitely going to be Tolkien/R.R. Martin-y fantasy though, so I don't expect it to be fit for a very large audience. Nonetheless, I feel it'll be a great story and I'll be working on it definitely. This story has taken the second spot on my fic-hierarchy list.

Thirdly and lastly, there's a mystery project. It's a large-scale epic epos I am co-authoring with my dearest (IRL) friends gaja_gaja and pominizz. The original (highly detailed) concept was gaja_gaja's, but now pominizz and I have joined to work it out and write the actual story with her. This is already at least two years in the making (hence the very detailed concept) and will probably take a while before anything actually gets published. But to be honest, I think it will be absolutely amazing. The amount of thought that's already been put in there and that we're adding every single day is fairly insane. It will be multi-paired, multi-grouped, multi-idoled with a buttload of fantasy elements and it's going to be, for the lack of a better word, EPIC.

Well then. With that, I hope to have informed anyone who was interested in my progress. I'm sorry for being such a cold front lately. The coming holidays will also provide me with more time, so I'll make sure to get some updates out there. Fic-updates, not these silly life-updates.

Lots of love and happy reading,



Oh, and a(n early) merry christmas and a happy new year! May all the luck and happiness be with you and your loved ones in 2014 and onwards!


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